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Soaking indigo rose seeds today.

New tomato seeds from Urban Harvest to plant today: Black Plum and Yellow Currant. Cost $5 for 2.

Going to put all the new tomato sprouts under the strong lights, and move the peppers to paper pots.

Organized the tomato plants and we have a dozen dead ones each of black oxheart and Tigrella, they must have been too small to transplant. Have dozens of good plants though.

Put Yellow Cayenne and Jalapeno to sprout, the Yellow Cayenne has one starting to sprout already.

Planted all the orange and red cayennes and they are showing leaves now.


Got 2 Basil plants and 1 Parsley plant yesterday. ($1 each)
Planted all the tomato seed (3 kinds).

To do:
Soak Morning Glory seeds.
Get dirt
Plant squash, tomatoes.

Plant Peppers.

Putting in egg shell, blood meal in hole. Maybe fish head and guts.

Will be splitting up Roma and Orange Cherry seedlings in a few days.

Got dirt today, 25-30 L bags each: Shrimp Compost, bone Meal Compost x2, lack Earth x2, Cow Manure, Sheep Manure, Triple Mix. Total 240 L of dirt, plus 1 cubic foot Peat Moss (aout 28L), so 270L total. Paid $15 plus tax = $17.90.
Took a cab for $5.

Need to buy superphosphate (pure phosphorus) and add to tomatoes.

Soaking Cubanelle Pepper seeds today. Planted nearly 2 dozen Yellow Cayenne sprouts, have at least that many more to plant.
Put tomatillos outside tomorrow.


Time to split up tomato seedling:Orange, and soon red pear. Need superphosphate or rock phosphate before planting tomatoes.

Planning to plant the rooted Thai basil in a long container soon, and also plant the Cilantro from the store. It has roots. Also got Coriander seed from ulk arn, going to see if it sprouts.

ought one meal for $5.90 after the coupon for $3 off. Now we can plant tomatoes. Should e as good as superphosphate.

Tomatillos are outside, as are most of the plants now.

Planted half the Thai Basil which has rooted now. Going to keep it indoors until it's warm enough for it. Used shrimp compost in the pot.
Bringing peppers in today which are too small, they need to be indoors until they get big enough.
Planted a dozen or so Yellow Cayenne and have lots more to plant.

Need to split 2 Orange off today, and split the last #6 which has 3 plants in it.


Planted Callas and other flower uls in their pots for the summer. Did 5 pots including one for the Chinese Eddoes.

Planted Strawerries in a hanging pot. Planted Green onions.
Used all of one ag of bone meal compost. Used sheep manure, shrimp compost and peat. Started a ag of triple mix.

Next to divide: Roma tomatoes, matt's wild cherry, red pear. All ready. BWPS too though it's a it small. Aurega is ready too ut only has 2 plants.
Also take more cuttings today from Grape Tigrella, 3 Sm Multi.

Our tomatillos have had flowers on them for a while now. Most of them also have spider mites. Giving selenium and using garlic on them. One seems to have improved.

New toms list:
1. Matt's Wild Cherry 2. Orange Cherry 3. Roma 4. Red Pear 5. Yellow Grape 6. Tigerella (medium sized) 7. Green Zebra 8. Big White Pink Stripe 9. Black Oxheart 10. Kumato

Planted the Sweet Basil a few days ago, have one outside and one inside the house. Separated some Red Pear and some MWC tomatoes yesterday. Planted 7 MWC tomatoes today. All the romas were planted in paper pots a few days ago. Planning to split the new Parsely plant today and put in its permanent container. To do: Split and plants Morning Glory, Cilantro seeds


Planning on planting squash tomorrow, 3 plants in the hole already dug, dressed with fertilizer and compost, manure.

Also will transplant Parsley.
Morning Glory

Small Spade Farm just planted tomatoes today, the plants are as big as ours.
We have at least 12 large pots, and 1 very large pot, and a sink which might be used as a container or a table.
Moved shade plants such as lettuce, radish, to shaded area recently. Radish is bolting now.

Habaneros- small blue pots (orange, peach/white)
Cayennes- small blue pots (orange, yellow)
Serranos- blue pots
Lunchbox- small to medium (orange x3, red x3, yellow x3)
Jalapeno- small to medium (as many as possible)
bell- small to medium
Poblano- medium pots, or 6 in large container (as many as possible)

Planted 3 Futsu today in the hole. The ground was softer after rain yesterday and dug the hole twice as big, to at least 1 foot wide, and spaced 3 plants 5-6 inches apart, a little bit of blood meal and more bone meal spread underneath. Filled with shrimp compost and black earth, and peat, and covered with triple mix, then a layer of leaf mulch from the garden bed, and put a ring of rocks around it.

Planning to plant Honeynut by the tree by the front fence.

Treated every plant outdoors with fermented selenium-garlic water. Hope to control aphids and spider mites.
Planted the 3 inch Parsley plant into the longest rectangular container we have.
We might have just enough pots for all the tomatoes and peppers.
Finished a bag of Triple Mix today. Now we have 2 Black Earth, 1 Bone Compost, 1 Cattle Manure all unopened, and Shrimp Compost, Sheep Manure, Peat Moss opened.

Today is a rainy day, the first of many. Will try to plant tomatoes during pause between rains.
To-do (short term) good for rainy days:
Knick and soak Morning Glory
Crush Cilantro seed and sow (optional:soak)

To-do long term:
Split tomato seedlings
plant vegetables

Priority veg to plant:
Tomatoes 9 plants (2x GT, 2x #3, 2, 4, 5, 6, Orange) Later: Black Plum, Yellow Currant, black oxheart, aurega

Honeynut is starting to make flowers. They are very small, not near opening. The plant has not been transplanted and may be stunted. It only has 2 true leaves yet is making many flowerbuds and tiny leaves are budding.

Yesterday: Went to garden centre at nations for basil and the centre was gone. Back to canadian tire, where purple basil is 2.69, which we got.
Also got a red maple tree. It is 4 inches tall with two leaves. Potted it already.
Got Yellow mini-bell peppers, and an orange mini bell pepper. Not sure if it is Lunchbox or not.
Getting tired of sprouting seeds and moving seedlings. It feels too late in the season for that, though it's probably more likely that's not true. Better planted in June than in July, even if it's late June, which it looks like we may be doing.
Still don't know where to plant the Honeynut. Original plan was by the old tomato stakes, next to the Futsu.
Now we're thinking of digging up the Goji plant by the fence and planting there. It doesn't sound easy, and we estimate it may take 3 days to do it. Digging can be very hard work and we only have a trowel.

Just found out that Honeynut are a vining squash, great for trellising.

Planning on making a mix for tomatoes in the largest pot: 1 bag black earth, half bag bone compost, half bag shrimp compost, 1 bag manure, roughly half the peat bag.

Then we can do this mix one more time and we're out of dirt.
That's 30L + 15L + 15L + 30L +~10L = 100 litres of soil mix.

Planted two tomato plants today: #2 Yellow Grape in the white pot. #5 Yellow grape in the orange pot.
Dug out two Goji plants by the fence. Divided all the #3 sm red multi tomato sprouts. The carrots in the hanging pot are beginning to form a flower. So is the onion in the garden, it may be a giant leek. Going to catch the seeds and plant.

Did some planting last night at 10 pm. In total, we planted yesterday: Yellow #2 and #5, Grape Tigrella, 3 Sm Red Multicolor, and Red, Orange, Yellow Lunchbox in a pot, and planted 2 pots of Callas, the purple one that flowered already and the yellow/purple one that was a gift.
Planning to plant 4-6 Poblanos in a large container, which we have 3 of.
It's supposed to rain today in the afternoon.

Got to make a new ad - finished separating Black Plum and Yellow Currant. Next to split are BWPS, and then we're basically done.

Planted tomatoes: #6 sm multi, Grape Tigrella in their new pots.

Planted the 3 or 4 Honeynut squash together, in a very deep pot. Filled halfway with soil, will add more later. Pinched the flowers off 2 of the plants.

Planted Yellow Cayenne in a white pot.

Planted Yellow Finger Potato in one of our compost pots.

Tomatoes left to plant: #3 sm multi, Orange, #4 Yellow (on windowsill), Black Oxheart, Black Plum, Yellow Currant, Red pear, MWC.

That's 9 more tomato plants. Still want to plant about a dozen Poblanos. The other peppers won't be a problem to plant.

Raccoons were digging in our new baby Lunchbox plants, knocked them around. Put them back in place and they're okay.

Dug out one more Goji plant.

In desperate need for mulch with all the new tomato plants.

Next to plant: onions, carrots in the side bed. Will free up 2 or 3 pots.

Put dead papyrus as mulch for most of the tomatoes, cardboard egg cartons for the rest.

Planted 3 more lunchbox, and covered the surface with heavy stones.

Planted Orange tomato in square orange planter.

Dug a new whole for the Futsus and planted 3 nice looking plants, all with 3 real leaves, one starting to get fourth leaf, and also has a cool variegated looking leaf.

Got green onion bulbs from Home Depot yesterday. They were 70 cents each, 80 bulbs in a package. Planted one pack today in the long rectangular container.

Orange Calla has open flower today. Purple one is still open.

Planted 4 tomatillos in a pot and put 3 long stakes. Have 2 more big tomatillos to plant.

Almost ready to plant the Honey Nut squash, 4 plants along the fence. Dug out another goji or two today. The major thick root was the Goji, not the tree. It was 2 inches thick.

Also looking forward to planting peppers tomorrow. We were thinking of buying some, they are $4 for a jalapeno or poblano at Rona.

Tomatoes left to plant: black plum, yellow currant, #3, #4 yellow, #6, black oxheart. Have 3 spots ready now. Thinking of planting MWC in a hole dug in the ground, and red pear too. Also have Aurega to plant.

Getting low on big pots and soil. Have a bit of compost, shrimp, peat, and half bag cow manure, and a whole bag of black earth.

Tomorrow planting in small blue pots: Serrano x2, Yellow Cayenne x1, Orange Cayenne x2, Habaneros.

Got a Strawberry Mint cutting and it's the best tasting mint in water.

Planted blue pots: habanero x2, Orange Cayenne x2, Serrano x2, Jalapeno x1, all with two plants except Jalapeno.

Next to plant: Yellow Cayenne, Poblano, Lunchbox pepper. Honeynut as well but may not have time to dig today.

Went to Canadian Tire, and the Candy Cane pepper is down from $20 to $12. No Poblanos in sight. We plan to buy 1 Poblano, 1 Jalapeno.

Got a Best Tom cutting, and 1 pepper from a cool plant.

Planted today: 5 Honeynut, Black Plum, Black Oxheart, Poblano.

Pollinated the Purple Calla with the Orange one.

To plant: Poblano, Lunchbox, Yellow Cayenne, Morning Glory, Cilantro
We have 3 tomato pots ready.
Need soil now.
Digging the rest of the tomatoes into the ground, or may put in small pots until we get bigger pots.
To plant in pots: #4 yellow, #3, #6. Tiny Tom in hanging pot when it's rooted.
In ground: Yellow Currant, Red Pear, MWC, Aurega

Plant Later (maybe): Strawberries, lettuce
Collect seed from Radish, Brassicas. Pods formed, not dry yet. Carrot flower starting now.
We have 1 plant leftover: #14 yellow-pink, green sausage. Also have BWPS, Green Zebra, Kumato, Tigrella, all leftover. Didn't plan on planting these, but may dig into ground in shaded area if we have room, hopefully means less need for watering. Was told Kumato didn't fruit.
It rained heavily yesterday. Plants looking good today. Watering schedule is every 3 days for tomatoes and peppers.

Soaking 10 Morning Glory seeds and some Coriander seed from bulk barn.


Jalapeno is growing third and fourth leaves.
None of the plants: squash, peppers, wilted after transplant.

Today planted Yellow Currant tomato in corner.
Fertilized lightly with Miracle Gro all the tomatoes, peppers, squash, and bulb flowers.

Tomatillo has open flowers on two plants.
Yellow Grape tomato has flowers not open yet.

Planted 2 pineapple tops and remnants of our banana.

Started transplanting lettuce into small black pots.
Planted green onion bulbs in some of the tomatoes and in the large leaf Basil.
Our currant plant in the side bed is producing green berries, we thought it was a raspberry plant. Planted 2 Poblanos, and Morning Glory 10 seeds, all sprouted. Next to plant: Poblano, Yellow Cayenne x2, Lunchbox Peppers. Coriander

Planted Coriander seed. Planted 5 peppers in a long pot: Lunchbox peppers, Yellow Cayenne x2. To buy: 1 or 2 bags of dirt, peat, mulch. To plant: separate Kiwi plants.

Went to Canadian Tire, they still had no Poblanos. Sale was $1.50 plants online, but didn't show in the store. Got a purple pepper.

Rona had Jalapeno and Poblano for $2 each, was $4. Forgot to look at Strawberry plants at Canadian Tire, and Rona only had 6 packs for 5 or 6 bucks. The peppers are a foot tall and some have flowers open, and budding flowers. Also got a Fall Gold Yellow Raspberry for $6.99. It was the last one, and it has 4 plants or shoots, and 4 berries starting to ripen. In total it was $14. Going back on a cooler day to pick up soil and compost.

Yarrow started flowering, it has pink flowers.
Friend under the deck ate half the Kohlrabi which was growing well, 2 nights ago.


Today planted more Thai Basil, and the Fall Gold Raspberry in our side bed. Got one cutting which we have inside the house. Planted Pothos and repotted Chocolate Mint. Got Strawberry Mint yesterday and it's potted. So far been having rain every few days, so little watering needed. Rained today a bit and more coming tonight.
Chinese Eddo's first leaf is out. It's a miniature elephant ear. Yellow Grape tomato has it's first flower open- first tomato of the season.
Soaking Cilantro seeds.

To do:
Plant Poblano
Separate Kiwiberry into small plastic pots
Plant Strawberry seed (from red strawberry)
Buy Strawberry plants from Canadian Tire
Get dirt
Plant more cute chilli peppers
Germinate seed from Purple Pepper
Soak Yams: Purple and White Purple
Plant tomatoes: #4 Yellow, #3 Multi, #6, Aurega, MWC
Plant Tomatillos
We have 3 unused medium size beige pots, 1 large cracked terracotta, 1 large split in half terracotta, 1 white plastic 5 gallon bucket. Plus 1 large, cracked orange pot.
Plan: tomatillos-beige pot, Poblano-terracotta.
That leaves 2 beige, 1 split terracotta, 1 bucket, 1 orange pot.
5 tomato varieties, 5 pots.
We have 6 Orange Cayenne peppers,and nearly a dozen Orange Lunchbox pepper plants.


Need black currant Rona.


Got mulch at Rona - brown cedar for 1.70. It was half off due to the large hole. Getting peat moss (reg $7) next and debating getting High Porosity Pro Mix Micorrizae - the really expensive stuff. Got two Canada Heirloom tomatoes from Metro - $4/lb. It cost 1.50 each. One we opened and looks like Zapotec, and saved seeds. The other looks a bit like Paul Robeson.



Peppers - They don’t need a lot of food, 1 teaspoon of 5-10-10 at planting time and an additional teaspoon just at bloom time. Peppers need more phosphorus and potassium to set fruit.
Plant lettuce or onion near peppers for short season?

Poblano peppers need full sunlight and rich, well-drained soil that has been amended with compost or well-rotted manure. Fertilize the plants about six weeks after planting using a water-soluble fertilizer. Water as needed to keep the soil moist but never soggy.

They do not require any exhaustive fertilizer regimen, just a healthy dose of organic fertilizer once they sprout and then a weak dose once they are transplanted into the soil. Avoid high nitrogen fertilizers if you want a productive plant.

Prune your pepper plant when it's about 4 weeks old, remove the top flowers (called the crown flowers) and select the two strongest top branches, pinching off the weak ones. This will make a Y shape, and double your harvest. You shouldn't need to prune much after that, but you need about 10 leaves per fruit on the plant to maintain enough photosynthesis, so you can pinch off any excess to try to promote reproductive growth.

The soil is pretty much 99% composted horse manure. countrylivinginacariboovalley

Squash - Look For A Nitrogen And Phosphorus. In The Beginning To Promote Vegetative And Root Growth. Then A Little More Towards Nitrogen To Promote Veg Growth. And Then When You Have A Pumpkin Growing More Potassium.
Sow Radish Seeds Around Your Squash
Enrich With Compost Or Well Rotted Manure Before Planting.
(Yokohama): Spray the mound in planting holes filled with compost prepared 2 weeks in advance. You can also sow directly in the garden (on warm ground) in full sun on hummocks amended with compost when the risk of freezing has passed.
Futsu: Plants grow 80-140cm (32-55") wide, so provide lots of space as well as fertile soil.

In a 4-ft. by 8-ft. bed, you can plant three hills of bush squash with two or three plants per hill. A planting this size might yield several dozen squash. Not bad from a plot the size of a sheet of plywood.
Semi-bush plants ultimately take up more space than bush plants, but they tend to yield more fruit, and their sprawling vines can often be tucked back close to the main plant. finegardening

Tomatillos Do Well With Regular Application Of A Fertilizer That Is High In Phosphorous And Potassium.
Before Planting, Amend The Soil With A 10-10-10 Fertilizer,
After Harvesting The First Fruits, Apply A Second Feeding Consisting Of 5-10-10 Fertilizer, Using 1/2 Cup For Each Plant. This Second Feeding Helps Tomatillos Continue Flowering And Producing Fruit.
Mulching Heavily With Straw Is Also A Great Organic Way To Control Potato Beetles Prevent Many Of The Diseases That Affect Tomatillos By Spacing Them Properly And Growing Them Up Stakes Or In Cages.
Water Frequently, And Use A Fertilizer High In Phosphorus And Potassium Once The Plants Begin To Flower.
Tomatillos Mature 60 To 80 Days After Transplanting.
Transplant Into Medium-Rich Garden Soil 24 Inches (60 Cm) Apart In Rows At Least 24 Inches Apart.
16 inch container for 3-4 tomatillos

Prune bottom leaves and branches asap.
Make sure the plants get air flow (this is to prevent fungus disease).
Don't get leaves wet when watering.
Water deeply every few days. Better than shallow water every day
Use At Least A 5-Gallon Container For Growing Cherry Tomatoes. Plus, Deeper Is Better Than Shallow. Tomato Plants Have Large Root Systems. You Can Accommodate Tomato Roots In A Container, But Help The
Plant Along By Giving It As Much Room As Possible To Grow. Look For Containers That Are 18” To 24” Deep
Spider mite problem: remove some leaves and spray with rosemary oil

Use half compost, half potting mix.
Do not use high nitrogen fertilizer.
Use epsom salt on peppers every 3 weeks.
Spacing makes no difference to peppers.

Germinate when temp is between 10-25C
Succession sow every 3 weeks
Adapted to all types soil
Don't fertilize or it will stunt the plant.
At planting, add blood and bone to regular soil. Don't feed again unless its sick or yellow.
If it dries out it will go to seed.
Harvest as much as possible to encourage bushiness - youtube
Spray plants every 2 weeks with dish soap solution to prevent pests.
Strawberries (Planted June 9)
shallow roots, need large surface area.
Use mulching
Strawberries need about 1 inch of water each week. The 2 most important times for Keeping them regularly watered are at planting and when the fruits are filling out multipurpose potting soil, spacing them 25-30cm (10-12in) apart
Your plants will also appreciate regular feeding with a high-potash liquid feed as soon as the first flowers appear – a brand sold for feeding tomato plants will work just fine for this purpose.
In the first year of growth, it may be preferable to encourage runners, and let them fill in the spaces between transplants with new offspring plants.
Grow strawberries in a well-drained, sandy loam that has been generously dug with organic matter such as finished compost or well-rotted manure. Dig ¼ cup complete organic fertilizer into the soil beneath each transplant.