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May 3
2. 99Bone Meal Compost12.5kg / 30 L
13.49Blood meal, 1.3 kg
10.29Bone Plus1.2 kg
8.99 Bone Meal for Lawn 1.2 kg
7.99 Blood Meal 1.3 kg
Home Depot
$5.98 Dolomitic Lime,2 kg
$10.47 Organic Bone Meal 1.36kg
$9.98 Organic Blood Meal 1.36kg
Canadian Tire
Now $7.93Bone Meal, 1.26-kg
Now $7.93Blood Meal, 1.36-kg
Now $6.93 Blood Meal, 1.3-kg
Now $6.23Blood and Bone Meal, 1-kg
$8.49 Dolomitic Limestone 15kg
$6.99 Dolomitic Limestone, 15kg
Now $2.88 Potting Soil Plus, 18L (~7L)
$6.49 Flower & Vegetable Mix with Mycorrhiza, 9-kg (~30L)
$7.99 Perlite, 8.8-L
$16.99Vegetable & Herb Mix, 85-L
$16.99 Potting Mix, 85-L
$6.49Potting with Mycorrhizae 8kg (25L)
$3.79Black Soil & Gypsum, 8.5-kg (~25L)

post: I put pea gravel on bottom ,then potting soil and water ,I have not had to fertilize mine and my cherry tom went crazy last year

I would skip the gravel as it serves no purpose and use half potting mix, half commercially packaged well composted sheep/cow manure.

I amend potting soil with peat or coconut coir to make it even lighter, then mix in some of those water retaining crystals to help keep the bigger plants like toms from drying out.

I’ve put dried leaves 1/3 of the 5 gallons bucket then peat moss and garden soil mix

I would tend to use straw under soil to help fill in the pot as opposed to gravel.

I don't recommend using garden soil in containers - it can get way too hard. Try to stick with potting soil if you can. I've got a bunch of info on how I gardened here at my apartment:

Post: I buy cheap top soil, add steer manure, and compost from my compost pile... Feed Epsom salt, fine grind egg shells, coffee grounds, etc.. Works really well for me.. My daughter waters from rain barrels and water used to boil potatoes, etc from kitchen. Her plants, berries, etc are gorgeous ..she too has a compost barrel.and she has chickens.. Uses their yard waste in soil

One time we used 10 yr manure in our raised beds and our tomato plate stood 7 ft tall and were loaded w/ fruit! Otherwise, we use regular potting soil mixed with a little peat moss. After planting I top a good 2 " of mushroom compost around the plants. They love it.

I make my own mix starting with the cheapest potting mix on the market

I use compost, sometimes mixed with sand.

Post:The soil is potting mix (miracle grow and organic plus).
I plant mine in pure good compost.

Add compost,table scraps potato,apple peels work great

Yes you can double up the peppers. They will be fine in the 7 gallon pots. I dig up my in ground peppers and put in buckets to put in garage for winter. Their root ball is not that large. You’ll have plenty of space. No doubling the fertilizer. Just use a pinch more is all. You’ll be fine!

I have read many people growing in the reusable grocery bags. Or you could grow one in half a bag of potting mix, just poke a few holes in it. Everything I have read said they need more than 6” for roots though.

I plant my peppers in 3 gallon pots. 2 in each. I have often wondered if I should cut it down to one, but soooo many peppers grow in them that I have lots to share. The very most important thing to remember is that they are heavy feeders. They need to be fertilized regularly. I personally fertilize mine once a week. Another thing. MOST important! Always start with quality potting soil!!!!

I do also. 90% of your budget should be on soil. I strongly recommend Azomite ( rock dust minerals) I buy on Amazon the 43 pound bag this year it will be more. I also use sea-90 ( ocean minerals) I have used for the past 5 years. It makes you veggies and fruits nutrient dense and healthier so pests don’t bother them ( pests job is to eat weak plants. ) always improve soil if you have pests. I also juice do I have lots of veggies pulp that the worms love snd give me great fertilizer their worm castings.

I use Miracle grow potting soil. it has fertilizer in it at purchase but nutrients leech out of container gardening pretty quickly and that is the reason for weekly feedings, especially for peppers.

I grow peppers in 2 gallon pots individually have done 2 in a five - you could reasonably do 4 in a 7 gallon

Post: when planting container gardens which soil is best. Potting soil or garden soil?

potting soil for me

As my garden soil is clay I use potting soil

For plants that are going to last and be in the pots for a long time i use bagged top soil from the garden centre. Has a light sandy texture to help with drainage.

I mix the potting soil with my compost. It seems to be doing well.

Potting soil. Never use soil from ground. It will be too compact from routine waterings in pots and can harbor insect problems.

I mix it half and half, that way it don't dry out as quick.

Potting soil. Garden soil is much too heavy and will pack down.

For veggies, Mel's Mix which is a ratio of 1:1:1 of peat moss to compost ti vermiculite if you like to DIY. Otherwise, a potting soil for planters.

I mix my own soil mix. I use organic garden soil mix, compost, perlite or vermiculite and a good organic fertilizer. Sometimes I use a lasagna type method, where I put some rocks on the bottom of the pot, then some leaves, then the mixture of soil that I created.

Compost - 30 L Bone Meal Compost 2. 99, 0.5-0.5-0.5, 12.5kg
Blood meal, 12-0-0, 1.3 kg 13.49, natural source of nitrogen and iron
Bone Plus - 4-7-0 - 1.2 kg 10.29 each, 4-7-0 bone meal
Bone Meal for Lawn - 04-10-00 - 1.2 kg 8.99
Blood Meal - 12-00-00 - 1.3 kg 7.99, natural source of nitrogen and iron.
Home Depot:
Green Earth 2 kg Dolomitic Lime, $5.98
Miracle-Gro Nature's Care 1.36kg Organic Bone Meal $10.47 slow-release phosphorus and calcium
Miracle-Gro Nature's Care 1.36kg Organic Blood Meal $9.98 high source of nitrogen
Canadian Tire
Scotts Nature's Care Bone Meal, 1.26-kg Now $7.93 High source of Phosphorous
Scott's Nature's Care Blood Meal, 1.36-kg Now $7.93 High source of Nitrogen IN-STORE CLEARANCE
CIL Blood Meal, 1.3-kg Now $6.93
CIL Blood and Bone Meal, 1-kg Now $6.23
CIL Granular Dolomitic Limestone $8.49 15kg
Pelletized Dolomitic Limestone, 15kg $6.99
Schultz Professional Potting Soil Plus, 18L Now $2.88
CIL Plus! Flower & Vegetable Mix with Mycorrhiza, 9-kg $6.49
Miracle-Gro Perlite, 8.8-L $7.99
Pro-Mix Organic Vegetable & Herb Mix, 85-L $16.99 Pro-Mix Organic Vegetable and Herb Mix for use in ground and container gardening. Sphagnum Peat and Composted cattle manure based. MycoActive™ grows bigger and healthier plants. OMRI® Listed approved for organic growing. Contains organic fertilizer and gypsum for amazing tomato growth.
Pro-Mix Potting Mix, 85-L $16.99 Pro-Mix Potting Mix is for use with a wide range of plants indoors and outdoors. Canadian sphagnum peat based. MycoActive™ grows bigger and healthier plants. Contains coconut fibre for water retention. Feeds for up to 9 months.
CIL Plus Potting with Mycorrhizae $6.49 8kg (25L) CIL Plus! Potting with Mycorrhizae enhances root development for rigorous plant growth, better blooms and reduced plant stress after transplanting. Mycorrhizae forms a network of filaments that associates with plant roots and draws nutrients and moisture from the soil that the root system would not be able to access otherwise. Ideal growing mix for indoor and outdoor post, seed starting and window boxes, and planters. Releases water and nutrients to plants when they need it most. Alliance stimulates plant growth and accelerates root development. Retains water so you can water plants less often. Contains patented moisture retention control agent.
CIL Plus Black Soil & Gypsum, 8.5-kg $3.79 CIL Plus! Black Soil and Gypsum contains a clay breaking formula that improves soil structure. Excellent source of calcium and sulfur. Improves soil drainage. Ecocert Certified Organic. Size: 8.5 kg (19 lbs).
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