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Harvested all the tomatoes from the main garden. Got cherry sized oxheart with nipple on bottom tomatoes from the broken orange pot. Got striped elongated cherry toms from the black round one. All toms picked were still green. Other long cherry toms with nipple at bottom picked but different shape, skinnier than the other plant. Picked about 7 big oxhearts off one plant, about the size of my fist. Picked maybe 3 or 4 pounds of toms. Grape Tigrella has the most mutation with toms growing 2 or 3 attached, and 2 are like 2 or 3 fused toms together.

Tonight is down to 2 degrees, tomorrow is 3 degrees, with -3 and frost predicted on thursday. We picked all our peppers already and brought a Jalapeno plant inside.







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pop art MBZ