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Black Goji Berry (Black Wolfberry)
Black Goji Berry (Black Wolfberry)

This spectacular super-food is native throughout Central Asia. The black goji berry is very rarely found in Western cuisine, but has long been celebrated in the Himalayan region as a potent medicinal and health food. The black goji is known to be more healthful and potent than the more widely known red goji, and we find the flavor sweeter. The tasty, inky-black berries are exceptionally high in antioxidants and are said to boost the immune system and improve circulation. Thanks to their ability to fight free radicals, they have been hailed as a food to promote healthy, graceful aging. The potent berries create an outstanding blue color when steeped or added to foods. These tasty berries are quickly becoming a popular super fruit added to smoothies and brewed into tea. The dried berries are great in granola and muffins or snacked on alone; you can also eat the berries fresh off the plant. Steep the berries into a beautiful blue tea; adding a few drops of lemon will turn the tea a lovely purple/pink color. Gardeners will be pleased to know this exciting berry is highly prolific and easy to grow! Plants thrive in zones 5-10. It grows as a shrub reaching 4-6 feet in height and the plants are self fertile. The fruit ripens from summer through early Fall.
What are the pros? There is no likes............
What are the cons? The germination was bad.
Review: I planted 5 of the seeds,only one came up. It grew slowly. After a few months I decided to check for a photo, I found out that what I was growing was nothing like the picture. Had to give it an overall rating of one because that the way it is set up.
What are the pros? Easy
What are the cons? None so far
Review: Planted 32 seeds on Christmas day in equal parts coco, pearlite, and compost. So far 85% germination with no bottom heat in the basement. All seedlings are growing strong with a few beginning to branch already. I will update as needed after transplanting in the spring.
What are the pros? Easy!
What are the cons? None
Review: Great germination. Tolerated very hot summer in pots. Plants are 1 ft tall already and had some berries this year. They were slightly sweet too. Not as astringent as the red going.
What are the pros? Good germination.
What are the cons? None.
Review: Excellent germination! Every single seed sprouted, and quickly. I'm always nervous about ordering "exotic" seeds because some can be tricky to germinate, but these popped up in no time. I can't say how these taste, but I'll update as they mature. rareseeds
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