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Deep Purple
Deep Purple

The very straight, tapered roots of Deep Purple carrot grow 17-20cm (7-8”) long. These carrots are named for the fact that the purple characteristic runs right to the core, and they keep their colour when lightly cooked. The tops are strong for easy harvests, and the storage potential is great. This is a fine fall harvest carrot that is good for juicing and it looks amazing in salads. The sweet, smooth-skinned roots were a staff favourite from our field trials. This is a high yielding, very uniform variety for the market grower or home gardener. Matures in 75 days. (Hybrid seeds).
Quick Facts: Solid purple interior. Strong tops. Matures in 75 days. Hybrid seeds.
Customer Reviews
Give them time... Patricia Birch on Jan 12, 2019
These carrots are spectacular looking, retaining the purple when cooked, as promised. Their flavour was ho-hum in the early autumn but I left them in the ground until December (in Vancouver) and they were sweet, tastey and crunchy at Christmas. A warning: the cutting board, knife, and my hands were died purple... Stain hard to remove from hands! on Nov 24, 2018
These carrots look spectacular in a Goth sort of way, but the ones I grew have very disappointing flavour. Use them for looks, and be sure to combine them with something flavourful. westcoastseeds

Deep Purple Carrot
$4.95 Solid purple colour. Long roots that can reach up to 10-12 inches. Strong tops with great uniformity. This hybrid carrot is great raw and looks excellent in a salad. Maturity 65-70 days. Approx. 500 seeds/pkg.
Light Requirement Sun, Partial. Planting Method Direct Seed. Seed Type Hybrid. veseys
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