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Raspberry Glen Coe
Raspberry Glen Coe

Novelty variety
A vigorous variety with one plant forming a multi-stemmed clump. Cropping mid-season with healthy yields of richly coloured berries and a distinct, full flavoured taste. Glen Coe is great for eating fresh, or use in jams, pies and shakes. An excellent garden variety with good resistance to Verticillium Wilt.

Supplied as well-developed plants in 2 litre pots.

Our specially selected canes are propagated from certified stock and grown on in well drained, sandy soil. These favourable growing conditions ensure raspberry canes which have a well developed root system and are ready to start producing a large number of new fruiting canes in the first full season after planting.

Last autumn we took the decision to offer all of our potted fruit in 2 litre pots instead of 9cm pots. In many instances, the price remained the same but you get a larger plant that’ll establish sooner and as a consequence, fruit earlier and longer too. The plants are, on average, a year older than 9cm potted varieties and due to the larger pot, the roots have more room to grow and develop which in turn allows them to absorb more nutrition, resulting in stronger and healthier plants.

Plant Class: Deciduous.
Habit: Bushy.
Raspberry Glen Coe Plant
1 x 2 litre potted plant
Price: £15.95 (2019)

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