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Dwarf Firebird Sweet Tomato
Dwarf Firebird Sweet Tomato

75 days, dwarf — 'Dwarf Firebird Sweet' is a rugose, regular leaf dwarf-type plant that produces high yields of medium-sized, oblate-shaped, fruits that ripen to a crimson pink color with gold stripes. It is a beautiful tomato with a sweet, rich, well-balanced flavor.

This "Dwarf Tomato Project" variety originated from a cross between an early generation of 'Dwarf Wild Fred' and Wild Boar Farm's 'Beauty King' by Vince Lavallo in 2011, and named "Beauty." 'Dwarf Firebird Sweet' was selected and named in 2013 by Craig LeHoullier. Involved in its development were Vince, Craig LeHoullier, Lurley Hernandez, Lindsey Ratterree, Dan Follett, Carolyn Keiper, and Nancy Ruhl. The seed for the introductory release was grown by Bill Minkey.

Introduced for the 2017 gardening season. Each packet contains approximately 20 seeds.

This is my first year growing this, and I'm so glad that I did. Melts in your mouth with a rich, sweet and mildly tangy taste. Very little cracking or other deformities for me, grown in an Earth Box. It is also bothered very little by Septoria. This is one of the best tomatoes ever! I would point out that my stripes are not gold, but green/bronze, and they do stay that way. But that detracts nothing from this fine tomato.
Reviewed by: Larry White from Indiana . on 8/6/2017 victoryseeds
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