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Dark Tiger
Dark Tiger

Dark Tiger is one of the most handsome of the blue tomatoes. Indeterminate, regular leaf, medium-sized plants produce medium-sized fruits that are shaped like a fat torpedo with true, tangy tomato flavors like others of its family. Pronounced gold on red striping underneath the deep indigo shoulders. You should pick these just when the top begins to lose its sheen and turn midnight black and the bottom is dark red. A favorite as a market tomato. VarietiesOpen PollinatedFruit ColorsAnthocyanin / Brown / Red / StripedFlesh ColorsRedFruit ShapesPlum/Pear/PiriformFruit SizesMedium / SaladetteCulinary UsesSaladMaturitiesMid-seasonPlant TypesIndeterminateLeavesRegularFlavorsTart worldtomatosociety
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