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Indigo Apple Tomato
Indigo Apple Tomato

75 days. Immature fruit show deep purple, almost black coloration, which is caused by high anthocyanin (an antioxidant). The medium-sized fruit turns red when ripe, with purple shoulders and streaks. They have a good, sweet tomato flavor. The pendant clusters present a striking appearance in the garden! Resists sunscald and cracking, lasting long into cool autumn weather when others have quit. Shows disease tolerance and great shelf-life. A classic is born! This tomato ranked #1 for the largest amounts of Lycopene and Vitamin C, according to a recent study we conducted.-rareseeds

70-75 Days A cross between Indigo Rose and a red cherry tomato. The unripe green fruit, 2 to 4 ounces, will show lots of purple, which is brought on by sunlight, but will eventually turn almost a true black. Excellent sweet tomato flavor. Indeterminate -totallytomato

Indigo Apple is an extraordinary tomato. An eye catcher, to say the least. Related to the now famed OSU Blue Fruit tomato. Indeterminate plants produce beautiful pendant clusters of 3-4 oz., tomatoes deep purple to black colors (caused by high levels of anthocyanin…a naturally occurring anti-oxidant found in blueberries.) The gradual color changes appearing in the fruit as it ripens is interesting: fruit begins green with purple/black colors starting at the crown and spreading around fruit alongside mahogany and red colors. Tomatoes are fully ripe when soft to the touch. Because of its appearance, good sweet/tart flavors and long shelf life, Indigo Apple has proven to be a good market tomato. A good slicer since it is not too juicy. Resists sun-scald. Disease tolerant.

VarietiesOpen PollinatedFruit ColorsAnthocyanin / RedFlesh ColorsRedFruit ShapesOblateFruit SizesMedium / SaladetteFruit Weights3-4 ozCulinary UsesSalad / SlicerMaturitiesMid-seasonPlant TypesIndeterminate / MultifloraLeavesRegularFlavorsTart worldtomatosociety

1-2 oz

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