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Napa Chardonnay Blush Tomato
Napa Chardonnay Blush Tomato

65-70 days. Yellow mutation from Napa Rosé Blush, Brad says this one has “a super-amazing flavor,” with many who tasted it for the first time proclaiming it the very best cherry type they had ever tasted. Also, this variety is very easy to grow, and does especially well in containers.
Very productive yellow cherry with an pearlescentness to them.Great looking with a very good flavor that is sweet rich. Everyone who trialed it was pleased.Another variety that has exceptional hang on the vine quality and can be harvested by cutting the entires cluster off, making for a very pretty and unique look. Early and does will in cool and hot conditions for me. 100-150 Seeds Per Packet. 100-150 Seeds Per Packet. wildboarfarms


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