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Black Pepper
Black Pepper

Cuban origin? This extremely rare and unusual tomato really does look like a pepper. The plant is small, indeterminate, with wispy foliage and sets a number of brown fruit with distinctive shapes and tiny seed cavities. They are fine in salads and makes a great sauce as well. Save some room for Black Pepper tomato if you would like to try something completely different. Similar to Sosulka Chernaya or Black Icicle tomato. VarietiesOpen PollinatedFruit ColorsBrownFlesh ColorsBlackFruit ShapesElongated / Plum/Pear/PiriformFruit SizesMediumCulinary UsesPaste / Sauce / CannerMaturitiesMid-seasonPlant TypesIndeterminateLeavesRegularFlavorsWell-balanced worldtomatosociety
xs sm lg
xs lg
xs lg