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Wild Tiger
Wild Tiger

Seeds from Lee Goodwin of J&L Gardens Seeds. Indeterminate, regular leaf plant produces HUGE amounts of 2-3 oz., very attractive, fat, torpedo-shaped, mahogany colored with green-striping tomatoes that have a blunt point on the end. Deliciously, slightly tart flavors. tomatofest

Wild Tiger is a swirl of red, gold, and green overlaid with darker streaks. The fruit is oblong, 2 1/2 inches in length, juicy, with a wonderful fresh flavor. Production is excellent on sprawling vines and the thicker skin means they hold well and don’t split. VarietiesOpen PollinatedFruit ColorsBrown / Purple / Red / StripedFlesh ColorsPurple / Red / StripedFruit ShapesGrapeFruit SizesSmallCulinary UsesPaste / Sauce / Canner / SaladMaturitiesMid-seasonPlant TypesIndeterminateLeavesRegularFlavorsWell-balanced worldtomatosociety


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