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Consolida ajacis kon-SOL-ih-dah ah-JAY-sis Audio Feathery, almost fern-like leaves are mid- to dark green. In summer, larkspur bears delphinium-like open to densely packed spikes to 24 inches tall of pink, white, or violet-blue double flowers. Noteworthy Characteristics This cold-tolerant true annual can be seeded in the fall where marginally hardy, with protection. Seeds are poisonous. Flowers may be dried for arrangements. Care Grow in fertile, well-drained soil. Water freely in dry spells. May need support. Deadheading prolongs flowering. Propagation Sow in situ in early spring to early summer, or in autumn. Problems Slugs, snails, powdery mildew, and crown rot. Genus : Consolida Plant Height : 1 to 3 feet Plant Width : 6 to 12 inches Plant Type : Annuals Bloom Time : Early Summer, Late Summer, Summer Light : Full Sun Moisture : Medium Moisture Maintenance : Moderate Flower Color : Pink, White Characteristics : Self Seeds Plant Seasonal Interest : summer link
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