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Thinking of starting to sell plants, arranging pick up times and leaving them on the porch.

Sunflowers at Canadian tire by Mckenzie seed: Red Sun. Also Valentine and Black Peredovik which is bird seed. Mckenzie also has black mammoth. Sunflower Large Seeded Tall

Kumatos didn't do well in transplanting, neither did Green sausage. Thinking of taking some cuttings and rooting from those two. Also planted Lucid Gem seeds yesterday. Saw two probable carrot sprouts yesterday.

Hung up the lights today! They look great. They light up the top shelf in the bathroom.
Going to plant the last thai basil seeds, put plant sou tin July. Also reminder to buy strawberry plants in late May.

Probably going to plant strawberry seed anyway, which will make fruits in 2 years.
Carrots have germinated, about 20 sprouts are up, looks like half the pot. Put the pot outside today at around 7pm, brought in at 8pm. it was up to 14 C outside and felt very warm and sunny.
Planted Thai Basil seeds, about 5.



watering veg depths

Reminder: Start more lettuce seeds!
watering veg depths.

Shishito sprouted! 1 seed has sprouted. Getting ready to plant. It's been almost exactly 11 days since put to sprout.

There's about 20 carrot sprouts.

raised beds Today:
-Fill container with soil -done.
-get basil seeds from outside -done.

-water & fertilize plants -done.

harvested many seeds from basil in orange pot - sweet basil. thai basil is in a grey/brown pot. purple basil in a green small square pot and hanging pot which i think we dumped out to put bromeliads in.

Pot by tree with big long stems looks like gooseberry because of leaf shape. Other, bushier plant in nearby pot looks like currant leaf. Buds are coming out on them now, leaf buds. This is their 3rd year, they should make berries.

Four Shishitos have sprouted! Planting them tonight. Planted all the oxalis. the purple oxalis is up and beautiful. We have 35 basil seeds separated from the flower, going to sprout some on a napkin. Planted some lettuce seed and the last of the oxalis.

To-do: Sprout Basil,
Plant red carrots
take cuttings of Kumato, green sausage
Research how to take cuttings of currant, gooseberry, raspberry

Put basil to sprout last night over the stove. Next, plant carrot tops, take cuttings.

I'm at St Clair - Keele and have plants for $1. Contactless pick up available. varieties: Black icicle | Black oxheart | Black plum | Black vernissage | Costuluto | German pink | Golden queen | Grape tigrella | Green sausage | Green zebra | Green zebra cherry | Kumato | Indigo rose | Lucid gem | Pink peach | Pink tiger | Purple cherokee | Robeson | Striped german | Sweet tooth | Tigrella | Tom thumb | Yellow grape | Yellow pear | Zapotec


One shishito has opened its leaves today. We are also collecting yellow dragon fruit seeds and mangosteen seeds. Planted the 2 shishitos. Cut the dragonfruit stem and planted it. next: mini blood oranges-done, dragonfruit seeds. Preparing labels to transplant more tomatoes tomorrow.



3 shishitos in total have leaves out as of yesterday. 4th one looks like its coming up. Putting up plant ads today, for pickup in May. Left carrots outside last night. going to leave them out from now on.

Orders are coming in fast. Thinking of cloning some peppers: yellow cayenne, habanero (cuttings from big plant). Must clone kumatos very soon. Took two cuttings of Habanero.

9 choc shepard (3 empty)
4 yellow jalapeno, 2 pink tiger (6 empty)

6 jalapeno, 4 hab, 1 choc shepard, 1 shishito (0)
8 yel jap, 1 thai basil (3 empty)
4 bol rainbow, 7 habanada (1 empty)
5 yel cayenne, 5 shishito, 1 red lunchbox, 1 mini blood orange (0)
9 yel lunchbox, 1 choc shepard (2 empty)
10 poblano, 1 mini blood orange (1 empty)
11 jalapeno (1 empty)

Need more red lunchbox(3), yellow cayenne (2), tomatillo (6), habanero cutting (2), bol rainbow (2), poblano (1).
17 empty spots. need 16.
We have: 17 jalapeno, 12 yellow jalapeno, 11 choc shepard
4 habanero, 7 habanada

Saving for us: 1 Choc shepard, yellow cayenne? 6 shishito,1 habanada
already saved: bol rainbow, 2 poblano, 2 chinese 5 color, yellow jalapeno.


Today finish pepper count, plant more tomatillo. Propagate yellow cayenne?
Planted 4 tomatillo: 4/5 yellow jalapeno, 2 pink tiger.
2 red lunchbox: 9 yel lunchbox, 1 choc shepard
Took poblano cutting, put to root in jar with Lucid Gem, which is starting to grow roots now.
Still need to take cuttings of Kumato asap.
replanting day: 8 toms. Ground cherries. Carrots. for us: 1 choc shepard, 1 habanada, 1 yellow cayenne, 2 ground cherry, 2 tomatillo (same containers) so 5 containers. thinking of also using 4 unused clover pots for toms. Bottom shelf room for 7 trays. Toms need 2, plus 2 or 3 more for all toms. so 5 trays. need one tray for ground cherry. thats 6 trays.

Took 3 cuttings of kumato, and 2 of green zebra.


All the carrots died. Going to re-sow, leave pot outdoors with a cover on tomorrow. Potted 16 tomato varieties today. Have 2 left, and ground cherries to pot.
Going to take cutting of cherokee purple.
Plant carrots tomorrow.


reminder: 15 squash plants to start to be ready by mid-may.

japanese maple care

japanese maple care

Planted 7 carrot tops today, all red but small. Have 3 large very red carrots soaking, one is budding leaves. Watered and organized all the plants today, took me an hour. Shishito is starting to send out first true leaves. Took cuttings of green zebra and purple cherokee. next need more cuttings of kumato and yellow pear/grape? Have to look at bottom shelf plants everyday.

Next: Plant more tomatillo-done, carrots. Take b. rainbow cutting when big enough.

order count, poinsettia care

Plant orders: we have 6 tomatillos, i have planted 4. Total 10 by May. 6 are spoken for.
Ground cherry: 4 orders = 8 plants spoken for.
we have 1 red lunchbox, may need more, planted 2 more already.
We hae 5 yellow cayenne. Orders for 3.
new order just just, 1 of everything, 2 tomatillo, 2x ground cherry.
# orders 1 of everything: 3.

Thinking of planting up tomatillo, ground cherry to big pots to grow big and get cuttings from.

Planted carrot tops last night.

Today: Plant more tomatillo
Start using paper pots again for toms. poinsetta care
Put to sprout last 5 yellow cayenne seeds, cuttings of b rainbow. put to sprout red lunchbox, chinese 5 colour, serrano- 8 seeds.

All out of habanero, green zebra, green zebra cherry. Need more. Also need more tom thumb. consider planting new seed in pots. Put habanero to sprout today. Planted 2 toma verde seeds.


Plant more purple cherokee and green zebra asap. Take cuttings. Also cuttings of kumato. A plant has sprouted up, think it's tomatillo. we have 2 small pots, 6 smaller handmade pots, 2 cell packs. We got cubanelle peppers. Hopefully they can replace Anaheim. We are going to grow shishito and serrano this year, as well as our poblanos, yellow jalapeno and more.


dollarama drip hose irrigation

Today I marked habanero and yellow cayenne as sold out. Marked B Rainbow as sold out.Planted 3 tomatillo last night with yellow jalapeno..
remember to plant a cell pack of purple cherokee and green zebra. maybe in paper pot.

Black Icicle 7 +1 XX
Black Oxheart 23+2
Black Plum 19 +2
Black Vernissage 33+2
Costuluto 14 X
German Pink 28
Golden Queen 20
Grape Tigrella 23
Green Sausage 6 +1 XX
Green Zebra 3 +1 XXX
Green Zebra Cherry 17
Kumato +2
Indigo Rose 14 X
Lucid Gem 8+3 XXX
Pink Peach 31
Pink Tiger 22+2
Purple Cherokee 2+2 XXX
Robeson 14+1 X
Striped German 11 +1 X
Sweet Tooth 16+1
Tigrella 19+2
Tom Thumb 10+1 XX
Yellow Grape 7+2 XX
Yellow Pear 23 +2
Zapotec 26
60 =424 plants
g.c. 18
Need more of 11 plant varieties. 21 X means 21 times 5. Thats approx 125 plants. Would like them individually.


We have 2 sm pot, 2 med pot, 2 med pot, 1 sq med pot=7 pots. grow toms in them, mass planting. Chinese 5 color sprouted, 4 of them. 2 left unsprouted.
7 Pots:
Definitely want to plant: All cherokee purple, all green zebra, all lucid gem.

planted some mass planting and individual plants today: indigo rose, lucid gem, purple cherokee, tom thumb, yellow grape, green zebra, striped german. Planted all their seed. Have 6 green sausage seeds left.

tomorrow: plant more ground cherry, more tomatoes, more tomatillo(maybe).
Prepare squash order closer to May 1.


Plant more lunchbox. mark as sold out. 1 purple cherokee and 1 green zebra cutting has roots.
Going to sprout more pepper seeds: choc shepherd, habanada, lunchbox. Cubanelle?
Serrano has 2 sprouts today.
Prepare mass planting of the rest of tomatoes, plus 1 for tomatillo, 1 for ground cherry. Then all the bases will be covered.
put all yellow jalapeno to sprout, and all the toms in mass planting. All the peppers are soaking. Including choc shepherd and cubanelle. Thinking of getting habanero since ours was not dried properly.
Planted 4 chinese 5 color, one is left sprouted.

Still hoping to get Anaheim. We're going to grow: Poblanos, Yellow Jalapeno, Jalapeno, Serrano, Cubanelle, Chocolate Shepherd.

Some novelty plants like Yellow Cayenne, Bolivian Rainbow, Chinese 5 Colour, Habanada, Habanero. might keep these indoors.

Lots of Tomatillos and Ground Cherries.

Also Tom Thumb, maybe Rainbow Carrots.

Lots of Basil: Thai, Sweet and Purple.

Drip Irrigation

5 Drip Irrigation Mistakes to Avoid
Watering Duration

By May 1st, the toms planted on the 19th should be just getting their first leaves.

Counted 25 pots used last year on the lawn area. This year we have 6 shishito


1 yellow jalapeno
7 serrano
2 chinese 5
1 yel cayenne

today sprouted:
3 yellow jalapeno
7 choc shep
2 yellow cayenne

7 serrano
2 chinese 5

Concentrating on making boxes. Going to make cutting of pepper plants today.

Put to sprout: thai chilli, habanero, yellow lunchbox.
Tomorrow: Spout bell pepper.
Making a lot of boxes.
Took cuttings of B rainbow.
Most of the shishito peppers have 4 large leaves.


Today: prepare pots with dirt for squash and peppers.
Start bell pepper seed!
Put up shelf!!!

Pick ups: May 1: 2. May 2: 1
Change ad to say peppers: backordered ready may 15.
Getting squash pots ready: k 15, c 2, j 4.

2 yel cay
15 choc shep
7 yel jal
2 serr
14 habanada
5 red lunchbox
8 mix lunchbox


Today prepared F order and D orders.
prepare more squash seedlings too. Bell pepper has 7 or 8 sprouts! Tomorrow: put up shelf, plant more peppers! kumato 1 2 1 1 1? = 6
black icicle 2 1 1 1? 2 1 = 8
Black Oxheart 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 = 13
Black Plum 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 8
Black Vernissage 1 1 1 1 1 2 = 7
Costuluto 2 2 1 1 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 2 2 5 =34
German Pink 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 2 1 5 1 = 22
Golden Queen 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 = 13
Grape Tigrella 1 1 1 1 1 = 5
Green Sausage 1 1 1 1 3 3 = 10
Green Zebra 1 1 1 3 1 2 4 1 = 14
Green Zebra Cherry 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 = 14
Indigo Rose 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 = 22
Lucid Gem 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 = 18
Pink Peach 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 6
Pink Tiger 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 5 = 17
Purple Cherokee 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 1 1 = 15
Robeson 1 1 1 1 8 1 = 13
Striped German 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 = 9
Sweet Tooth 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 = 9
Tigrella 1 1 1 1 2 1 = 7
Tom Thumb 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 3 2 2 3 1 = 28
Yellow Grape 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 = 18
Yellow Pear 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 = 18
Zapotec 2 2 1 1 5 1 4 1 2 2 1 1 = 23
Bolivian Rainbow 1 1 2 =4
Chocolate Shepherd 1 1 1 6 8 1 3 2 =23
Habanada 1 1 =2
Habanero 1 1 1 1 1 4 = 9
Jalapeno 1 1 1 2 1 10 2 3 2 3 5 2 = 32
Lunchbox 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 4 5 3 1 = 28
Poblano 1 1 1 1 2 3 5 = 14
Sweet Bell 5 20 =25
Yellow Cayenne 1 1 1 4 =7
Yellow Jalapeno 1 1 2 2 =6
gc 2 1 2 2 4 4 = 15
tomatillo 2 2 2 2 = 8

orders: cat may 1(sm), Sri May 1 (lg), Pravin May 2 (lg), Janice May 3 or 4 (lg), Celia 1st week May (lg), Tamaa May 7 (med), Maria May 9 (lg)


Got 2 kind of cuc today, short and long. planted 4 of each, plus 4 bell pepper and the last two yellow cayenne.
Only have a few german pink left.
There's a lot of bell pepper sprouted, nearly all which is about 30.
Going to plant soon lots of: bell, choc shepard, lunchbox
some yellow jalapeno
few habanada
2 serrano

Habanero seed is sprouting! About 6 so far.

TMRW:plant green zebra cuttings, kumato cuttings, maybe cherokee. Plant all habanero seeds.

If possible plant more cuc, more bell pepper, more jalapeno.

Divide many tomato plants tmrw:
cosutluto 3 zapotec 3 indigo rose 3 black plum sweet tooth lucid gem golden queen 3 striped german pink peach black oxheart 3 pink tiger 3
one extra pink tiger
Need 1 of each, plus 2 yellow pear, 2 tom thumb.
Purple Cherokee - 2 Tigrella - 2 Yellow grape - 2

Habanero has 15 sprouts.

Prepared three orders, and got boxes ready to plant habaneros, cucs, bells. Low on tom thumb tomato, got to make cuttings. in meantime recommend grape tigrella?

Send seed: sunflower, strawberry, peppers, tomatoes, Kiwibery, ground cherry, tomatillo. Info is on this site, pepper seeds do not last more than 2 years. Take cuttings and propagate.
Get pyrethrum seeds. calla?
Grow strawberry in hanging pots, and the side bed with the herbs and hosta?
For more sage, take cuttings

irrigation hose: dont bury tips, they can get clogged.
Drip Irrigation System Buying Guide
Long term: paper pots bad. short term: paper pots good. 1 month in paper can make mold.