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December 2020
December 2020


tomatoes planning


tally of plants for sale


sold plants

Bought wiri wiri peppers, which actually are "maiwiri"


jalapeno downstairs has white flies and aphids. they're upstairs too on the pepper. got to make garlic spray.
found the missing Blush tiger tomato seeds.


tomato planning

wiri wiri pepper

Strung up some wiri wiri peppers and going to make sauce with the rest.
Capsicum Frutescens

100000 – 350000
They turn from green, to orange, to red when mature.
maiwiri vs wiri

"from green to yellow, then orange, and finally a vibrant red in their mature (and hottest) form."
"These chilies have a tomato-like tang to them, too, that adds a unique twist to their taste"

To-do: put coneflower seed in freezer


made garlic/onion spray and used it on all upstairs plants last night.


looking at spring planting. Next year: use parchment paper wrap to keep plants from tangling.
Also plant more than 40 of each variety. Plant 80 of each, if possible.
Mass planting peppers is good idea. Think of mass plantibg in groups of 20 or 30.

timeline: peps planed jan 30. first leaves by feb 26. good time to split mass planted.
toms planted march 1. split by april 10. ready to sell. peps pretty big by apr 10.

once all sold, (2-3 wks later) split more peps and toms.

Grow all toms & peps big until apr 17. then put away doubles to glass rack to make room for split plants.
rotate plants between shade and light. running out of room.
keep some plants in kitdhen window - 2 layers, 10 pots each layer.

put coneflower seed into freezer today.

pepper math

Planting peppers in tiers. The idea is all peppers will be sprouted by February, no need to sprout any after that. when the first tier is split and sold out, then the 2nd tier will be split and sold.
Sprouting about 30 just for us.

Tomato Count

To-do: cut back raspberry, and cut back pepper plants.
To-do: plant all the oxalis bulbs before Jan.

Serrano was cut back and is doing very well. shishito and jalapeno weren't cut back and are not as well.
Today cut back some peppers upstairs.

Still fighting aphids. seems to be working. dont see much on the plants in the living room. poblano has grown a 2" pepper. Whitefly on the pothos cuttings. still spraying with garlic everyday. R says aphids and whitefly will be gone by February.


Almoat done 1 ltr of garlie spray. seems to be working well. almost no signs of bugs.



plant math

peppers: 43 mass planting. (+4/5 our peps)

sm = 10 (15 seeds)
med = 12 (20 seeds)
lg = 23 (30 seeds)

lg: 30. med: 8. sm: 4. = 42.

+ ours: 11 plants.



peppers: 6 in 4" pots for long term. 10 in cellpacks =2.5 cells.
Need 35 containers for the rest.
Plus 4 just for us.
Put up the light today.

Loaded the top shelf with oxalis plants that have been growing, about 6 or 7 or so. Will be ready to sell end of Jan.
Planted all the oxalis bulbs. we have 6 pots of purple and 6 of green to sprout as the 2nd wave. Ready to sell in Feb.

Have 2 live choc habs, 1 is doing really well, 1 is a small stump. so its under strong light today.
Have 3 strong mush peps. 1 is incredibly strong.
yellow jalapeno looks like a dead stump but has green in its stem. so its under strong light.
Need more lights in general.

this month: crop the raspberries. -done
bury the currant and gooseberry.