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Went to rona, no peat. no pro-mix.
Buy rope to tie planters to fence.


Today: split Tigrella-done.
Next split pink peach, then golden queen.

Today organized the yard, pretty much done. Made the brick border and put 3 white pots, 1 for cuc + marigold, 2 for toms.
Cleared out a lot of junk and old shingles. Planted habanada. Other than the pots line dup, we have 11 med size pots. Put one very large white one by the column, and 1 med/large pink close to it. Most oddball pots go there.
Large white: cuc + Anaheim or Tom thumb?

Pots lined up: 1 green = 2 shishito
5 orange = 10 poblano
5 black = 11 Anaheim
5 dark brown = jalapeno
4 tan = serrano

Need to place 1 pot for shishito, and 1 for choc shepherd.
Forgot all about tomatillos and ground cherries. They can go on side and by tree? and flower bed (2 spots)and column: pink pot, orange (2 spots) other column(2 spots).

to do: plant anaheim seeds!
Morning glory soak again


to do: divide pink peach. cutting of poblano. plant anaheim seeds.
Morning glory soak again


Got dirt today. pro mix bx 100l, 1 shrimp compost 30l, peat 60l. total 190l. mulch x2. split the golden queen and potted yellow grape. done splitting toms! started selling just anaheim's no other peps- potted all the anaheim sprouts, over 20. they're outside for the night.
Giving up on strawberries. one last attempt for this year.

To do: Plant strawberry in strawberry pot. Label pots.
Plant poblanos, anaheim, shishito, serrano, jalapeno.
Plant tomatillo & ground cherry.
Plant cucumber. plant tomato.
Leave some pots for basil.
Plant tigridia, ixia
Rope up the long pots?


shrimp compost for raspberry bed.
in pots: old dirt layer, 2 tbsp each fertilizer layer, new dirt layer.
Label yellow jalapeno, kiwiberry
Plant strawberry in strawberry pot. -done
serrano, jalapeno. -done
Plant cucumber -done x1.

Next: Label pots.
Plant poblanos, anaheim, shishito,
Plant tomatillo & ground cherry.
plant tomato.
Leave some pots for basil.
Plant tigridia, ixia
Rope up the long pots?
fertilize tom seedlings!

Got almost all the pepper pots ready with bone meal, blood meal, and a touch of sulphur and fresh pro-mix. tomato pots ready too. just have to put the plants in. put morning glory seed to soak. callas are just poking up.
Next to prepare: 2nd cuc pot, tomatillo pots, ground cherry pots. tom thumb pot? dig onion bed, punch holes in grey square pot.
Pots: pink, orange sq, grey sq, blue, brown, brown, green, (7 total - 2 for flowers), 5 smallish pots.
so 5 pots for shishito -1, tomatillo 2 ground cherry 2. +1 broken large orange pot.
smallish black ones - basil
long ones - basil, or ground cherry/tomatillo? tom thumb?


Today: Label pots.
Plant poblanos, anaheim, shishito(pink), -done
Plant tomatillo & ground cherry. -done
plant tomato. -done
Leave some pots for basil.
Plant tigridia, ixia
Rope up the long pots?
fertilize tom seedlings-done
to do: plant tom thumb, black gallon pots. -done
plant 1 more yellow jalapeno -done
plant more ground cherry?
plant basil -lettuce basil done
plant tigridia, ixia -pot ready

Next to prepare: 2nd cuc pot -done. tom thumb with cuc? dig onion bed -done.
Pots: pink -shishito , orange sq -tomatillo, grey sq, blue -ixia, brown, brown, green, (7 total - 1 for flowers), 5 smallish pots. +1 broken large orange pot.
smallish black ones - basil, long ones - basil.

1 tomatillo sprout (the last one) has come up! it might share the orange square pot with tomatillo in it already. potted a mystery sprout in a " orange pot downstairs, looks like ground cherry. It's been a good day selling plants (27 plants) and we are almost out of plants now.

We are almost out of pro-mix and bone meal.
Now we have to plant purple basil, green basil, thai basil. we have 2 cellpacks of each. Going to use the white plastic tub for all thai. 2 long pots = 2 cell packs. means 2 cell packs of basil left. we have 3 pots at least plus 2 long pots.

we have 1 ixia pot ready to plant, 2 black gal pots ready to plant, probably ground cherry.
tigridia will go in ground near callas.
punch holes in grey square pot.

In near future: cuttings of poblano. plant anaheim in 1 last pot.
(2 poblano pots one of each end have only 1 poblano plant)


Plant morning glory in indoor pots.

get dirt-done!
plant 2 ground cherry
plant basil
do rita's order-done

Bought 5 long brown rectangle pots for basil at dollaram. they were $4 each. got pro-mix again, $40 after tax. Out of bone meal but will use our small jar of rock phosphate for now.

water schedule

Plant morning glory in indoor in cell packs. -done

plant 2 ground cherry -done
plant basil -done all purple ruffle, all green. only left is thai, too small to plant yet.
plant acidenthra

water peppers, toms, cucs. -done Every 2-3 days recommended?
planted 2 anaheims -done
used 6 long pots for basil, 2 short ones.
the habanero plant has 1 long habero 1" long. next: fertilize fruit bushes with compost, blood meal, bone meal.


To do: plant acidanthera, tigridia.
fertilize fruit bushes with compost, blood meal, bone meal.
fertilize raspberry bed with same.

It rained heavily last night, and the night before. Plus we watered on the 9th. so no more watering for 3 days.


today: planted new yellow pear, planted kiwiberry again.
R planted all small coleus. Cleaned the porch.

Got 2 new pots yesterday, green one for shepherd pepper.
2 serranos look dead. over mulched! 1 to thumb looks good but is whitish. other tom thumb doesn't look good. overmulched again.

To do: plant acidanthera, tigridia.
fertilize fruit bushes with compost, blood meal, bone meal.
fertilize raspberry bed with same.


Mabel picked up her plants. we agreed 70 for $25. told her i put them on the chair on the porch. she took allthe plants onthe porch! including a tray of tigrellas and grape tigrellas i wanted to give to evan! and a small jar with a coleus and poblano cutting iwas tryign to root! and allt he ground chrry, and the yellow pear tomato back up plant.
she left 3 anaheim cell packs. all these plants were on the two side tables. thank goodness she didnt take nything else.

Nations no longer has plants!
we still need serrano plants, and poblano plants.

today bought eppers from nations, ucci brand super hots for $1. rated 1-10: 10-bhut jolokia, chocolate habanero, 9.5-red, yellow habs, 6.5 penchil hot(looks like yellow cayenne), 5.5 toluca red, 5 jalapeno, 4.5 jamaican mushroom red/yellow, 3.5 fresno.


To do:
take at least 2 poblano cuttings, put to root indoors.
plant tom thumb cutting.
plant flowers x2.
plant choc shepherd
plant tomatillo.


take at least 2 poblano cuttings, put to root indoors. -done
plant tom thumb cutting. x2 - done x1 indoors -done
plant choc shepherd -done
plant tomatillo. -done
Went outside at 7:22pm. in by 9pm.
Next is to compost on the raspberry, help the currants and gooseberry.
take seeds from our new Hot Shot peppers! -done
Pepper trade tomorrow.
Put morning glory to soak today at 9pm. Plant Tomorrow!!!!

watered today. yesterday received 2 lemon drop, 3 black pearl pepper. planted morning glory yesterday. todo:fertilize raspberry.


Morning glory sprout coming up. just one.
We have 5 pineapple plants in the bathroom, 1 in the kitchen, and tonight R is planting 6.
todo:fertilize raspberry.
dig beds for currant, gooseberry.
sprout hot peppers.


Planting random seed in compost area: cover each section with plastic to protect the sprouts from potential digging! also use bamboo poles and rope the area off.


To do: plant kiwiberry in bathroom pot. -done.

Today it rained a lot. One raspberry cane died. it might have dried up.
Morning glory has its leaves out. second sprout is up.
to do: give bone & blood meal to habanero.
-plant random seed.
todo:fertilize raspberry.
dig beds for currant, gooseberry.
sprout hot peppers.
The only peppers i still want are jimmy nardello and fish pepper.


"chinese 5 color" in bathroom pepper has turned red. so it is not chinese 5 color.

"When fertilizing your peppers, look for 5-10-10 fertilizer. This contains half as much nitrogen as phosphate and potassium. A higher phosphate and potassium number will encourage more fruit production. A lower nitrogen number will help the plant grow, without doing it at the expense of producing fruit."
Two poblano flowers are open!

Acalymma vittatum - 3 stripe ccumber beetle. trap crops?
Watch for bacterial wilt - link

See some eggs on the ground cherries by the front. will apply neem oil or dish soap soon. it's very hot today. wanting to give up growing physalis now.
sprayed all physalis and cuc with peroxide and rinsed with water. killed a striped red beetle, and saw a yellow striped one fly away.peroxide

On the good side, we have more poblano flowers today, and some flowers from the small pot peppers. nothing is eating the peppers.

Put peppers to sprout yesterday: jamaican mushroom, ghost pepper, chocolate habanero.

empty pots: 2 serrano, 2 tom, 1 strawberry pot, 2 tomatillo pot. 1 purple pot, 1 sm blue pot.
To plant: 1 tomatillo, 3 ground cherry, lucid gem tom, tom thumb. Maybe: anaheim x1, indigo rose, green zebra, graoe tigrella, lemon drop x2.


donating the last of the plants today. Saved myself 7 toms, plus our tom thumb, and 1 Anaheim pepper. Today ate our second raspberry from the bush. It was delicious!

Toms we have: tigrella, Robeson, lucid gem, green zebra, grape tigrella

Our morning glory is doing well and has 1 true leaf, quickly getting the second one. Tomatillo has rooted already!

peppers sprouted: 6 mushroom, 1 choc hab, 1 ghost!
Checked on physalis outside, it's recoveing well, big leaves coming out, no bite marks on them. the cuc by the fence is larger than the one on the column. the physalis by the fence is smaller than the ones on the column.

tmrw plant thai basil, toms, peps, physalis!

We have 5 long pots not used, plus one with dead parsley. Use rope to hold them on fence.
6 dark brown med size. 4 light brown med
1 big green, 1 big pink, 1 sq orange 1 big cream/white. 2 big white (one for cuc)

get parsley plants

fertilize plants when they begin to flower

Next year: callas at the front fence, currants and gooseberries on south side of the tree. Raspberries in calla bed.
Don't over mulch small seedlings! keep more plants for us and make them bigger (toms).

next month: sell coleus, next month, sell banana, sell pineapple