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Need to split Tigrella, Black oxheart, yellow grape? cherokee?

Janice may 3 or 4 (lg- squash not ready)
rhizome (med) may 1
Basir: May 4, 25 toms
Doina: may 4?
Celia: 1st week of may, (med - squash seed)
Tamara: med- may 7
Elina -med may 9
Maria: may 9 (lg)
Jozsef (sm) may 9
Dilruba: may 2nd week
Mable: 1 of each toms(25 toms), peps (9), 2 each tomatillo, ground cherry. may 16

Count squash and cucs. under shelf: kirusha order pick up may 24.
Chocolate Shepherd 10+ mold?
Habanero 10+
Lunchbox 6 red, 12
Sweet Bell 10+
Yellow Jalapeno 10+

Black Icicle 7 +1 XX ?
Black Oxheart 23+2 ?
Black Plum 19 +2
Black Vernissage 33+2
Costuluto 14 X ?
German Pink 28 ?
Golden Queen 20
Grape Tigrella 23
Green Sausage 6 +1 XX
Green Zebra Cherry 17
Indigo Rose 14 X ?
Lucid Gem 8+3 XXX
Pink Peach 31 ?
Pink Tiger 22+2 ?
Robeson 14+1 X
Striped German 11 +1 X
Sweet Tooth 16+1
Tigrella 19+2 ?
Yellow Pear 23 +2
Zapotec 26
=12. 5 each =60.

Single: Green Zebra 3 +1 XXX Kumato +2
Purple Cherokee 2+2 XXX

Not dividing:Tom Thumb 10+1 XX
Yellow Grape 7+2 XX


8 black plum +1
2 erm pink
7 golden queen
14 pink riger +1
9 zapotec
6 tigrella
7 indigo rose
6 green sausage
7 black icicle
8 costuluto
8 lucid gem
10 yellow pear
3 yellow grape
10 robeson
10+ black oxheart
~20 lack vernissage
~10 green zebra cherry

take costuluto cuttings.
tmrw need:
pink peach
black vernissage

Small: cherokee, tom thumb. Need pink german

15 tigrella, 15+ black vernissage.
11 sweet tooth Eliza: 2 costuluto, 3 lunchbox, 2 yellow jalapeno, 3 tom thumb, 2 black icicle. Paid $12
Saied: 2 long and 2 short cuc, pick up ~ may 5
Tamara: 2x zebra cherry, 2x kumato, 1 yellow grape, 1 black oxheart, 1 tom thumb, 1 german pink. pick up thurs may 7.
Jozsef: Zapotec, Costuluto and Robeson, 2 each, pick up sat may 9 1030 am.
Maria: Black Oxheart. 2 Green Zebra. 4 Indigo Rose. 2 Lucid Gem. 2 Pink Tiger. 2 Purple Cherokee. 2 Zapotec. 2 Yellow pear 5 Green Zebra cherry 2 Grape Tigrella. 2 Pick up May 9
Elina: green zebra cherry, yellow pear, tom thumb, ground cherry 2x, tomatillo 2x. pick up ~may 9
Janice: 2 Costuluto, 2 Tom Thumb and 1 each of German Pink, Golden Queen, Lucid Gem, Purple Cherokee, Stripped German, Yellow Grape, Yellow Pear, Zapotec, 4 Lunchbox Peppers, 2 Honeynut Squash and 2 Golden Spaghetti Squash. Pick up May 11. (3 seeds for $1?)
Teresa: black oxheart 4, costutultuo 4, purple cherokee 4. Around week of may 18
Mable: 1 of each toms(25 toms), peps (9), 2 each tomatillo, ground cherry =$38 paid apr 15. Pick up may 16.
alex:2 x squash seedlings (buternut, kabocha). Start squash seeds now.

cttings from custuluto, cherokee.

dividied today
striped german
yellow grape
green zebra cherry
yellow pear
Golden Queen

Black Oxheart
Black Plum
Green Sausage ?
Indigo Rose
Lucid Gem
Pink Peach
Pink Tiger

other :
Green Zebra
Tom Thumb
Purple Cherokee
German Pink

peppers: plant a few habanada


vernissage, pink tiger, sweet tooth , grape tigrella. remaining:

10+ Pink Peach,
8 black plum
9 zapotec
6 tigrella
7 indigo rose
6 green sausage
7 black icicle
8 costuluto
8 lucid gem
10+ black oxheart

peppers: count and plant squash, cuttings cherokee, costuluto.
planted all choc sheps, habanada, red lunchbox, some bell, some yellow jalapeno. 14 y.jal left. 1 jal sprouted. next: plant more bells, habanero, lunchbox
plant 1 buternut, 1 kabocha


divided black plum, black oxheart and zapotec. left are:
10+ Pink Peach,
2 tigrella
7 indigo rose
6 green sausage
7 black icicle
8 costuluto
8 lucid gem
Divided the black icicle today. checked the honeynut and it had a root gowing and i broke it so put a new seed in. moved the squash to the bathroom where its warm. Planted 3 each yellow lunchbox, lunchbox, habanero. got to plant more habanero and lunchbox and yellow jalapeno as the leaves are out and will rot. then just sweet bells are left. Did cuttings of cherokee and costoluto today.

Today: divide plants, check on new toms, which ones are growing. need oxheart. have robeso growing. some zapotec. Plant some more peps, yellow jalapeno, sweet bell, lunchbox, hab. Make boxes? Plant cucs, 4 of each.


Jozsef: Zapotec, Costuluto and Robeson, 2 each, pick up sat may 9 1030 am.

Justin: Black oxheart 3 Black plum 3 Indigo rose 2 Lucid gem 2

Chak: zebr cherry x3, indigo rose x3, yellow pear x3, poblano x3, yellow jalapeno x3, jalapeno x3, striped german x3, golden queen x1, sweet tooth x3, grpae tigrella x1, tom thumb x3, green zebra x1, yellow grape x3. Sub poblano, pickup Monday

Plant more cucs! today plant more peps. making boxes. Polar vortex for past 2 days. Warmish on tuesday (2 more days) canadian tire opened yesterday gardening section. will visit on tuesday.

In the morning:
Divide tom thumbs

Plant poblano sprouts

next year

Next year: sprout more tomatoes! I had left them to sprout 2nd batch around end of april downstairs with a cover on. Big no-no! It was too cold and the mold grew under the cover. No costuluto came up. Some other plants did come up though.

start butternut acorn, cucs. plant the rest of peppers.
Soon: divide zapotec, tom thumb, green zebra

3 yellow jalapeno; 6 yellow lunchbox; 36 habaneros. planted 10 lunchbox, 10 yellow jalapeno, 10 habanero. added tea tree to the rest of the peppers. must plant them soon. lots of sweet bells to plant. lost the lunchbox sprouts. saved maybe 5 out of 40. still have healthy yellow lunchbox, used some today.

plant cherokees, -done 2 not rooted yet
plant poblanos 2 ready to plant
divide tom tumbs - done 10 plants
divide peach -done 17 plants
divide zapotec -done 17 plants
water and fertilize today -done

Bought 2 cell packs each of purple basil and sweet basil today from Nations. They just set up all their herbs indoors garden centre. They had lemon lime leaf basil, no cinnamon basil this year. put a coleus in our cinnamon basil to root today.

All yellow grape are rooted! pot them now 10 yellow grapes. start Kirusha squash seeds now! do cuttings of german pink? re-Plant cucs! going to get big tom and plant tomorrow!

Growing are the second batch: yellow pear (almost ready), tigrella (growing lots new ones), grape tigrella, indigo rose, lucid gem, black vernissage, green zebra (ready), pink tiger (some), golden queen (not much) green zebra cherry (not much), pink peach (not much) and ground cherry (lots but small) tomatillo (3 plants). 2 poblanos ready to transplant.

Toms ready to go: flooded with: grape tigrella(more coming), tom thumb(more coming), pink peach, sweet tooth.
have 13 zapotec
~10 pink tiger (more coming)
11 yellow grape
have 6- 10 robeson
6-10 zebra cherry (more coming)

have 4 black vernissage. (more coming)
have few yellow pear 3 or 4 (more coming)

6 green sausage
2 or 3 indigo rose (more coming)
3 or 4 golden queen (more coming)
3 lucid gem (more coming)
3 black icicle
2 black plum
2 striped german (more coming)
1 tigrella (more coming)
(all minus mable order)
rooting: costoluto(1 is growing roots today), striped german, tom thumb

re-Plant cucs-done
Planted all leftover seed: robeson, zapotec, tigrella. Ready by May 31.
Replanted all other squash seeds, and cut all edges of squash seed.
start Kirusha squash seeds-done
pot 10 yellow grapes.
do cuttings of german pink? message: lisa(ready), maria(17), domenic (contact), roy(contact), kayla(19), john(18), jerry (18), celia(16), chak(18?), addie(16), elina(9), tina(16ish) jenna(15)


First garden centre visit!

Start more tomatillo seeds! divide ground cherry.

out of yellow pear
out of indigo rose

buy choc shepard from nations! nations has cubanelle, hot portugal, reaper

We went to all 3 stores, except canadian tire was closed by 6pm everyday. Bought strawberry plants (dormant) $7 for 10, half off. Tomorrow returning to buy caladium and more strawberry. we got the everbearing ones.

Home depot had the strawberry, plus more selection on peppers, including dragon which looks like shishito. we planted out dried strawberry tops the other night as an experiment. bought a fern from home depot for $3, and we're looking for yellow callas to complete our collection. We bought Ozark beauty. They also have Sequoia: fruits early and continuously over a three-month or longer period of time. And Honeoye: June Bearing .

Tomorrow: plant morning glory seeds in pots by the fence. Label pots?
Clean up the yard.
Propagate canes - raspberry, gooseberry, red currant


cleaned up yard today with R. potted orange mint in 2 pots, potted kiwiberry in a 1 gal. it has 2 plants.


Today: plant new butternut seed, new kirusha order.
separate indigo rose
get mable order and kirusha order separate.

Plant morning glory(soaked it ovenight)

Orders: lisa(ready), domenic (contact), roy(contact), kayla(19), john(18), jerry (18), celia(16), addie(16), elina(9),

today: plant morning glory

do marci's plants (black vernissage-almost out)

do kirusha's squash

if possible: plant tom thumb, german stripe, separate indigo rose

Plant tomatillo

Got anaheim peppers today, will get the seeds going tomorrow.

bought a banana plant 2 days ago for $20. it's variegated and has around 6 pups growing.


plant morning glory -done, outside in small pot, not in big pot yet
do marci's plants (black vernissage-almost out)
do kirusha's squash -done. some are coming up.
plant tom thumb -done, german stripe, separate indigo rose -done
Plant tomatillo -done
planting 15 short cukes today, or more. -not done
Mable: single plants: costuluto, lucid gem, green zebra, german pink

To do:
separate ground cherry
separate tigrella
separate purple cherokee

if possible: separate yellow pear, plant yellow grapes? separate vernissage Prepare kirusha order may 24: pink tiger 4 black plum 2 Jalapeno 2 sweet bell 2 lunch box 2 indigo rose 4 yellow pear 4 tigrella 2 paul robeson 4 lucid gem 2


Planted callas today. Morning glory is in their pot. Need to water tomorrow!!

Got Anaheim seed from very fresh peppers. We bought 1 lb from sweet potato, so 5 or 6 peppers. Going to start seed today! Sweet potato also has Anaheim seeds, 3 pack left. they carry urban harvest, mostly sold out, and west coast seeds, which had the anaheim and even shishito, and a chilli but that's it for peppers.

Have a few black vernissage but should still separate more. 2 tomatillos came up out of nowhere!

To do: separate yellow pear (17) and vernissage(17).
plant yellow grapes.
Water Tomorrow Callas and Morning glory-done
Do something with the strawberry plants.

Tigerella too young to separate.

Done: split venissage into 3. planted 3 caladium bulbs, very tiny. planted 1 yellow grape.


Do Celia order today, eliza order, kirusha. plant cukes Got kousha order ready and Victor- 95 plants. Put Anaheim seeds to sprout yesterday. Slowly putting plants outside, so far 2 coleus and habanero. Bought plants and left them out. It's going to 14, been hot and warm at 23 today.


decor ideas

“I try to limit colors/glazes to one or two for each garden area,” link

pottery at the front


decor ideas

Last night we worked on the garden late until 10:30 at night! I filled several pots with dirt, R planted a lot of coleus and moved concrete stones around. We made a lot of room and the yard looks better today. The other day at Nations we bought 2 lettuce basil and 2 thai basil, and 1 poblano plant and jalapenos, total was $15, 2.59 per pack.

Today we sold 100 plants to one guy. Going on plant hiatus for a while, maybe until May 31st. Don't have any big plants ready anyway.

Red currant plant looks wilted and losing leaves today, we think it may be overwatered.

Left our habanero plant outside last night. It's going down to 14 each night until a week from now it says it will be 9 at night. We'll see.

Got bone meal and blood meal today, not much at the stores left. We saw new pepper plants at rona, but nothing special, "sweet habanero" and "italian peppers".

Anaheim is not sprouting yet. planted short cucumber tonight, 7 of them.

Morning glory on column. Reminder plant cucumber with alyssum.


garden layout

Tip: Make harvest easy by letting cucumbers grow along the railing of your deck or patio.
Growing down the column? possibly nasturtium, thunbergia or cucumber.

Today: soak allium seed and morning glory seed.

Indigo rose are semi-determinate! small plants. We want to grow them!
Plant more kiwiberries outside in small pot
Find other bulbs!

Anaheim has about 20 sprouts.
Tomatillo has 2 sprouts!

design plans

nations: buy oregano plant.
Today: split black vernissage, tigrella. organized plants.
Plant yellow cayenne, b rainbow, chinese 5. next: habanada. all in yellow pole. oxalis is in the 2 empty ones. Planted kiwiberry, might put it in the pole as well.
Planted Anaheim peppers, 21. 14 sprouts left
All the coleus is now planted, have some leftover cuttings, and planted 5 pineapple tops.
thai basil is rooted

Next to plant: poblano x3, shishito x4, yellow jalapeno x2, jalapeno x3, Anaheim x12, serrano x3.
Need more poblano plants, 16x
Also plant small habanada.
Plant tomatoes: indigo rose, yellow pear, tom thumb x2.
Plant tomatillos 2x (make cuttings at least 8x)
Plant ground cherry x10

Going to double plant in pots many of the peppers and physalis. I counted 16 large-medium pots today, have maybe 6 or 7 other ones.
anaheim 6 pots, poblano 6 pots = 12 pots
tomatillo 4 pots
ground cherry 5 pots
total: 21 pots
cucumber 1 pot

everything else in smaller pots. Design idea: dig hole in decorative bed by fence to plant physalis.
In future: callas all along the long fence, raspberries in calla bed.

todo: gather habanada, serrano, indigo rose, yellow pear for planting. get dirt and plant!
figure out what to put on the deck next to R
There's about 4 poblano cuttings rooted, 3 ready to plant!


Something ate a squash sprout downstairs last night. not happy. reminder: protect sprouts.


Today: plant the rest of the tomatillo seed. still only have 2 plants up.
reminder: gather habanada, serrano, indigo rose, yellow pear

Inventory: lucid gem, yellow pear -good
tigrella, black vernissage -small
zapotec, robeson, tigrella, -big, split today!
grape tigrella- split soon
golden queen - few - split
indigo rose - ?
zebra cherry -1?

Today we bought greek oregano, poblano and jalapeno x4 for $7. kirusha 22 -9 not sprouted may 29 1 honeynut 1 buttenut ready -raccon ate them may 28!


18 tigrella to split.
split 26 grape tigrella, sold 2.

Left to split: golden queen, pink peach.

Going to plant poblano plants on Monday with our old dirt and new fertilizer. sulfur?
It is too cold to plant today. right now it's 14C at 5:30pm. tonight going to 8c. tomorrow night 9C. Monday will be 21/13. We just finished a heat wave and now it's freezing!

buy tomatillo seeds?

we have a third tomatillo sprout coming up.
Anaheims are beginning to show leaves.

Worked in the garden from 5.30-8pm. Organized pots, dug up dirt. not much more dirt to dig. cut weeds again. planted the orange callas in two rows along the purple ones. Planted freesias in an orange rectangle pot, got to water them still.


Soaking new seed for K order: 9 pm double seeds of futsu honeynut acorn.
Plant later tonight.

Today we had a garden tour. I counted 10 pots (med size) filled with dirt, and 12 in the corner. So around 22 med size pots. Planning to get dirt and fill them tomorrow! The last cold night was last night (down to 8/9C) and our outdoor peppers survived. Time to plan everything!

Planting: 5 serranos (2 or 3 med pots)
1 habanada
poblanos (4 big, 4 cuttings - 4 pots worth)
Anaheim? (4 or 5 showing first leaves today!)

We have 5 long pots not used, plus one with dead parsley. Use wire hangers bent to hold them on fence.
6 dark brown med size
4 light brown med
1 big green, 1 big pink, 1 sq orange 1 big cream/white
2 big white (one for cuc)

May 1: plant squash order (15 pots)

orders: cat may 1(sm), Sri May 1 (lg), Pravin May 2 (lg), Janice May 3 or 4 (lg), Celia 1st week May (lg), Tamaa May 7 (med), Maria May 9 (lg), Mable May 24 (lg)

Buy Strawberry plants in Late May.
Plant Morning Glory outdoors.
Set up hanging pots on fence.
Get new parsley plants? plant in ground not container.

Next year: gather medium sized plastic bottle pots for toms, grow 1st batch in them, divide toms after a few weeks, then grow 2nd batch in them, upstairs only where its warm and avoid mold!
Next year: people love hot habaneros and jalapenos, and also want sweet bells and lunchbox!