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Worked for 2 hours outside. clock went back, and it's now dark at 5:30. used to be 6:30.

potted up the pepper, potted up about 6 purple oxalis each with a large carrot like water tuber.
took in 2 coleus trees, chopped them down, but still green in stem so took them inside.
potted up 1 lg banana, 4 or 5 small ones.
took freesias indoors.
transplanted geranium to smaller pot.
now have 1 lg trash bag full of dirt, working on 2nd one.

took down most of the tomato pots.

Next: take down porch hanging pots, and hand decorative holiday balls. Looking for other pretty decor to add.
plantings around tree.
cut raspberries.
label mint, oregano


cleaned up the yard.
all dirt is put away now.
saved 2 tomatillos, and a few coleus in pots and coleus cuttings. hope they come back.
only thing left is anaheims and physalis.

need to do tree plantings.
cut raspberries.
label mint, oregano

Remember to sanitize shears!


New seed list


seed sale list


flower shop high park



seed trade notes

toms are ripening on the counter: lucid gems, indigo rose. green zebra. lucid gems did get very dark purple this year. indigo rose not so much.

did major yard clean up today: moved wooden logs, raked leaves everywhere, put them under dirt in the beds, dumped out anaheim pots by the tree, moved peat bag, moved dirt bag, stacked all pots neatly, cleaned the porch, threw out a lot of yard garbage and broken pots.

ready to plant the gooseberry, currant and kiwi now. also moved all the rocks int he area away in preparation.


lucid gems

seeds to africa

robeson type

spring seed spout list

wanted peppers