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Heirloom Carrots | 2020
Heirloom Carrots | 2020
Carrots can be planted between mid-March and late June. (in ontario) theglobeandmail

Germination temperature: 50 F to 85 F - Will germinate at temperatures as low a 40 F. Will germinate in about a week at 75 F, with adequate moisture. Seed can be saved 3 years.

How long does it take for carrots to germinate?
14 to 21 days
They require consistently moist soil and sometimes two weeks or more for germination. Dry or windy weather can mean slow or no germination for carrots. Carrots, parsnips, and parsley take 14 to 21 days to germinate; that means you must keep the seed bed evenly moist for up to three weeks or longer. harvesttotable
How do you germinate carrot seeds fast?
Starting three to four days before you plan to sow them, soak carrot seeds in water for an hour, and then transfer them to a damp paper towel. Fold to enclose the seeds, then put inside an airtight container. Keep at room temperature. Plant the primed seeds within five days. growveg
Since the seeds do not need light until they start to grow leaves, the cover can be opaque
Keeping soil damp while seeds germinate key to growing carrots ...

Three quick steps to winter carrots

I simply count backwards 58 days from my first expected fall frost date. However, because the days get shorter in autumn, I’ll add an extra week or so to the seeding date to make sure the carrots have adequate time to mature. That means my fall crop of Napoli carrots needs about 65 days to mature. Counting backwards from my average fall frost date of Oct 6th tells me that I need to seed my carrots around August 2nd. A vegetable garden planner for a healthy and productive garden

Direct sow carrot seed in the garden in mid-spring, about a week or two before the last expected spring frost. If you have a cold frame or polytunnel you can plant up to two months earlier.
By sowing just two to three seeds per inch and spacing them as best as you can.
You’ll need to keep the soil consistently moisture while the seeds are germinating, which can take 14 to 21 days, sometimes longer.
after seeding, mist with water, cover with plastic and leave for 2-3 weeks until germination, under a roof to protect from rain.
Thinning carrots: How to plant and thin carrot seedlings Field Seeding Date:
April to July (Late carrots may “burn off” if they emerge during hot, dry weather. Seed into moisture 1.2-2 cm deep).

In-row spacing
Typically seeded in 10 cm wide bands with 3 or 4 rows, often on top of raised beds (see Special Requirement for Growth Habit) with a total of 26 seeds/m for processing and 120-140 seeds/m for fresh market over the whole band.

Between row spacing
85 cm (raised beds).

Optimal Soil temperature at planting
Soil type
Muck, sandy, loam, well-drained soils.
Special requirements for growth habit
Carrot quality may be improved by using raised beds, 15-20 cm high. Beds that are 85 cm wide at the bottom and 50 cm wide at the top have yielded good results.

Optimal Temperature Range
Days to harvest
120-180 days

Almost all root veggies can be grown in partial shade situations, but be aware that the less sun these crops get the longer they will take to mature. If you are a fan of baby carrots and new potatoes, which can both be expensive to buy, you will have no problem propagating these for yourself in less than full sun.