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Available May 15


Available May 15


Available May 15

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Cucumber Beetles
Spring through mid-summer

Row covers: Protect plants with floating row covers in early spring. These row covers create a barrier that keeps the insects out but allows air, light, and moisture to reach the plants. Be sure to remove the row covers when your vegetable plants grow too large or when the temperatures heat up in summer.

Attract beneficial insects: Planting flowers, such as marigolds, calendula, sunflower, daisy, alyssum, or dill nearby can attract beneficial insects that attack and eat cucumber beetles. Insecticidal soaps: Insecticidal soaps will kill the beetles, but must be applied on a regular basis in heavy infestations.

Delayed Planting - Growers can avoid the most significant damage by simply delaying the planting of summer cucurbits by a few weeks.

Mulching - Using straw, hay, plastic, or fabric as mulch can deter cucumber beetles from laying eggs in the ground near the plants. While mulching will not halt egg-laying or feeding, it will limit direct access to the stem, as well as significantly slow larval migration through the soil.

Row Cover - Floating row covers can be a big help by excluding cucumber beetles during the seedling stage of life. This allows plants to mature and develop substantive leaf mass and a strong root system, enabling the plant to withstand a moderate pest attack. Remove row covers at the onset of flowering to allow for adequate pollination. Since row covers foster weed growth too, many producers use weed suppressing mulches in combination with floating row cover.

Sticky Traps - When it’s time to take prisoners, many growers employ yellow sticky lines of tape to trap cucumber beetles en masse. Use these ribbons in tandem with trap crops for the most effective control. Homemade yellow sticky traps can be made by coating a yellow plastic cup with glue available specifically for this use. For added effect, attach a cotton swab soaked in the oil of clove, cinnamon, cassia, allspice or bay leaf, all of which act as a powerful floral attractant.

Container Cucumber Report During flowering, side-dress the growing cucumbers with aged manure and follow it up with a balanced liquid fertilizer. Female flowers will appreciate the extra nutrients.

Water the growing cucumbers regularly to maintain even soil moisture. Aim for irrigation equal to an inch of rainfall every three to four days.

Step 8: Fertilize the plants every 2-3 weeks using a diluted liquid fertilizer at the root zone when watering. Take care not to overfeed the plants though, this can cause lush foliage, but few flowers and fruits.

Another way to prevent bug infestation is to cover your seedlings with garden fabrics until they start to flower. Some pests are carriers of diseases. That makes pest management all the more critical.

If you feed too much nitrogen to your plants without also feeding them potassium at the same time then the plants may grow but they will not flower very well. If you gave them phosphates or bone meal in the spring, try feeding them some 3:1:5 fertilizer, on a monthly basis during the summer and into autumn (fall). About one small handful per square meter (sq. yard). Don’t let the fertilizer grannuals touch the stems or they will burn the plants. Water after applying the fertilizer.
Get & keep some overripe bananas, mash up one & put it into soil, plant cucumbers or tomatoes over bananas. The potassium will help produce fruit! I put banana peeling or 1/2 banana in hole -then tomato plant. I had to pull off green tomatoes before heavy frost, they were loaded on plants.

Spray cuc leaves with dish soap, then baking soda solution for downy mildew.