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plants liek to be crowded- 3 plants in a 10" pot, maybe 10" tall. plant with compost, manure, and feed sih kelp weekly. - How to Grow Strawberries From Bulbs : How to Grow Strawberries

Bareroot: cut roots to 6-8 inches. place them in bowl of water to soak. compost and fertilizer Planting Bareroot Strawberries

Junebearers – This type of strawberry plant doesn’t fruit until one year after they’re planted. Everbearers – These plants will produce a nice crop of berries late in the summer after planting. Day neutrals – These perform basically the same as the everbearers but can produce berries from mid-summer to fall in the same year.

the roots ideally need about 4” all around for them to feel comfy.

I have better luck with growing them in hanging baskets (put them by the door where you can grab one as you walk by) and have great results with them lining my herb garden beds. Strawberry plants are shallow-rooted

This summer my strawberry beds over-floweth with fruit! And now I’m glad that when I planted them I put on my big girl panties, closed my eyes, and pinched off all the very first blossoms. Painful; but incredibly rewarding. Removing all the first flowers gave the plants the vigor they needed to offer a bounty of strawberries this July. Although I think strawberry pots are attractive, I get more bang for may buck in a full strawberry bed.

We planted only one variety of strawberries this year; the everbearing Quinault. They’re not the largest strawberry variety, but my family loves their sweet flavor.

Growing strawberries in pots and hanging baskets

June-bearing and ever-bearing strawberries are perfect for gardens that have part shade.