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Michael Pollan
Mint Julep (or Michael Pollan)

75 days. Unusual pear shaped fruits weigh 1 1/2 oz., with a sweeter, less tart flavor than other green varieties. Huge yields – up to 5 gallons from one plant!
‘Michael Pollan’ is an odd shaped mutant! (The tomato that is.) Egg shaped fruits are yellow with green stripes & some have little “nubbins” on the ends. Related to ‘Green Zebra’ but with a milder taste & a good amount of sweetness. Very popular in taste tests. Plus the bloom on this variety is reported to be quite showy. Nice! Named after the amazing author & teacher -whose books we highly recommend. ‘Michael Pollan’ is possibly susceptible to Blossom End Rot so make sure & water him evenly to prevent this from occurring. The tomato that is!
Indeterminate 80-90 Days
Odd shaped mutant from green zebra. Named after the awesome writer, journalist and teacher.(Please read one of his books) Taste is very different from the Green Zebra. Much less tartness, more mild with good sweetness. Very positive response at the Farmers Market. As I ran out later in the season, customers kept asking about them.
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