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Dendro frog broms
Dendro frog broms

from: dendro

6-8" wide, full rosette green w/pink & White marbling


wide leaf compact 6" rosette, green w/ purple


5-6" diameter, yellow with fine spots

as above but 3-4" , pups come on stolons (not on our list) ($7 on michaels)


4"w x 4-6" tall, light purple with big purple spots

8-12" depending on light, green with heavy red bands (not on our list) ($12 on michaels)


4"w x 4-6" tall, light green with big purple spots

4-6" wide full rosette, green w/ some purple markings (not on our list)(not on michaels)


2-3", dark red with some green spots, pups on stolons


6"w x 8-10" tall, upright rosette solid dark red

2"w x 3-5" tall, very dark purple w/ green spots (not on our list)($10 on michaels)

as above(fireball) but 6-10", pups come on stolons (not on our list? superball?) ($6 on michaels)

4-6"w x 8-12" tall, dark base with purple marbling (not on our list)($10 on michaels)


3-4" , green with red spots


4-6" green and red mottled


(dwarf compacta) to12" wide, light green with lots of leaves, pups on stolons


4-6", dark green with lots of dark red spots

6-8", green with dark tips and red tint (not on our list) ($7 on michaels)

4"w x 5-6" tall, upright rosette green w/ pink mottling (not on our list)($8 on michaels)

4"w x 6-8" tall, dark red, pups on stolons($6 on michaels)


4-5" tube light green w/ purple spots, long stolons

4-5" green with big red spots (not on our list)(strawbery hill? $10 on michaels)


4-6" rosette glossy purple


3"w x 4-5" tall tube, green to yellow with some dark spots


2-4" rosette, dark red w/ dark bars, pups on stolons


2-4" rosette, yellow w/ dark bars, pups on stolons


2-3"w x 4-6" tall, bronze w/ dark bars, long stolons

wide leaf compact 6-8" rosette, glossy purple (not on our list)($8 on michaels)


3-5" rosette, all red, pups on stolons


4-6" rosette, green to red w/ some dark bars

all red compact, many leaves 10-12" (not on our list)($12 on michaels)

3-4" tubular rosette, (not on our list)($10 on michaels)

6-8" rosette, bright green & red spotted (not on our list)($10 on michaels)


4-6" tubular, olive green w/ dark bars


4-6" rosette, light green w/ dark bars


4-5" compact rosette, green to yellow w/ brown bars

4-5" compact rosette, green & red mottled (not on our list)($10 on michaels)


ike fireball, deep red w/ rich variegation

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pop art MBZ