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Candy Cane is showing beautiful variegation! it's so pretty.

Next to separate: cherry bomb, yellow cayenne

Jalapeno, twilight, habanero and orange chili are not big enough to separate really.

sanitize more dirt! - done.

Separated the yellow cayennes. made 7 small and 1 big one. and we have a pot with 2 in it already.

We have 2 pots of twilight, each has 12-15 plants. will separate that soon. Made neem solution and used half the spray bottle on all the plants today.

Split the smaller ground cherry in the kitchen today. Took out 10 plants, put the rest back in the pot. Next time will separate the larger pot in the bathroom.

Might do same method with some of the tomatoes. going to start with the green tray toms soon.

first pink cherry came up today in green tray.

I have over 28 varieties to separate.
Green Tray:
Berkeley tie dye 15 10| Black Beauty 10| Cherokee Purple 1 4| Costuluto 2 2
| Grape Tigrella 1 3| Green Zebra 2| Lemon Boy 40
| Old German 5 | Tom Thumb 3| Yellow Pear 15 | amish gold slicer 10
| black vernissage 13 | brandywine red 10 5| lucky tiger 40
| purple bumblebee 4| red cherry 10
| white cherry 4 | yellow cherry 1| zima 5

=132 plants, minus the 40 lemon boy and 40 lucky tiger.

I estimate i have 700 tomato plants.

| German Pink 5 | Golden Queen 16| Grape Tigrella 20| Green Zebra 11| Indigo Rose 10| Old German 6 | Tom Thumb 5| Yellow Pear 40 40 | black plum 11 | black vernissage 15| lucid gem 1 3| | purple bumblebee 12 20| red beefsteak 20| red cherry 20 12| robeson 4 7| white cherry 40 | yellow beefsteak 20| yellow cherry 20| zima 8 5 atomic grape 12, blue cream berries(still coming)6, blush tiger 11 = 400

Only about 136 big slicers. going to buy tom seed from cheese store and plant asap. probably Monday.

Going to separate the green tray with least toms first. Did cherokee purple -4, black vernissage - 13, brandywine - 10?

I think i see a costuluto coming up.

Plant purple russian tomato today - have 40 seeds. also have 18 black prince seeds. - Done.

Tomatoes we're growing: atomic Grape | Berkeley tie dye | black prince | Black Sea man | | Blondkopfchen | | blue cream berry | blush tiger | cosmic eclipse | Dark Galaxy | | lucid gem | | Purple Russian | | Tasmanian chocolate | | zima | black beauty =14 types.

to-do: bring in soil to warm up.
split more toms.

3 green zebra, 3 grape tigrella, 2 costuluo.

purple bumblebee 4, yellow cherry 1, red cherry 10, yellow pear 15. zima



save b tie dye for us!

plant: red oxheart, red costuluto type, carbon type, pink brandywine type, mucci red cherry. Done.

2 big round. 2 sm round. 2 sm round. 1 sq black.
4 toms.
use long clar tray - split in half? = 2. ox, pink. 2 sm ox, pink. 2 big round costu, carbon. 2 sm same. -done

Divided 14 Amish gold, 2are small might not make it. Next: red cherry, b tie-dye. P bumblee, Cherokee purple, costuluto.

9 toms done. 18 more to split.
sanitize more dirt.

finish green tray today.

purple russian and black prince are starting to come up today.

separated b tie dye and saved 1 for us. r wants to save 2 more for us. sanitized the dirt today.

some of the indigo rose and p bumblebee (last batch) are big enough to split now. wasnt expecting them to be ready for a while. lots of lucid gem are coming up - its a surprise. might have 20 plants in there.

next: 12 red cherry. 14 black plum. did ~10 yellow pear today. left the rest in a pot, about 20.
got to separate 5 peppers. and 16 toms left.

$5 each list

Separated Lemon Boy and Red Cherry.
Next: Black beauty.
amish gold - 1.
left in green tray #2 is lucky tiger, berkely tie dye, brandywine.

Thinking of doing a pre-order to the 15th. 14 toms left.

split old German into 7. 13 left.
The carbon planted yesterday has 1 sprout. Already!


Separated 9 black beauty. 2 for us. Separated 11 Lucky Tiger, 2 for us. Separated 1 Amish Gold.
Toms left: 11.
4 green zeba done, 4 white cherry. 3 cosyutlo. 1 pink chery. 1 c purple. old German. all thats left in tray #2 is brandywine, b tidy, b vern. black tray-4 robeson done. Next: indigo rose, purple bumblee, yellow cherry. Bathroom toms: golden queen, yellow & red beefsteak, German pink. Atomic grape and blush tiger.

Green tray almost empty, big clumps are berkely tie dye. will put in a cell pack. and brandywine - cellpack.

brandywine leaves yellowing. fertilized even though soil is wet. could be overwater.

Moved toms and peps out of the main light. going to blast the ones were selling soon.

B ti dye(Splits easily when ripe ), indigo rose, zima (save 2 for us).

looks like we have 9 toms left.

Today: indigo rose 11-save 1Done ,black plum 14 Done purple bumblee 10 done, German pink 5 done
yellow cherry, . Bathroom toms: golden queen, yellow & red beefsteak, . Atomic grape and blush tiger.

Peppers: Twilight 15, Sunburst 10, jalapeno, habanero, cherry bomb

Today: 4 toms & 5 peps
17 golden queens done. Ready to sell 12 black plums and 6 yellow Cayenne tomorrow. Tomorrow: separate habaneros.
R's glass shelf hold 7 kleenex boxes under the lights, +1 on the end.

Today: saving 1 twilight for us.

Twilight 13 done, hab 22 done.
Sunburst 10,jalapeno, cherry bomb

yellow cherry, yellow & red beefsteak.

Tonight: split 9 orange shep. that's all we have - adjust listing.

1 costuluto left - adjust listing.
Orange shepherd split. 40 plants + 1 free indigo rose to go tmrw.
Todo- split more yellow jalapeno.

Todo- split more yellow jalapeno. B tie dye 17. Brandywine.
Sunburst 10,jalapeno 25 done, cherry bomb

yellow cherry, yellow, & red beefsteak - done.

b tie-dye 15 done, plus the 2 going out tmrw. 1 already in place.

Split Robeson soon for Mara - next week.

Split brandywine in the morning - 13, 1 in place already.

Brandywine split today - done.

next: split yellow cherry 14 done. split cherry bomb.
split yellow beefsteak 16.

We have 14 B tie-dye not counting the one going out tomorrow.
Todo tomorrow; split yellow beefsteak. Split Cherry bombs. Soon : split Robeson. Split atomic grape, blush tiger.
Mark Orange shepherd as sold out.


Updated ad.

Divided 16 yellow beefsteak. 1 going out this weekend.

We have 13 Atomic Grape - done. 3 have seed heads, 1 of those might not make it.
We have 11 blush tigers, 1 is a baby with cotyldons only. the rest are big strong plants.

Today: blush tiger. cherry bomb 15ish - done. Split vernissage 11.

Low on amish gold- 3 left- and vernissage, put under lights today.

Split old german. 5ish plants.

sanitize dirt.

Black tray of toms looks over watered. put above under desk lights. was in the bathtub/on washer for past 2 weeks.
all that's left in it is 1 yellow pear, 2 red cherry, 2 purple bumblebee, 2 zima, 1 tom thumb - very few plants.

took out the robeson-8 and old german-5/6 will be dividing very soon.
Also need to divide: indigo rose. tom thumb - almost sold out.

robeson-8 done, and old german-5 Done.

Next: sunburst 8-done.
Also need to divide: indigo rose. tom thumb - almost sold out.


today finishing the last green tray - purple bumblee-4 and costuluto-7 -both done.

Split both done:tom thumb-3 and p bumblee-8, mostly weak looking plants,black tray.

today: split indigo rose. get steven and jessica order ready.

Plant More Seed Today!


Planted 4 types of tom today: 3 bandywine, 1 roma grape. divided indigo rose - 12.
fertilized the sweet bells 2 trays and the large yellow jalapenos. and 1 tom mass with them.

thinking of splitting yellow jalapeno and choc shep. ground cherry. vernissage.

we have 2 cherokee purple. we have 3 b tie dye other than our own. robesons are wilted still. not looking very good. could be transplant shock.

today: yel jal 4 done, choc shep - 9 done. b vernissage.
soon: green zebra.

b vernissage - 6 done. zima 5 done.

next yellow jalapeno - 5. ground cherry.

today yellow jalapeno-5 done.

we have 1 great lookig robeson, 1 floped ov erhtat might recover, and 2 cosutluo that look ok.

toms sprouts we're waiting for: black prince, purple russian (doing vey well) costuluto x2, red oxheart, tray toms (not doing much)


R thinks my wilt is happening because they are drying out when transplanted and the time when their bare rooted. its possible. its happening to plants which haven't been transplanted, such as my last bunch of green zebras. but they did get dried out twice.

Ground cherry - over 20 - done. Using R new technique. today: red cherry 9.

Sunburst is out of stock - we have 1 for ourselves. Tomatoes planted more recently (4 sq) have visible sprouts starting, not up yet, but had some white mold in the containers which I was very worried about.

Probably going to buy more big red tomatoes to plant more seed today. Tomorrow we will see how many come up. above the desk we have 6 half dozen plants come up, still a few more coming, but its not very good.

the p bumblebee and indigo rose are still the best so far. what was different about my method? less water i think. just plant and leave. i don't know. well i did that for the 4 black square, but they were in a green shelf which has less airflow.

today: red cherry 11 - done. green zebra 10 done. 1 looks iffy.

orange jalapeno under strong light, might be dead.

next to divide: p bumble bee, lucky tiger(6 left)?

Purple russian is almost ready. lots of plants there maybe 20+.

It is now night and I see tons more tomato sprouts coming up in the four: 3 in the 1st one, 8 in the next two, and 14 in the last one. I amexcited. I guess we will buy more tomatoes to plant anyway as I calculated these can be ready in just 22 days, or as of may 18, as p russian was ready in 22 days from seed to sprout.


The tree is gone! as of 10 am it is no more. tomatoes are coming up nicely. put under strong lights already.

Just planted a mass of tomatoes to be ready for end of may.

used this method: Step-By-Step Seed Starting
Thoroughly moisten the seed-starting mix, and then fill the containers to within 1/2" of the top. Firm the mix but don't compact it.
Place two or three seeds into each small container or each cell of a seed starter. Cover the seed with about 1/4" of soil and gently firm it over the seeds.

Plus, only 40ish to a cell( 4 bl sq + 2 round pots). PLanted 1 pink oxheart, 2 robeson, 3 brandywine. didn't moisten the top soil, and put them on a shelf where it hopefully won't dry out or get too moist to make mold. it might dry out though.

next to translant: 26 purple russian.
Today: 20ish purple bumble done.


Today we planted the lettuce outdoors. and covered loosely with plastic bin for a day or two. Also put jar of coleus outside. Temps are in teens throughout the week, and dip a bit lower at night, one night will be 2C.
so we will see what survives.

Preparing to do 26 purple russians today. Lots of tom sprouts coming up - we are happy.

We have 29 p russians divided - some have seed heads still. most look very good.

notes: bold means last of variety.
Use R soak technique for mass planted plants to be divided. to minimize harm.
next year: more Paste tomatoes earlier.