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some tomatoes are ripening, but some have blossom end rot. first poblano is 4 inches long and 2 inches wide. it looks great.
bought dirt yesterday.

cumin nigella is finished flowering. yesterday picked 4 toms with blossom endrot, today 2 more. 2 berkeleys, 1 black beauty, 3 black sea man.




noticed the tap beside our porch has no handle on it. if we could get a handle we could turn it on and use it.

toms almost dried out. Devising new garden plan.
Blue berry fell over so strapped it to the marigold. Seems to work. Did a lot of trimming today. Lots of tomatoes looking good. Peppers just starting and 1 poblano is decent size.


Tigridia is flowering! no calla flowers. our jalapenos are giant! not yellow yet. so many SRP! just starting to turn pink on the bottom branch.

wanting to make a pepper sauce now. but nothing is quite ready. Picked fresno the other day and ate it in dinner. it was a bit hot, jalapeno ish. We have anaheims! at least 1 inch long already.

Picke dour first jalapeno today! from the 4 inch pot it has 4 jalapenos.


fertilized weakly

been fertilizing with 1 tsp per gallon lately, about every other day. or every few days.

Picked 3 cosmic eclipse today! 1 with end rot. picked 2 atomic grape, 1 with end rot. picked 4 ripe blush tiger and 1 unripe one. The very first ones!

picked a green purple russian the other day by accident. picked 2 or 3 indigo rose the other day which they are all bright yellow. wierd! the plant is laden with green fruits.

anaheims are 2 inches long. looking good. 2 poblans are 4 inches lng. ready to pick! our overwintered anaheim plant is laden with fruit and theyre ready to pick.

accidentally picked a candy cane pepper today! its light green with white stripes. pretty faint right now. theres another fruit on the plant same size.

Picked lucid gem with a small bit of end rot.

tomato reviews

trying to save seed but am confused by 2 toamtoes. the taz choc has regular leaf foliage, yet the black sea man has potato leaf. the fruits look a bit similar.

Ate pur first indigo rose today. It was ripe yet bright yellow with slight purple shoulder. Tasted good.

Ate our first cosmic eclipse picked just yesterday. It was delicious and very unique. Maybe a tad unripe. It had a lemon like tang, yet was sweet. Very unusual taste but very pleasant as it suited the salmon we ate with it perfectly.

rain barrel, feet weakly

xinde dropped off a rain barrel. he loves the garden and took some tomatoes and peppers. said he will bring some metal stakes.

we are out of store bought tomatoes and for the first time we wont have to buy any!
we have:
cosmic eclipse
blush tiger
atomic grape
lucid gem
taz choc

todo: save seed from end-rot Berekly Tie Dyes. place rain barrel- rain tmrw! plant coleus-done, fill tom contaienr with more soil.

used dirt for sink, whiskey barrel, repot bananas -done. now we have over 50 banana plants.

I think the mystery tom is taz choc, as it is mainly red with a brown blush, and the black krim n the plant has a crown of black. There's about 20 black beauty toms though they are all small right now. Planted bee balm in empty back spot.


picked some huge tomatoes yesterday. From the black sea/ tax choc area. I think the taz choc are more pink. The black sea have darker tops. So far haven't eating any black sea yet. Had a ta choc for breakfast it was great, sweet and mild, unlike yesterday's cosmic eclipse. Very nice. Ate a Srp, unripe, in a curry yesterday. It was hot but after cooking for an hour the curry wasn't hot. Finally rained last night. Going to fertilize toms today.


fertilized toms

Went out to nofrills and sweet potato and got 3 kinds of flowers!
#1 lime green, short coneflowers. almost white. about 1 foot tall.
#2 zinnias in sunset colours. bicolor with single flowers. one was red center yellow petals. other was pink with purple center, and a purple petal with dark purple center. got the pinkish one and the yellow one, and a thrid which might be pinkish. the plants are very short, about 4 inches tall.
#3 was a marigold, bicolur, orange with red outside petals. about 1 foot tall, maybe less.

Picked a bunch of atomic grape, cosmic eclipe, blush tiger. no more taz choc ready. but some green ones.

flower seeds saved:
Pro­fusion Red Yellow Bicolor Zinnia
White coneflower

b tie dye near the stairs is huge and has 6 big fruits on it. its just planted int he soil. good sign for next year. sunflower has petals showing! all yellow. they are inch lng. will get bigger tomorrow i guess.

pepper maggots attacked our nardello peppers picked yesterday. its laid by a fly. one defense is a row cover.t hey dont seem to bother spicy chillies or nahaeim or poblanos much though.

today picked our first ripe black prince! and a perfect anaheim.

picked some red nardellos, 3 of 4 had pepper fly. 1 anaherim had it too. and the shishito had it too. All the reddish peppers have it. Feeling discouraged as peppers is one of our favourite crops to grow.



going with a 3 prong approach to pepper fly: neem, nematode, netting.

today sprayed half a bottle of neem solution on all ppepper plants. not much neem left. used a 30 ml bottle in 1 season.

picked our first pink tiger yesteday, they were great.

picked our first dark glaaxy todya, not ripe yet. got 2 more black prince. have a lot of blondkopfchen. our 2 tomatoe containers are full. black prince is similar to black sea man and taz choc.

picked 2 srp and 1 yel jalapeno, all infected except 2 srp not opened yet. picked 2 nardeloos and scared to open them too. probably cant afford nematodes this year. it may be too late before we do.

hasn't rained for over a week and everyday is 31 C inside and out. Work up at 12 noon to look at morning glory, which has blooms, but they were closed. We may never see them. It finally rained heavily for 10 minute. That was it. Counted banana plants, we have over 20 small ones for $5 each, some didn't make it. They are recovering from transplant. Lots in the bathroom rooting in water. Plus we will sell coleus plants. They are flowering, will collect heads soon for seed. Picked some naredllos today, only 2 were infected, 3 or 4 weren't. Also had a srp, which wasn't hot, an Anaheim and a handful of shihsitos. Good news so far.

Picked about 2 baskets of tomatoes: black prince, lucid gem, indigo yellow, cosmic eclipse. We eat a lot of toms every morning but we now have 4 baskets worth!

trimmed a lot of tomatoes today but more to do. lots of fruit on the black sea man.

Our berkely tie dye by the staris has 6 huge perfect toms on it. so glad we planted that there!
todo: spray neem oil today!

Fertilized today

had rain last night and day before. its a heatwave but now sotrms are in. Had a huge harvest today!

gt our first B tie dyes: 1 small one is perfect, 1 large has an end rot?
got our first blueberry tomato! got to look for moskvich and trifele soon.
got 1 pink tiger, loads of blush tiger, indigo yellows.
so many tomatoes. our 2 pint boxes are overloading.

picked our first wiri wiri - its red! picke dour first yellow mushroom peppers, they look a bit damaged. first purple peach ghost! its pretty. some SRP too.
fertilized the toms and peps today.

test germination of poppy seed? and nigella. collect more dry pods.

Harvest peppermint zinnia seeds from neighbor!!

new garden plan for 2022: 2 new raised beds. Use brickes to create raised bed in 4 tom corner. Use raised bed for middle pep bed. Idea: use pea trellis A frame design for peppers. Get more large bamboo stakes. They sold out early.

next year: dont plant black sea and taz choc near each other too hard to tell them apart! also use original seed for our stock and saved seeds for selling. too hard to tell which is which.

idea: sell calla bulbs. plant more annuals, some perrenials? buy new calla bulbs?

collecting portulaca seeds. reminder: plant coleus. took cutting yesterday.

Plant dill next year
plant glads next year?
shorter flowers seem to bloom easrlier ex marigold, cosmos.

Neighborhood harvests to do: cherokee rudbeckia, red coneflower, candycane zinnia, orange zinnias.

this fall: plant blackberry lily and lily candensis seeds beside asian lily.