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aother poblano i dead! the front pot has no pepper. so we planted a tiny lucid gem.

went to rona today, bought forest compot $5, voila black earth $2, and a habanada " roulette" pepper plant! got cutting of gallardia (red), red sedum, 2 coleus, and portulaca, and a purple basil. Also bought blooming fert - $8, its a 10-15-10 or something.

put some compost in the bucket, and a lot of the compost had broken down already!

also planted the 2 twilight pepper. all thats left is the green zebra and the 2 berkely tie dyes which are still rooting. plated the shishito inthe fron poblano pot! we have a baby anaheim pepper in the overwintered plant! lots of flowers every where and the peppers ae looking taller! lots of rain water collected. Put some tomato plants ont he curb today - 2 boxes. we have about 8 more!

R replanted the banana plant - we are now done repotting bananas! I can see lots of flax seedlings popping up now!


Rained again yesterday. today: plant coleus, put up ad. plant green zebra. use blooming fert on toms and peps? just mature ones.

Flowers are open on pepper plants in sweet pep bed! we have our first tomato - a black sea man or taz choc that is already 2 inches wide!

Yellow marigolds which were direct seeded are flowering now beside the black pearl which is starting to look great!

orange cosmos has 2 blooms on two different plants by the back garden! the plants are only 1 ft tall or so!

collected 1 gallon of rainwater. it was empty just a few days ago!


got cuttings of purple sweet potato vine, white velverty plant, yellow thunbergia. Berkely tie dyes are read to plant.

need to do some replacements at alveole. Left a bunch of plants at sweet potato.

coleus have roots, ready to plant.

Fertilized today

Transplant purple basil -done. water plants with fertilizer-done. plant coleus-done.


Garden walk

todo: move peps from whiskey barrel - to clay pot. they are overcrowded.
basil is looking huge - the green basils. I saw cosmic eclipse tomatoes growing, lots of black sea and choc shep. no toher toms spotted yet. Saw our first lemon aji pepper! its light green but a good size, and 2 other peps are forming!
todo: stake toms, bury more compost.
take pics of coleus and post ad.


Today got a peter pepper! it was 4.50 with tax from canadian tire. didnt have any poblanos there or at rona! we went to both places even tough it rained hard all day. planted the pepper with the lucid gem in the clay pot.

ca tire had white wave petunia seeds.

got wiri wiri (real) pepper plant today! so excited!

today going to plant wiri wiri, plant some toms etc at alveole, tie up some of our toms. check for peppers and pick the earlies.

transplant peppers in whickey barrel?

probably going to plant in the clay pot with the charapita in it, as the anaheim has died recently (root rot). last year we didnt lose hardly any plants to root rot, this year we lose many. could be the soil which was garden dirt mix held onto to much moisture, or simply too much rain or a combination. dont remember this much rain last year.


moved 2 pasilla peppers from whiskey barrel to hot pepper bed, one big one small. planted wiri wiri in same be don corner. transplanted mirasol from whiskey barel to lucid gem clay pot. planted 2 berkey tie dye by big onion.

blondkopfchen has a multifora flower cluster! toms growing on the lucid gem, lots on black sea/taz choc, starting on atomic grape! lots on inidgo rose, wich is now a monster plant. one on berkely tie dye

tied up a lot of toms. more to tie - out of thread. have a bit of twine. Basil is looking good. peppers are growing big. anaheims look good, poblanos look good. Pretty much done planting everything now. waiting for cuttings to root but thats it. Crackerjack marigd are very big now! crowding out the other plants a bit. they have flower heads but not open yet! lots of small marigld open now, they look good.

Picked our first pepper yesterday! a small anaheim! about 4 inches lng. fromt he overwintered plant.

planted last of our extra plants at alveole. It rained all day today lightly. Harvested allthe purple berries- gooseberry? black currant?


todo: plant succulents. think of fertilizing soon. string up more toms, prune. Trim basil. Plant morning glory. Yesterday R moved the morning glory to the bottom of the column he told me it wouldn't work. Next year I'll put something trailing maybe a nasturtium.

saw jimy nardello peppers yesterday looking long! like cayennes but green. todo plant lettuce. dig up some catnip.

rained off and on today but very hot. not going to garden todya. picked up a calendula-like flower and going to root it. yesterday picked a poppy pod formt he red doubles on our neighbors, not quite ready but maybe clse enough to be viable.

picked a few nardellos and a few shishitos. there's 1 more anaheim thats 4 inches long! trimmed a lot of tom plant that were shadowing peppers. poblano plant has flowers!

planted 2 morning glory pots.
emptied the compost into them. it got waterlogged.
Compost was almost completely decomposed.

watered lucid gem and blue tub as they were dry, they hadn't got enough water.

today the atomic grapes are so big! almost as big as my pinky. yesterday they were 1cm big. they are 4x bigger!
blush tiger has mini tomatoes on it too!
moved blue cream to green zebra as it was overshadows.

mushroom pep has over 20 peppers on it! they are pretty big!

moved the last pasilla from the whiskey barrel to the 3rd clay pot, with the charapita and blue berry. a lot of the pots have basil overshadowing them or crackerjack marigold.
Black beauty has 2 fruit!
Counted 4 toms in the whiskey barrel!

Shishito plants have tons of peppers. Still a but small. Candy cane has 1 flower! Have to stake up shishito taking over the smaller candy cane.

Planted purple sweet potato vine in former geranium pot and put on column. Planted the purple basil cutting in the lettuce pot and planted 2 kinds of red lettuce.

Tmrw: fertilize!
Almost out of string!
Bury banana skins and tea bags.

Fertilized today. layout plans.

its madness. the basil outgrew the peppers and the tomatoes outgrew the basil. easy solutin is to trimt he basil, and move which we did alredy. Also the crackerjack marigold is much too tall for containers with peppers. it looks okay with the overwintered pepper, but all the others its jsut too tall and the leaves are huge. its starving the peppers of light. nnext year its going in the ground, beside the contianers. the orange cosmos, however would be ideal for the containers, its so small and dainty and beautiful!

watered plants today. they wilted. indigo rose wilted and popped back. the pot must be too small for it.

fetilized all toms and peps. Purple peach ghost is out! big purple pepper. lots of toms everywhere!

Need more staking between black beauty and blush tiger.

pink tiger has snapped at the top.

plant more quinoa seeds-done and flax seeds now. pot up more coleus. string up more plants. Pick basil for dinner! Done. Picked a whole basket and still tons left. they are going crazy! did stringing up, more to do still. some of the tomatoes are monsters. Buried banana skins.

Crackerjack is just starting to bloom! its yellow so far. Transplanted a blue cream next to the other one.

What if: we move the indigo rose beside the small banana by hot pep bed, and move the poblano white pot in its place?
Try it out tomorrow. Idea: switch black beauty with poblano pot beside it?
Todo: plant more flax (succession sow), plant moschata seeds to trail down, and in hanging basket.

Today got a blue cumin seed pod! also got 2 poppy seed pods form the double pinks. accidentally pulled out the cumin plant and so planted it beside the tansy. pulled out some creeping thyme that was going on the sidewalk and put it near our hot pepper bed, and a bit under the pepper pots thugh the secnd clump didint have much roots. we'll see. rained a lot today and rained a bit yesterday.

Repotted and drilled new pot for the indigo rose. tied up and fixed the cosmic eclipse which was leaning over. moved the poblano out of there yesterday, also moved the clay pot with the peter pepper toward the cosmic eclipse. Trimmed a lot of tomato foliage today crowding out the peppers. the anaheims are twice as big now.
Planted more catnip in the yellow pole. Black pearl has small peppers now!

Need more stakes!
need seed baggies.
bury more compost.


to do: bury compost. Use new tomato feet. Pick shishito peppers. All done. Tied up a lot of tomatoes. trimmed too. they all have big beautiful fruit. lots of big nardellos. lots of shishitos coming but not as big yet.

Even tied back the sunflower. Need a stake for the trifele. Planted thunbergia with the morning glory. it has a seed sack. planted a pot of coleus. First poblano is growing at the fence. its an inch big. the anaheim has so many peppers all 1 or 2 inches long. and the big long one.

morning glory is taking off and its vines are so long now, maybe 3 or 4 feet! it was so tiny just a week ago.

still only 1 crackerjack bloom and it doesnt look as good.

Sunflowers are just starting to grow buds. garden looks wnderful. many taz choc tomatoes the size of my fist. many anaheims, maybe a dozen. and our first poblano pepper is growing. we have 1 poblano with a flower too, and the trio are budding. other anahiems are budding too. lemon ajis are huge and white. still 20ish mushroom peppers.

Started collecting giatn leek seeds yesterday in the watering can. today is raining all day.

picked our 1st batch of nardello peppers and an Anaheim! Actually picked 1 each last week. Anaheim had small brown speck on the outside. Must be the disease.

Nardellos were good. Not extremely sweet as they would be when red. Cut off onion/leek seed head as it flopped over, and put it in the watering can. Cnw now plant bee balm in its place

to-do: plant pothos 3 to a pot. strap up black beauty.

potted up more pothos to bulk up the pots. they look great now.

tied up a lot of tomatoes.

sawed up the hemlock tree, used the branches as stakes.

got the indigo rose off the ground!

garden is much tidier now. Planted 2 eunoymus sprigs and a mysery plant - silvery furry leaves.

todo: take pics of pothos and coleus.

pruning yarrow
next year: plant crackerjack in ground, next to pots. they still havent bloomed at july 14!
don't alternate tom/pep pots. do half one type, then half other type. the toms are monsters drowning them out!