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plant yellow cayenne. nardellos are poking up already.


yel beef: 132. charapita popping up. put poblano under bright lights.

Today: fill final pot. Fill blue tub-done.

Plant hot peppers, p Russian-done.

Clean up porch-done.

Worked outside for 3 hours. planted 5 toms. Planted all the peps. put anaheims outside to harden. potted 3 pothos.
We have half bag of shrimp left. nothing else.
Peps from gutter side to porch side: purple peach x2, manzano. charapita. yel jal, srp. lemon drop. mush. choc hab.

we have 9 marigold, 13 cosmos. Some marigold coming up in black pearl pot.

To do: plant yellow cayenne.
Plant Anaheim.
Put twilight out to harden - ours is dead. A few bishop crown died too.

In a few days plant poblano, habanada, mirasol.


staying indoors today. Pretty sore. To do: plant yellow cayenne -done 9. Put twilight outside-done. Shishito sprouted! about 6 plants- done 11. There's about 6 charapita plans coming up. nardellos are coming up too.

Took fuschia cutting yesterday.

The pothos outside are all pretty sunburnt. the ones indoors look nice.

bathroom: 6 box + black tray.(90+40)
Kitchen: 1 box.(15)
Downstairs: 5 box. (75)
Beside stair: 1.5 box.(20) total:
Bathroom toms not counted. (25?)
=265 toms.

New and rare?
Over desk: peppers. 1 tray small tom.

Mass planting prices: p b:14. Zima 23. Zima 94. Zima 26. =281 plants at 65cents each makes 180.

Yellow pear, Robeson 7.

10 boxes of 15. 2 boxes of 10. 1 blk tray.

plant twilight, morning glory.
Water plants.
Plant Anaheim. Sow morning glory directly. Plant cosmos. Marigold


heat wave today. Storms coming next 3 days.
Black beauty has 1 stem pinched. Plant looks okay. Might need to top it and root it. Don't know yet.

PEPs have some heat stress. Still growing roots, R says. Starfish don't look as good. 1 plant looks healthy. We'll see

Callas coming up, leaves only. Looks good. lots of our sunflowers look good.

Today, mix up blood meal and feet into pots, get those Anaheims out.

Put out 14 anaheims, 2 pots with 4 each, 2 pots with 3 each. have 1 pot of anaheim babies left with 10 plants. Have 6 large pots left to plant, have to count poblano seedlings.

Planted morning glory on either side of gate, planning to train it up a tall bamboo pole to make a walkway.

planted parsely along the back border. planted 2 twilight peppers to replace dead ones.

planted 5 cosmos: 3 in planters, 2 in tomato corner by column. 1st planter only has 3 bishop crown plants.

Mixed blood meal & fert in all pepper pots, didnt put bone tabs in yet. so poblano pots are ready to plant.

Planning to fill deep round pot, plant morning glory, then tie it onto our column to keep in places. have flowers flowing down.

time to pick the red lettuce. its started to bolt and its filled out pretty well.

the heat wave knocked out the smaller peps (lemon aji, starfish) but theyve all recoverd now.
might have to snap off blue cream berry top, its wilted. see if it recovers tomorrow.

Might plant tall marigold in a border for our pepper beds. might put in tom pots. we also have basil to put in tom, pep pots soon.

todo: moskvich tomato. plant cosmos in dark rasperry corner. soak suflower seed. soak morning glory seed. fill morning glory pot. get banana pot ready. pick lettuce, plant more. count poblano plants. check cream berry. plant pothos

today taking it easy. To do: harvest 1 lettuce. Check plants outdoors. put compost in bucket. water plants.

Soak seeds x2. Maybe plant pothos indoors. count poblanos-9. mirasol - 11. habanada 5. charapita 3. nardellos - 4. shishito coming up.

tomato plan: moskvich in black barrel. 1-2 in hot pepper bed. 1 with atomic grape. green zebra. black trifele-2. blue berry. striped roman. or put them all in the pepper bed. They have 1st true leaves. ready to plant out soon.

idea: we use 3 pots for poblanos. We have 3 left over! Plant tomatoes in them, and Anaheim's. 1 in moskvich, 2 in pepper bed, makes 3 left over for the pots. We have 10 Anaheim seedlings. Means 3 per pot, roughly.

been burying bananas and peels in a bucket lately.

Today done: buried compost. filled morning glory bucket. planted 3 pothos 2 ready to sell now for $10. keeping them indoors.
Watered hanging planter, hot pepper beds. r says not too water too much yet unless wilted, to grow good roots.
Plants look good including blue cream berry. Harvested all the lettuce. maybe it will grow back. it had just bolted.

to do: split moskvich: 26. Change ad.

potted up a dozen moskvich with multiple toms in them.
Put 9 morning glory seeds to soak at 5pm-ish. we have over 10 left.
rained today. garden looks good.


planted morning glory at 4pm. All in the green pot. Buried more compost. First calla is out today! Calladium is leafing out too. put freesia outside today. its got 3 sprouts. blue cream berry looks not good.

Our twilight don't look very good.

Put rocks in the pepper bed

Put poblano, mirasol, habanada, orange cayenne outdoors.

To do: start planting basil. put moskvich to harden. put other toms to harden. put bone tabs in the peppers. plant lettuce

We will fill in the gaps with marigold.


put 2 moskvich outside-done. today: put basil outside.
should wait a day or two more to plant poblano. check and water plants today.
plant lettuce today-done. plant white cosmos in the back-done. put black trifele toms outside to harden-done. also put 1 gren zebra and 1 blue cream to harde. have 1 of each left inside
blue cream doesnt look good. going to replace it. Tied up some of the bigger toms. watered sunflowers - 3 of them look good, 1 looks okay. looks like 1 black zebra has come up but no leaves out yet. morning glories which got eaten are re-growing leaves now.

Black beauty cutting is growing roots. shishito is up and growing 1st true leaves. everything looking good. bee balm and coneflower are much bigger now.


Went to dollarama. no bamboo stakes left. they sold out in 2 days of being open. they did have a nice fence and a 15' hose. tomatillos on sale at nations for $2 now.

plants look good. callas got 4 blooms so far. some are coming back under the pepper bed.

tmrw: plant blue cream. plant peps, basil. Check if we have garden sulfur left. add 1 tsp per plant to hole.

Apparently we can add sulfur to our peppers in the form of epsom salt - magnesium sulfate. 10% mag, 13% sulfur. link. r says its not strong enought oo much mag

todo: plant blue cream. plant peps(poblano, anaheim), basil, toms. Check if we have garden sulfur left. add 1 tsp per plant to hole.

put more bricks on pepper bed.

plant marigold. Put bee balm and coneflower out to harden.

Today we got sulfur for $8. going to add to anaheims, and poblanos, and add into our sweet and hot pepper beds. might just put it in water and water it in, or dig a little bit. can't wait to get back into the garden. some of the plants are getting quite big, especially the tomatoes. R already put 2 bone tabs in each calla pot. they have bonemeal at rna's going to buy some soon. marigolds seeded are coming up strong now.


planted all the poblano, all the anaheim and all the purple basil.
only 2 poblano in the 1 pot.
planted purple basil in 2 tom pots by the fence.
planted blue cream. planted moskvich and trifele and blueberry.
sulphurized all the pepper pots. except hanging planter.
planted crackerjack marigold - in 3 poblano pots, 1 anaheim pot. planted orange cosmos
put 2 bone tabs in all pepper pots.
planted toms: green zebra, trifele, speckled roman. in hot pepper bed: speckled roman in front, trifele in back. green zebra in flower bed next to onion. lucid gem in front of that - not hardened off but planted anyway. 3 anaheim toms: moskvich, trifele, blueberry.

hardening off the other blue cream berry. considering planting blush tiger and another lucid gem in flower bed.

next: sulphurize the pepper beds. and add bonemeal to hot pepper bed.
Put black beauty outside to harden off. its growing roots but need more roots.
put bee balm and coneflower to harden off.
plant lettuce & sweet basil.
put all peppers to harden off. And blush tiger, and lucid gem.
leave note for beekeepers.
dig out dirt under pots. Transplant succulents.

Put black beauty outside to harden off. its growing roots but need more roots. Done
put bee balm and coneflower to harden off. Done

plant lettuce & sweet basil. In blue tub, white tub

put all peppers to harden off. And blush tiger, and lucid gem. Done
leave note for beekeepers.
dig out dirt under pots. Transplant succulents. Done

plant outdoor peps: mirasol, orange cayenne. In barrel, hanging planter.

next: sulphurize the pepper beds. and add bonemeal to hot pepper bed.
plant oxalis into bigger pots.

Today we didnt get much done. but we planted the habanadas (5) and sulfurized the soil in that whole area fr them and future peppers. we will add bone meal to that area later.

today: plant pinto bean and black bean! other possibles to grow: sesame, poppy, chia, flax, quinoa, rice.

morning glory disappeared so on with the beans! black bean is climbing!

going to plant excess toms into black container corners-done.

plant lettuce & sweet basil. In blue tub, white tub-done.
leave note for beekeepers.
next: sulphurize the pepper beds. and add bonemeal to hot pepper bed-done.
plant oxalis into bigger pots.
plant outdoor peps: mirasol, orange cayenne. In barrel, hanging planter. Done
plant beans-done

1 morning glory is still alive by the lilies. planted beans on both sides. 4 pots with purple callas havt at east 1 purple flower now. Indigo rose has flower buds! Mirasol is in barrel, and hanging planter #1 and #2, orange cayenne in is #2.

Planted many toms: flowerbed: berkely tie-dye, lucid gem x2, green zebra. 3 corners of black pot: blush tiger, cream berry, moskvich.
We have toms left to plant: 2 lucid gems, 1 green zebra.
sulphurized and added bone meal to hot pepper bed. next: add sulfur to sweet pepper bed.

3 of our poblanos died and 2 of our anaheims. I think the plants were too young and the stems too thin and so got too wet and rotted out. have 3 tops soaking in water to root, but dont have much hope.
Instead we will plant shishitos in the empty pot, and jimmy nardellos in the front pot (2 poblanos).
Also have to plant 4 or 5 yellow cayennes in big pot, and 3 aji charapitas.
going to let morning glory in cells get big before planting out hopefuly theyll live.

R potted up some fucschai cutting yesterday. today is rainy probably wont do any gardening. A pepper on the far right hanging planter #2 has died. I think it was fish pepper, or var. piquin. replaces with orange cayenne.
Flower buds now also on taz choc and black sea!

repot fuschias.
repot oxalis.
sulfurize sweet peps.
plant nardello, shihsito, charapita, yellow cayenne.
note to beekeepers.
stake up 2 sunflower.

It's a hot one today. beef on 5.47. done 7.47.

repot fuschias.
repot oxalis.
sulfurize sweet peps.
plant nardello-5, shihsito-6, charapita-3, yellow cayenne-5.
note to beekeepers-done
stake up 2 sunflower.
plant quinoa, poppy, flax, sesame. quinoa- sunflower row. poppy - 1 or 2 spot by lily. flax- here and there. sesame in coleus planter. Planted all-done.

plan: plant cone flowr by yarrow int he back-done. move yarrow eventually. plant bee balm by big onion in the back.

repot fuschias-done.
repot oxalis.
sulfurize sweet peps-done.
plant nardello-5, shihsito-6, charapita-3, yellow cayenne-5-done.

stake up 2 sunflower-done.

You'll know it's time for harvesting onion seeds when the umbrels or flowering heads begin turning brown. Carefully clip the stalks a few inches below the head and place them in a paper bag. Set the bag in a cool, dry place for several weeks.

Spent 2 hours outside. planted the black beauty. the other black beauty has 1 flower already! it's 2 fused ones together. i decided to leave it. black sea has open flowers!

I planted all the peps. only 2 of our habanadas survived. i put jimmy nardello in the front poblano, and 2 shishito and 2 nardello clumps in the 2nd poblano pot. i put aji charapita in the back anaheim pot with the blueberry. yellow cayenne is in a line next to toms in hot pep bed.

morning glory is staked up now. raspberry is fruiting! got 6 berries. gooseberry is colouring up - theres at least 40 berries.

1 tom spot is open. we have 1 green zebra, 2 lucid gem possible planting. still have to plant bee balm.

save poppy seed

Another poblano rotted out. the other 3 in the other pot look pretty good. 1 left in the front pot.

took pictures of the poppies we want to save seed from.

blush tiger has flowers.


found a blue cream berry! going to plant in our last spot. got 2 trays of plants to g to alveole. going to plant the rest up the street, probably. too many plants.

todo: dig compost pile.

alvelo: begin thurs at 3 pm

Poblano by the fence has new growth! Shishito cutting has roots!

today have to dig and bury compost-done. planted blue cream berry. no beans or flowers up yet. lucid gem is getting flowers now. other lucid gem looks dead. got 2 trays of plants to go to alveole tomrow. Sulfurized hanging planters, and the path to deter cats. One poblano is dead.



think about fertilizing the blooming tomatoes, maybe peppers too with blooming fertilizer.

Just realized the blooming fertilizer will affect the basil too! Oh well.

spent 2 hours at alveole planting the garden. r planted habaneros in a line by the beehouse. i planted ground cherries in the lawn between sunflowers. we planted all the omatoes and peppers inthe bed. they had cat problems too and we are worried the cat might dig up our plants. but we have replacements.

staked and tied a lot of tomates. lot of them have flowers out or forming, and peppers are budding a lot. only the anaheim has an open flower.

the lucid gem and berkely in the flower bed are doing well.

snipped off 2 berkely cutting and put them to root. will stake those toms some other day. more trimming to do there.

we have 2 large bamboo canes left, used 2 today.

speckled roman died. planted lucid gem in its place. still have 1 lucid gem and 1 green zebra left.

cats are back int he yard. maybe the rain wahed the sulfur, i'm thinking nothing will help and i've gvien up. just keep planting succulents to cover bare soil i guess. maybe a netting around the pepper bed too.

marigold haas buds! put shishito out to harden. all the purple calls have 1 flower, no other colours yet.

spent an hour in the garden this evening, until dusk. R potted up 3 banana trees. I cleared out a lot of goji. The lilies are out! One yesterday, almost a dozen today. Watered a few toms even though it rained heavily yesterday or the day before. It was so hot today it was 31C. Yellow Cayennes are alive, and 1 habanada alive. Snatched some tansy from alveole, some of the toms look alive. The tansy has the fern leaves and yellow buds. Hopefully it will take off.



buy bone meal by july
finish planting peps (twilight).

plant bee balm by july.
at end of June take basil cuttings.

next year: separate peps earlier(such as candycane) into cells to reduce root damage and get them growing faster(too much wilting so far).

new zealand spinach . Idea for next year: grow bean varieties for the colourful flowers: scarlet runner, hyacinth, purple pod. Black snakeroot bloom time late summer. growing black beans. Stcks - doubles. Labrador tea. plant flowers earlier.

do not mulch pepper beds! attracts cats. we cover them with stones it helps a little.

pick 4 or 5 first peppers early to stimulate growth. pinch tops when plants ahave 6 leaves after pinching to encourage branching. ref

4 Ways to Speed Up Pepper Growth & Fruiting

pinching: only do it very early, or not at all in short growing seasons.

fertilizer:first focus in nitrogen then phosphorus & potassium later

This year: might not pinch peppers. it saves space to not do it, and it may yield better. link