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tomato planting

18 main varieties. 6 in cell pack =1.5 cell pack.

Adding Robeson, white cherry, yellow cherry


$2.50 new & rare plants

Today plant more toms-Done. put to sprout poblano, lemon drop -Done.
Going to buy habanero from nations if we go there soon, and plant asap. Might get them tomorrow.

Expecting in mail from michael patrick: shishito, poblano, srp, fish.

and 1 other sender in the US.
1 from BC which never arrived so far.

Candy canes, 3, have reared their heads above soil. a single chilwahcle is going strong. many peppers growing strong, except black pearl has nothing come up. seed may have rotted in soil.

todo: plant the 3 jimmy nardellos todya. 6 bishop crown sprouted, and at least half of b rainbow(twilight).

new idea: charge $2.50 for new & rare plants, not $5: brandywine, black beauty, atomic grape.

Put all the tomato seed planted today. have 2 black trays with 12 pots each, plus the 2 green trays of 16 each.

In about a week or so, I'll plant our tomatoes. Need to make some room, maybe on windowsills for those.
I will need to plant: brads atomic grape (15 seed) ,pink tiger(maybe) Black Sea man, Tasmanian chocolate ,reisenstraube, blondkopfchen, COSMIC ECLIPSE , sweet tooth (maybe), Sunrise Bumble Bee, Blue cream berries tomato. blueberries, dark galaxy = 12 toms. might knock off pink tiger and sweet tooth.


Received seeds: fish, srp, poblano, shishito. Also bought habaneros today. will separate seeds soon.

Put 4 Jimmy nardello in dirt. Had barely visible root.

put to sprout the new seeds yesterday. just have to to habanero - Done.

next: get pots ready for atomic grape etc.


Recieved seeds today! From Kentucky. Mad Hatter 20-30. Brazilian Starfish 20. Habanada 12. Poblano 10. Sweet Bonnet 10. Orange Spice Jalepeno 10.

Sprouted! 1 Candy cane, 2 pasilla, 2 lemon aji! Even 1 habanero which was put to sprout yesterday! Plant b crown and b rainbow asap, leaves showing thru. Excited and happy. only 2 peppers missing from us now, Anaheim and Shishito. Poblano peps put on Mar 2 look like they're growing roots too!
Planted everything except the B rainbow (twilight).


Tomatoes started coming up last night! put them under the bathroom lights today. Only the ones in green trays sprouted. the lights dont cover all of the tray, will have to rotate.

today: plant B rainbow. in 2 pots.


Today: planting b rainbow and tomatoes.
Have 2 large empty containers.
dead pepper pots: fresno, ghost, sweet bell
dead and to be used: habanada, poblano, shishito
grey area: tomatillo

So, sweet bell and fresno for the b rainbow. scrape soil off the top.
3 large containers for tomatoes.
atomic grape, Black Sea man, Tasmanian chocolate

Have 2 cell packs = 8 cells: pink tiger
Sunrise Bumble Bee
Blue cream berries tomato.
dark galaxy

Planted all the tomatoes except Blue Berry! planted lots of blue cream berries. re-arranged a lot of plants to put stronger pepper seedling sin windows, and the black tray, 2nds of toms, under strong lights. 1 tray of peps up there as well.

Pepper Sprouts! Paprika has 1 weak sprout. Lemon Aji has 5 strong sprouts! from mar 2. SRP has 11 sprouts! very strong. Poblano - mar 2 - has a sprout! Fish has 1 sprout! Shishito has 2, almost 3 sprouts, and some mold. Will plant them all at once soon. Planted twilight in 2 pots.

Empty cell in Chilhuacle.
Today plant:
Paprika 1 weak sprout. Lemon Aji 5 sprouts! SRP has 11 sprouts! Shishito


1 piquin variegatd
1 sweet bonnet
4 orange jalapeno
10 mad hatter
10 brazil starfish
5 poblanos - Planted 10 sprouted seed.
20ish lemon aji - Done - planted all.
10 shishito - plant today, mold - Done- planted all.
12 srp
6 fish - plant today, mold - Done - planted all.

Seed habanero and anaheim. bought yesterday from SP. Put both to sprout. Anaheim seed looks brown, maybe immature. Put last 3 nardello to sprout. Put lots of yellow jalapeno to sprout as many didn't come up. Maybe planted too deep.

6 pep varieties left to plant - have 2 pots and 1 small pot.

6 more poblanos sprouted - plant today. Plant SRP today- green leaves showing. Planting 15 types of tomatoes for us. Doubles of about 2 or 3. So 17-18 tomatoes. 19 types of pepper.

Planted SRP last night. today: plant peppers. variegated piquin. 5 types total. plus poblano.

Half the toms in the green tray are not coming up or only have a few. i see some coming up though. no activity in lucid gem or indigo rose. the indigo rose and lucid are coming up in the tray on the desk which wasn't watered as much. some of the toms in the green tray are dying from too wet soil. only 2 or 3.

today is 1st day of rain this year.

atomic grape starting to come up. Same with blue cream berries. Some tomatoes coming up in the green tray - amish gold.
tomatoes starting to get 1st real leaf. In black tray indigo rose coming up a little and 1 lucid gem.
showing leaves and up: fish (2), lemon aji (2), poblanos, SRP, twilight. almost all except shishito and sweet bonnet.

Sprouted: 1st bag habanero from mar 4 - nations has 13 sprouts. 2nd bag has 26 sprouts! they looks strong. no sprouts in new habanero bag from mar 9. jalapeno yellow has sprouts, but also black mold on both sides.

Planted all: mad hatter, orange jalapeno, Brazilian starfish, 1 piquin, 2 sweet bonnet. All the poblano sprouted, half had mold and was planted on the other side. Poblanos showing green stems, no leaves yet.

R says there's 400 tomatoes in the bathroom now.

Lemon ajis are up, 3 of them. Our tomatoes are up,.almost all. Lots of atomic grape is up. Pretty happy with the peppers so far. Could have had more yellow jalapenos.

Tomatoes growing their 1st leaves. At least half are looking pretty great. Will probably plant more Indigo rose and lucid gem tomorrow, and habaneros.

There's a 1st batch of Indigo rose which looks good. Yellow pears are doing great. Not much green zebra. Not much costuluto. 1 purple bumblee is struggling, the other 2 are good. There's 1 Cherokee purple. One black vernissage is doing good, the other has nothing. 1 Robeson is good, the other 2 have nothing. Still toms comibg up in Amish gold and tom thumb. Maybe more.


planting: purple bumblee, lucid gem, indigo rose. spraying and soaking anaheim seeds from last year.

planted habanero seed today, have 2 pots for them. more is sprouting, will plant in a few days.

2 dead ones and 1 new one.

new one -yel jalapeno?

2 dead ones: 1 lucid gem.

old slots in tray: indigo rose, p bumble bee. dead 1 p bumblebee.

Planted half the yellow jalapeno, sprayed the rest. Have 1 brandywine soaking in water which the stem withered. Hopefully it will root.

Planted half the indigo rose, at least 100 seeds, and all the purple bumblee, maybe Nother 100 seeds. Planted about 20 lucid gem. Done planting tomatoes now! All I have left are the indigo rose.

Only 2 types pep left to plant in a few days too. Feels good being almost done. I think the soil i plabted the toms in was too wet and caused the stem rot.

Todo: sanitize more soil tmrw.


Habaneros poking leaves out of the soil. doing very well. Got to plant more soon. have 1 empty container. todo: sanitize dirt.

Bought neem oil. Moved chilhuacle, lemon aji under lights. they were in the window sill. all cell have 1 plant up. our tomatoes are up too. almost all of them. moving them under lights too.

sanitized the soil today. 2 pots on the porch. Got to plant habaneros and yellow jalapeno today. nothing in shishito, might give up. or dig around. sweet bonnet has 2 up, seed stuck on leaves. put under lights too. 1 more sweet bonnet sprouted.

sprouted: 3 variegated piquin, 2 sweet bonnet, 1 lemon aji, habs from mar 9 and mar 4 SP.

yel jap is sprouted but so much mold im scared to open the bag.

Planted all the habanero seed ad ye jalapeno seed yesterday. And all the others that sprouted. Already see habs coming up. The only one were waiting for is Anaheim. Plants looking good despite aphid attack. Yel Jal from last summer is dying now.


the newest batch of indigo rose and purple bumblee are just starting to come up today. a good sign. going to do some neem today, and wait 24 hours to see if the plants are ok. then a full douse tomorrow.

made neem oil solution: 10ml neem oil, 10 ml alcohol 70%, 1 drop dish soap, 1 litre water. sprayd on green oxalis, and larger pepper plants, and jalapenos. we'll see how they look in 24 hr.

Moved the plants around today, the green oxalis in the window looks liek shit, however the ones downstairs look great. so all the oxalis is out of the window and precious seedlings are there now. will do some moving tmrw. no anaheim sprouts today, if they dont come up maybe i'll give up on anaheim. Today planted tom seed in green tray: pink cherry, Cherokee purple, costuluto, black vernissage.

There are 2 sprouts in the Anaheim seeds so far. Poblano has leaves up. Neem didnt appear to kill anything from yesterday. 3 lucid gem sprouts are coming up. lots of indigo rose and p bumblebee coming up. its going well.

In the next week, we will split the ground cherries. they are crowding out their pot. Also will split the bigger peppers. However we are low on room for all the plants.



Indigo rose coming up fine and strong now. i think it's a matter of not letting the seed get too wet. and not covering the soil with anything, so the moisture isnt trapped in. r kept telling me to water the baby seedlings and i didnt, and when i did only sparingly bottom water. it seems to have worked like a charm.

I just let r water my habaneros overhead. i told him a teaspoon of water only. i am very concerned about overwatering. the plants looked fine. he said the dirt is dry as dust and he said that a lot lately. however i havent lost any to drying out. well, almost the guajillo and the lemon aji, whihc the ahi bounced back and it was overhead, and i hadnt checked it for 2 or 3 days and r didnt either.

The tomatoes int eh bathroom are bouncing back. for a wile i thought i wouldnt have enough but now tey are filling out and looking good. ill have a few less brandywine and others than i expected, but i have some.

to-do: plant anaheims.



Put both cubanelle and anaheim to sprout yesterday.

today fertilized toms in green tray. Some sprouts coming up, 3 b vernissage, 2 cherokee purple.

Added soil to the peps that had aphids rinsed off. soem needed lots of soil. we have a decent amount of cherry bombs, jalapenos, and sweet bells. good amount of choc shep too.

Got some brazil starfish plants coming up, 1 piquin and no orange jalapeno or mad hatter yet. though we have bishop crown anyway.

2 blue boxes of habaneros look great starting 1st leaves. new indigo rose and p bumblebee look amazing. to-do: fert ground cherry in kitchen.


Fertilized the ground cherry. R did the other one already.


Divided 1 pot of orange shep(3 plants), 1 of sweet bell(20 plants). still 1 more pot of orange shep. planning on doing 1 choc shep (13 plants) and theres 2 more pots of that.

We now have almost 30 sweet bell peppers plants. they are mostly small but have real leaves. they should grow quicker now that they have their own pots.

next we will do ground cherry.

Next to separate: cherry bomb 1/2, jalapeno, yel jal 1/3, hab 1/2, yel cayene. 1 or 2 deco. We have 1 twilight (10 plants), 2 orange deco (10,1) 1 bishop crown (10).


Separated 12 Choc shepard today. Separated a dozen Yellow jalapeno, plus 5 large yellow jalapeno at 5" tall each. put them in 5" pots and on sale for $5 each.

Next to separate: cherry bomb, yellow cayenne

Jalapeno, twilight, habanero and orange chili are not big enough to separate really.

Tomorrow: sanitize more dirt!

Next year: start tomatoes 1 week earlier. Use dryish dirt. the dirt was too wet this year and seedlings overwatered. Idea: use jiffy pellets, sans mesh, and put in green trays to start seeds.

I think my mistake was covering the dirt after planting seed, and the dirt was too wet, and shouldnt have been covered either way, causing mold and killing the seeds and young plants.