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So excited for May! Yesterday went to Nations garden centre and bought 3 pepper plants! The purple peach ghost which are nearly 1 foot tall, and Orange Manzano which is furry and 6 inch tall. they were 2.75 each total $7 something.

Today going to check out more garden centres- onthe hunt for anaheim/shishito!

put up new ads today, with $ toms. It's kind of sunny now, it has been raining straight for the past week and so cold we wore winter coats. today is first nice day, still cool but lots of rain predicted for the next week!

Checked out ca tire garden center few peps, few toms. home depot - no peps, few toms. no dragon roll anywhere. Thinking of buying honeyberry from ca tire $13. but where to plant it?

today put to sprout peps: orange cayenne, wiri, habanada, shishito, anaheim.

garden plan

Sanitize dirt today. Done. next toms to split: costuluto, robeson, etc.
things slowing down on tom splitting.

today planting flowers in a cell pack: bee balm, cosmos, marigold. Done. Planted half seed of blackberry lily, sunflower, marigold. have 10 seed left cosmos. planted most of bee balm, all of coneflower.

Todo: plant allium seed in flower bed. Out of costuluto, brandywine. Split time?

Today got dried guajillos with seed, an aji charapita plant and pepper with seed in it, and 2 anaheim peppers, and a pack of poblano seeds.

so will have to put to sprout 3 or 4 peps.

also have to de-seed a yellow beefsteak and plant tonight or tomorrow morning. Also going to get zimas at nations, maybe a green tomato. havent seen any so far and green zebra is selling out.

today divided zimas, we have 7 in total. Next to divide: lucky tiger, costuluto.

Remember to save 1 zima for us. we have 2-3 left now. 1 german pink left.

today planting: poblanos, guajillos, anaheim, yellow beefsteak-done.

today split: black prince(5+2sm+1 ours=8), costuluto-10(apr 8). Both done. Next: indigo rose- Done - 17 divided, about 40 left.

Planting yel beef in long strawberry container-done. maybe 200 seeds. The toms(pink brandywine x2, brandywine x2) are coming up very nicely now, getting their firs true leaves, and there is lots of plants.

thinking of splitting yellow jalapeno soon too, maybe choc shep too. Tomorrow.

put to sprout last night: poblanos, anaheim, guajillo. orange cayenne sprputed yesterday - just one. today got our shovel.

Today planted about half the seed from the zimas, about 40-50 seeds.

Cosmos has sprouted!


picture taken at 4pm. the light has just passed from our backyrd.
marigold has a few sprouts. cosmos has lots of sprouts.

divided 14 habs. now 16 yellow jalapeno. 1 container left of baby yel jalapanoe.
chery bomb: 24 total, 4 sm. choc shep 3 total, 5-6 sm.
Went outside and moved some dirt rocks and bricks around.

Separated 17 cherry bomb. pot left of the small ones.

Tmrw: choc shep split, get more dirt. more yardwork.

yesterday suflower began to sprout. Anaheim has 3 or 4 sprouts - moldy bag. wiri has 4 sprouts. planting both today.

splitting a few toms today. 9 robesons done. have 1 red beefsteak left - its small. 4 pink brandy wine.

pepper planting

we have sprouts in all peppers except orange cayenne - disappeared, and shishito. Sprouts in guajillo-2, moldy anaheim-3, habanada-1, wiri wiri-4 all of them, poblano-2, anaheim-2.

Bought fertilizer and streaky blue morning glory seed from Rona. They had peppers but no dragon roll

Today planted all the zima seed in 2 pots. To do: plant PEPs, split lucid gem, fertilize.

fertilized nearly everything.

planted wiri and moldy anaheim yesrterday.

today split red oxheart, red brandywine, and lemon boy.

should plant more red beefsteaks today.


urban harvest

today went to urban harvest. got shishito plants 2 pots 2 plant per pot, 1 jimmy nardello w/ 2 plants. one shishito pepper snapped off so we put it in the window and the broken part in water to root. also bought $10 of seeds: shishito, jimmy nardello, moskvich tomato, and lip balm. it cost $29.95 for all that, plus lip balm for $5.

planted 3 types of peps: mirasol 30, poblano 15, habanada 6.

trnsplanted the last of choc shep - about 20 plants mostly with one leaf only. put them under strong light. 4 or 5 are salable. 5 are just sticks, now under strong light.

bee balm has sprouted - about 10 little cotyldon pairs.

to do: sanitize dirt-done, plant moskvich tomato - 40 ish seed-done.

tmrw: split flowers for wed 3pm. split red toms. split yellow pear. no black beauty left. sanitize more dirt.

Got real wiri wiri peppers today -frozen. going to de-seed them. got 2 large red toms too. $3.80 for them, about 1 lb.

today: aji charapita, wiri wiri, jimmy nardello, shihsito, orange caynne, yellow cayenne-done.

Plant Anaheim seed. split yellow pear 13.

today plant tom seed.Plant Anaheim seed. split yellow pear 13-done.

Next: split lucid gem 12.
Sanitized dirt today.

Did an hour of shoveling today outside.
Filled 4 large pots with potting mix in the side bed corner.
Might have to buy potting mix, or use up our peat mixed with compost.

Yard is more leveled out now. Looking almost ready.

todo: wiri, start morning glory! Start bulbs indoors.

sterilize soil to start bulbs indoors for freesia.
today plant anaheims-done. Peppers are coming up: habanada, mirasol.
wiri wiri: took some seed out, put rest of peppers in the freezer.

Split: toms oxheart, lucid gem, costuluto, all done. habaneros soon.

soon split toms: brandywine? grape tigrella, white cherry.
going to start morning glory of today by soaking.


split 25 brandy wine. doing 15 more pink, saving the babies with seed heads on.

have about 4 costutluto ready, and 1 robeson.

split pink brandywine - 15, 4 going out today. good looking plants.

grape tigreella 17. after that, we have clumps of white cherry, yelow pear x2, red cherry. that's it.

zimas are coming along very well, packed with plants in both containers. yellow beefsteak is the same.

Put morning glory to soak at 9:15 pm today.
Was out in the garden for 3 hours today. Got 1 hanging pot up. Might do another. Going to put up a temporary fence. Planted the 2 currant bushes in, one is actually a gooseberry? Next to the tree and watered well. Got the freesias in the strawberry pot, waters and indoors.
Coleus is outdoors.
Going to be warm every night and day for the next week.


grape tigrellas- done, about 15. lucky tigers - 19, done. morning glory - cell packs 9 done at 8pm.

started putting up a fence today of bamboo.
Coleus are all outside now. 11 C at night. Put wiri to sprout.
Coneflower has 1 sprout!

Tmrw: plant coleus and oxalis, plant.flower bulbs, arrange pots and fill.
Split white cherry-19. Put yellow cayenne to sprout. split indigo rose. germinate blue berries, black zebra, speckled roma, black trifele. Not Growing Tomatillos This Year!!!!


white cherry - done. twilight - done, 7 left, 2 for us. next indigo rose. ground cherry.

to do: plant 4 toms. Done

sterilize soil. 1/2 done

going out to organize pots.

strap new pot onto fence. Plant marigold seeds in pot.

4 corner toms: moskvich, lucid gem, black sea man, tax choc.

3 pots column: dark galaxy, pink tiger, lucky tiger

White pots column: black zebra, zima, speckled roman, blueberry

Fence: atomic grape, black beauty, cosmic eclipse, Berkeley tie dye

Other pots: blondkopfchen, blush tiger, indigo rose, black prince, purple russian, amethyst cream berries. Black trifele


Updated pepper planting

made 9 b vernissage. soon splitting indigo rose, robeson, brandywines x2, pink oxhearts.

today put up 2nd hanging planter. planted peps and sprinkled marigold seeds.

1st planter: black pearl, 2 variegated piquin, 1 sunburst.

2nd planter: fish pepper. room for 3 more peps -twilight x2.

"For pots, containers and raised beds, use between 1/3 and 2/3 peat moss mixed with potting soil or compost."
To-do: sanitize dirt, put up 1 more hanging planter. Put hole in white bucket.

Today: split 20 indigo rose. Done
Hang new planter.
Water down stairs plants. Done
Sterilize dirt.

Have toms ready to split: Robeson, brandywine. Yellow beefsteak is growing fast, first leaves coming. Zima first leaves coming.
Moskvich and other tomato coming up, put under bright lights.

tmrw: doing yardwork. picking up bonemeal form roan. decided to mix garden dirt 50% with peat moss, and add all the to each pot to make 50% roughly the mixture. also will add compost, going to buy 2 shrimp compost $5/12kg each, plus a 3/$10 manure. so may not be using much garden dirt after all. Pots are roughly half full now.
at least 3 morning glories are coming up. Looks like we may not grow zimas after all, as we can buy them at the store.


Planting plan

moskvich is comingup well looks like all the seed. Orange cayenne coming up.

got banana plant from canadian tire $24 with tax $26. went to rona and got shrimp x2, cow x2 plus bonemeal spikes for $4.80. theres 50 spikes. we'll use 1 per plant for now, and get more later. it says to use 4 spikes for a 20 cm plant.

2 of our peppers overwintered seem to be coming back, one is growing leaves. the other is not really. but they are both green. i think ther are poblanos. one other just died.

ready to plant: poblanos- 2 big, 4 small.

candy cane - 6. shishito 4. jimmy nardello 2.

yellow jalapenos.
bishop crown. brazil starfish.

all toms are ready to plant. Except 5 (b zebra, moskvich etc)

anaheims not ready to transplant yet. but getting there.

next steps: separate ameythst cream berries, ground cherries. Drill bucket.

mix in large tub: peat, compost, manure, potting mix. Fill all pots with this. Save some mix for beds.

to plant pots:
add blood meal, bone spike, hen manure?

1 pot: purple peach, mushroom, choc hab.
And do another pot like that.
Put srp with jalapeņo.
Put lemon drops and chilwacle in bed.
Put starfish in 2 pots.

Hanging planters: Fresno x2, bishop Crown x5.

What's left: Pasilla 5, manzano, choc Shep, Palermo, yel JAL, mirasol, habanada.

I thought the water method of splitting toms would decrease the wilt problem. it didnt work for my white cherry and grape tigrella now most of them are dead and we have none to sell. lucky tiger was affected but it's in much better shape. Putting a bunch of toms and peps outside today onto our porch.

next steps: separate ameythst cream berries-8, ground cherries-done. 8 large cherry done, other half to do today-9. Need to split yellow pear. Drill bucket.

tie planters.

today went to rona got 6 pack of wave petunies in white, and 6 pack speckled coleus. cost about 12.


separate ameythst cream berries-8 done.
large cherry -9-done.
split yellow pear.
Drill bucket.
tie planters-done.

Spent 3 hours outside today. R put up hanging baskets, each with petunia, coleus and oxalis.

I mixed dirt: 2 pots potting mix, 1 pot peat, 1 pot mixed shrimp/cow. filled every container except the 2 big rond ones, and 2 smaller ones.

I planted the two surviving pepper plants: poblano and anaheim, with 1 tbsp blood meal.

tmrw: glue pot back together. Plant bulbs. Finishing mixing dirt. Put hanging planter up. Put bonemeal spike in poblano/anaheim pot. Get bed ready.

Start planting: black beauty in the big round. Plant toms in the 4 corner pots: lucid gem, black sea man, taz choc. along fence- white pot: cosmic eclipse.they

Plant poblanos -4.

Planting 1 choc shep and 1 palermo in their own pot, about 2 gal size.

To do: split pink oxheart, yellow beefsteak, purple bumblebee. Next: brandywine, zima.

Anaheim and Poblano coming up nicely.

Today: yellow pear-done, split pink oxheart-done, yellow beefsteak, purple bumblebee.

Spent another 3 hours outside. Put up the new planter, with hen fertilizer mixed in. Planted cosmic eclipse in big white, black beauty in big round. black beauty was wilted from drying out and put it in and its recovering slowly. Planted sea man, taz choc, lucid gem. Have 1 empty pot there. Put 1 bone tab for each tom plant. put 1 in the anaheim/poblano pot.

Made a bed for the peppers and planted 6 candy cane. amended with 1 pot of compost/manure, and 2 tbsp blood meal, 2 caps of hen fertilizer. will put the bone tabs in when done putting in peppers. Gave 6-10 inches between them. Planted acidentgra and tigrida.

Put 1 pot of compost/manure in each the big white and whiskey barrel and mixed it in a bit.

tmrw planting: poblanos, berkely tie dye. shishito. nardello. aji? guajillo?
toms left: lucky tiger, pink tiger, blush tiger, dark galaxy. black prince, plant with 3 Berkeley.
Room for 9 more pepper plants in bed.
4 shishito, 2 nardello, leaves 3 empty spots.



Today: split yellow beefsteaks, zima-done, update ad-done. next split ground cherry, bumblee, indigo rose.

taking a break from yard work today. Will need to go to metro and get 3/10 compost/manure and we'll mix it with garden soil and maybe peat if we have it. Running low on soil mix.

Today planted th 6 bishop crown in one planter, and fresno in the middle planter with the 2 plants on the left side, leaving space for twilight in the middle. Planted indigo rose in the red/pink pot, and 2 blondkopfchen in the tan pot. used all the bone tabs as accordingly 1 per tom plant.

The cosmic ecipse had been dug at, 1 plant is fine, the other is 50/50. everything else looks fine, and the black beauty has rebounded. I put a stick in its pot. Put the last of many plants outside. Mulch in bed is attracting cats, so put overturned pots on it.


4 corner toms: blondkopfchen, lucid gem, black sea man, tax choc.

3 pots column: dark galaxy x2, pink tiger x2, lucky tiger

Fence: atomic grape x2 + blue cream berry + blush tiger, black beauty, cosmic eclipse

Big round:Berkeley tie dye x3 +1 black prince.

White pots column: black zebra, speckled roman, blueberry (Still sprouting)

Other pots: , indigo rose, purple russian, ( moskvich, Black trifele )

Pepper Plan:

x2 pot: purple peach, mushroom, choc hab.

x2: srp with jalapeņo.
Put lemon drops and chilwacle in bed.
Put starfish in 2 pots.
=6 pots.
Hanging planters: Twilight x2, Fresno x2, bishop Crown x5.

What's left: Pasilla 5, manzano, choc Shep, Palermo, mirasol, habanada. =6 pots?

today: move poo-done. plant sunflowers-done - planted 4 or 5 in a line and protected with blue bag held up by stick, 1 in pepper bed, 1 in tom container, 2 on corner pepper pot. split yellow toms-done. sprout yellow cayenne-done. Nothing has come up in black zebra, thinking of re-sowing now.
one candy cane pepper is wilted. Don't know why. We took the cover off. 1 Fresno was wilted too.
plant dark galaxy-done. plant pink tiger-done. only 1 pink tiger, so coupled it with 1 lucky tiger.

fill calla containers-done. 4 black ones (doubled up) 1 big yellow.

We are now out of potting mix, low on manure/compost and peat. still need to fill 2 large clay pots, and fill big round, white round.

Did one mix with 1 potting mix, 1 garden dirt. it turned out heavy, but it looks pretty good. used it to pot 2 pots of brazil starfish, 5 plants. Also filled 2 2-gal black pots, possibly for choc shep and palermo. Nearly all tomatoes are done.

plant berkely ti dye in big round. plant pasilla and black prince in their too.
Plant poblano x4.
x2 pot: purple peach, mushroom, choc hab.
x2 pot: srp with jalapeņo.
manzano, mirasol, habanada. Charapita.
Fill big blue and plant 4 toms.
1 pot for pruple russian

Got 8 toms done now. make pots for ones that are still spourting: =5 moskvich, Black trifele, blue berry, black zebra, speckled roman.
Total need to make 6 med pots, 1 large pot for toms. Peps: 2 large pots, 4 sm pot, + 4 other.
Thinking of making a second raised bed. Which we would put in it the hotter pepper, and leave the sweet/mild ones in the main pepper bed. Also going to plant our basil in pots mainly with toms and peps, and some in the ground.

Peps for 1st bed: candy cane x6, shishito x4, nardello x2. Habanada. Chilhuacle x1.
2nd bed: lemon drop x3, yellow cayenne, orange cayenne, Manzano x1, Charapita x1, srp, yel jalapeno, choc hab.

move hostas, move yarrow. pot up pothos for sale.
buy more compost from rona, and some mulch to cover our walkways.

jimmy nardello sprouted- 2 at least. shishito has a bit of mold on one. black zebra-planted.
Cosmic eclipse is dead. 1 left, looks good.

make raised bed. almost done. room for 15 plants.

plant poblanos-done. 1 small one left. ones in kitchen window look pretty good- maybe 1 more week.
Planted 2 twilight peppers in hanger.

get hubby to move rocks.
callas- bone meal only. cover pots with mesh, and rocks.
Maybe plant purple russian in with eclipse.

Next: make raised bed, plant: charapita, manzano. 1 tomato?. srp x3, yel jal x4. 10 plants so far. purple ghost. 12. lemon aji. 15.

sweet peps bed: total 15 maybe a few more. candy cane x5, shishito x4, nardello x2. =11. chihuacle. = 12. maybe choc shep, palermo. =14. habanada. (pasilla, mirasol going in tom pots)

Plant Shishito ASAP!

purple bumble bee- done, 20ish. roma grape - done 10ish. indigo rose - 16 ish.

sterlize dirt - done.

plant callas - done. took 6 pots. mulched heavily and put rocks to deter squirrels. the callas were all sprouting already.

plant shishito, chilhuacle, nardello. Choc shep, palermo. - done. didn't replace candy cane yet. room for 3-4 more peps too. Put shishito under candy cane, nardello under shisito, chilhuacle beside brick wall under that, palermo and choc shep is the big plant in the middle. rest of bed will be habanadas, maybe more nardellos. Put 8 bone spikes in.

Prepped the hot pepper bed with the last of shrimp, some peat, blood and fertilizer. dug in 15 spots. there's room for 3 more at the end.

Planted the Berkeley tie dyes. and the 5 pasilla and black prince, which is in the top left corner. already mixed in today the last of cow manure, 1 peat and 1 garden soil. planted then used 3 watering cans full. Put 3 bone spikes in.

I think we've been out for 2 hours. did a banana experiment: put 2 overripe bananas in garden soil pot, then another garden soil pot on top to deter critters.

tomorrow: split brandywine x2. Buy mulch and compost, bone spikes. finish off the large blue tub, plant atomic grapes +2 other toms.

Also need to fill 2 clay pots for peps.

toms left: none atm. 5 types ready in 1-2 weeks.

It's raining and cold today. It says 3 degrees right now at 1.30pm. it was 8 last night. going to warm up to 8 tonight. Our candy cane got broken! a pot had rolled and hit it. I should have put a bamboo stake to protect it. I taped the candy cane back together. not sure if it will work. and i covered with a clear pot. i covered all the small seedling with a clear pot. Worried that the cold weather will stunt the peppers. I dont know I only heard of it once.

had to stop wearing my gloves today, both indoor and outdoor as something caused a bad rash on my hands. so now switching to the pink gloves. which arent water poof.

Nardello has 5 sprouts.
Split indigo rose into 20. Just about done with them now.
Plants look okay despite cold. Propped up pink tiger with a stick, and lucky tiger looks a bit weak.
Threw some fairytale seeds up the road on the unused lot.

split red cherry - 9. next brandywine. we have another brandywine and a robeson to split too.

plant pothos

plant nardellos

plant hot peppers.

nardello is ready to plant. yellow cayenne sprouted! 7 of them. aji charapita sprouted! 3 of them. plant them all today. move poblanos under desk lights asap. the anaheims on the desk are so big. the peps i the window are small!

Went to Rona. Got shrimp x2, triple mix CIl, and mulch. cost $20. brought it in a cart, which was a little wobbly. some of the items were on sale. got spirea and coleus cuttings too.

planted nardello and charapita last night. Working outside today: Plant hot PEPs Plant atomic, blush, p Russian, cream berry. Plant pothos. Went to home depot and Canadian tire. Bought 2 fuschias $6 each, and a banana plant for $29.

Next year: grow more beefsteaks. More yellow and red. Grow more cayenne, even red.

Where to plant flowers.
Cosmos, marigold- hanging planters on side. 1 cosmo each, the rest in the back.
marigold (2'-3') in with toms/peps.
bee balm in raised bed, coneflower, next to hemlock.
succulents - remove some to make room for flowers, move to stump.
sunflowers - next to eonymous, one in tomato pot. Idea: plant line next to brick wall.

Toms: lucid gem, black beauty x2, atomic grape x2, cosmic eclipse, dark galaxy x2, blush tiger, lucky tiger, indigo rose, zima?, blondkoobxhen x2, taz choc, black sea man, black prince, purple Russian, pink tiger, Berkeley tie dye x3, amythest cream berries. Moskvich. New: black zebra, speckled roman, blue berry, black trifele.

Plant at least 6 types of Peps with toms, maybe up to 10.

Things to buy: bamboo stakes, bamboo fence, bone meal, compost. Parsley, Thai basil, purple basil, leaf basil, flowers, catnip seeds.