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Fuschias - need dark.
Morning glory- take cuttings. Thunbergia?
coleus - sell some, keep some in 6 inch pots of each variety.
oxalis - sell some? keep in pots ready to sell for March.
Bananas - sell some. split big red.
bulbs: callas, caladium, tigridia, acidenthra, freesia.

save Peter pepper. peppers- all small hots: wiri, srp, ppg, lemon aji, b crown, starfish, choc hab, black pearl, piquin, manzano, candy cane? charapita, pasilla, sunburst, yel and orange cayenne, habanada.

seed trades

today harvesed nearly all toms on the fence. cut all the plants back- except lucky tieger and a few near it. blight is getting some tomatoes. threw out half a dozen, harvested a huge st lucia bag, maybe 10 lbs, plus a basketful. we have so many tomatoes its ridiculous!

i am eager to get the hot pepper bed done. should probably wash gloves and scissors first to prevent disease.

made wiri wiri using 10 peps in dinner lat night. tomato stew with chicken, it was so delicious. it is our new fave pepper. it wasnt too hot, we thought it might be.

we made ppg and choc hab pepper sauce a few days ago, we only have 2 small jars full - havent tasted it yet.

Todo: finish toms. save peps. pot coleus and oxalis. bring in bulbs.

Today took out all the pepper plants we are overwintering. It was down to 5C last night, very cold. and again tonight. it was was inthe day time which is nice to work outside in. brought in a dozen small banana plants, and 3 or 4 big ones, still have 4 big ones outside. Plus the 2 mother plants - green and red banana.

most peps are labelled, and with their twin - same variety- such as lemon ajis. some are labaeld aji because ther was no pepper to tell what it was, but the flower was an aji.

found: mushroom pep x2, wiri wiri, lemon aji x2, choc hab, ppg x2, manzano, brazil starfish x3 (2 labaled, 1 in yel pot). Blck pearl, variegated piquin, sunburst.

2 mystery ajis are together. 4 plants together are cayenne x2, plus a mystery plant, plus a mystery plant which had a white flower, so liekly c annuum. the big aji with lots of growth at the base is likely a charapita, though there are no frutis, only flower. Found 1 mystery barigeated plant beside the variegated piquin, with no pepper on it. The mystery ajis are likely SRP.

Brought in 2 fuchsia pots, several coleus pots. still 2 or 3 coleus pots to bring in.

received seeds from tracy rath today. very nice big selction of zinnias, cosmos, alssum, corepsis and amaranth. have her seeds ready but waiting on ppg to dry. she said she sent them on the 7th.

ripped out the garden today. mainly sweet peppers. almost all done. Planted 2 candy canes, 1 peter pepper and 1 habanada, and 1 possible charapita.

Next: take out bulbs. dump out pots. take out last 3 tom plants. take out hanging baskets. take our oaxlis into bulb form for easy winter storage.

we have 21 banana plants indoors, 6 are a bit small. we have 6 outside in the long tub. sold 4 yesterday to our neighbor.