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picked toms yesterday and today. Blush tiger is so proflific! Cut open our Jamaican yellow mushroom PEPs, they are hot! Put them in curry already. Collected 2 picotee cosmos, light and dark.

Huge rainstorm last night. it also rained a few days ago. so no watering of the garden needed. maybe just the hanging baskets. got the rain barrel set up too.

tomato review

flax flowers are out. Very tiny.
Berkeley tie dye are sweet and one of our favorites to eat plain.

Cosmic eclipse is tangy and hard for me to eat plain, but wonderful as cooked tomatoes. Black sea man is tangy, and probably won't grow it next year.

Tax choc is sweet and mild and meaty. Wonderful for fresh eating. R's favorite.

Black beauty is my fave, with a sweet flavou4, but with a deep umami, like a hint of chocolate brownie.

Our other fresh eating faves are blush to get and pink tiger.

Black prince is a pleasant tomato.

Blueberry is cute, but a tangy tomato, not my fave fresh eating.

Atomic grape is good and prolific.

picked 4 red habanadas yesterday.

Berkeley tie dye when ripe tastes like a cherry tomato, and is very sweet. A fave.

Dark galaxy when perfectly ripe tastes tangy in a pleasant way. It has a sweet flavour, and a cherry taste. Like actual cherries!

Last night we had 4 peppers that were not infected. 1 Anaheim, 2 red shishito, 2 srp and 3 red habanadas. They were so fruity and flavorful it made an awesome meal.

had dinner with a dozen peppers: shishito, nardelli, srp and 1 candy cane. None were infected. Rained last night. Picked 2 large Berkeley tie dyes.

Atomic grape has a hint f the cherry flavour from dark galaxy. it is delicioues. soem tms have it more than others.

black prince is a sweet mild tom, like taz choc but smaller. very pleasant.

indigo yellow is sweet and full of flavur. very delicious.

found a grub on a seed tray of nardello seed. We had thought there was no damage, and there was no sign of infection. We were wrong. Very disappointed and never eating peppers again.

Might grow hot peppers, or thin walled such as habanada. Or srp. Not sure.

Ate atomic grape today, they were great. Made tomato jam with blonkopdchen, blueberry and cosmic eclipse, all classic tangy tomato taste, which I don't like raw buy like it cooked.

picked our first black trifele tomatoes yesterday! from the center pots.

raining heavily today and for next 3 days. a week from now night temps wil be down to 9C.

soon will be splitting up hanging baskets: coleus, oxalis.

keeping indoors: morning glory offshoot, thunbergia shoot, sweet potato. keeping 2 f each coleus.

Do not grow large beefsteak in any container, even our largest. They just don't do well. Ex Berkeley tie dye and black beauty.