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we have 3 squash growing. none are fertilized yet. we have 2 fairytale along the fence. one is almost 2 inches big and the flower opens tomorrow.




we have a polinated honey nut, and 1 pollinated farityale. the other 2 fairytale pumpkins fell off dead. another one is coming. we have 2 candy cane zinnias. our sunflower was dying we cut the big heads off.
cut back the dead yarrow flowers.
fertilizing eveyr wekend.
raspberries are still coming.


picked red cherry tomato from the whiskey barrel. i didnt plant those.

pickd a handful of red cherry tomatoes fromt eh whiskey barrel. good tomatoes forming on pink brandywine. both black beauty dont have fruit. atomic grape has 1 bunch. tons of bunche sof grape sint h whiskey barrel. tas choc looks sick. 1 huge berkely tie dye growing. dark agalaxy has lots of huge otmatoes. no sign of blossom end rot until today - 1 tomato from behind cosmic eclipse.

harvested the potato barrel a fw days ago. th plant dried up and died. we got 2 small very hard blue potatoes. will cut tem open to see, then maybe plant thm.



picked lucid gems with blossom end rot. almost all have it. also picked black beauty with ber romt eh whiskey barrel corner. not sure i i want to grow those 2 again. not performing well.. we have been picking red cherries, and some taz choc which are strangely small. the plant is diseased. other plants are healthy. picked 4 blush tiger so ar, they are our avourite. the other gates tomatoes look good.

amaranth has flowers! fiirst noticed buds a week ago. nwo we have 7 inch flowers on green and red. note: amranth does best in ground. bad or conatiners. though our contaienr amaranth is lowering too, but the plant is 1' tall.

white marigold is lowering! picked one today. it has a beautiul smell, like lilies, not too sweet. its great. plant is too tall or planters. should be in ground. in theat planter there is white double zinnia- 4", and white single zinnia - 4" tall. pink single zinnia 4" tall. looks liek a lollypop mix. 2nd planter: tyhe zinnias are small flowers, 2' tall. too talll or hangers. bright pink, one peachy.
3rd zinnia planter is the red center, orange/yellow zinnias. i love them. they are 4" tall and good or planters.
no sign o spry marigold or jolly jester.
4th plante3r has stunted amaranth, and the same ziinnias 2' tall and bright pinky colours.
int he pper bed are 2 zinnias: tall pinks 3' tall, and short pink doubles.6" tall.
i've started colelcting zinnia heads now and we made several bouquets o them around the house.
sunlowers are goen romt he octo-flower. but more sunlowers are about to bloom by the gutter.
we have 3 honeynut squash growing. pollinated just yeasterday. has 3 tiny emale lowers ina row. plant has hal dozen efmale lowers/ fruit on it. afirytale up rfont has 6 or so large ruit. not sure yet i they took its too early to tell. about a dozen more female flowers on it. today moved pots away romit. it needs 2' or 3' clearance romt he fence.




flower seed saving

in flowerbed:
envy zinnia.

white zinnia.
peach zinnia.

magenta zinnia
red zinnia.
all are growing well.

next yera: no envy zinnias. less magenta zinnias.

planting perennials: blue thistle, coneflowers, rudbeckia.

works well:
amaranth on neighbors border.