picked lucid gems with blossom end rot. almost all have it. also picked black beauty with ber romt eh whiskey barrel corner. not sure i i want to grow those 2 again. not performing well..
we have been picking red cherries, and some taz choc which are strangely small. the plant is diseased. other plants are healthy. picked 4 blush tiger so ar, they are our avourite. the other gates tomatoes look good.
amaranth has flowers! fiirst noticed buds a week ago. nwo we have 7 inch flowers on green and red. note: amranth does best in ground. bad or conatiners. though our contaienr amaranth is lowering too, but the plant is 1' tall.
white marigold is lowering! picked one today. it has a beautiul smell, like lilies, not too sweet. its great. plant is too tall or planters. should be in ground. in theat planter there is white double zinnia- 4", and white single zinnia - 4" tall. pink single zinnia 4" tall. looks liek a lollypop mix.
2nd planter: tyhe zinnias are small flowers, 2' tall. too talll or hangers. bright pink, one peachy.
3rd zinnia planter is the red center, orange/yellow zinnias. i love them. they are 4" tall and good or planters.
no sign o spry marigold or jolly jester.
4th plante3r has stunted amaranth, and the same ziinnias 2' tall and bright pinky colours.
int he pper bed are 2 zinnias: tall pinks 3' tall, and short pink doubles.6" tall.
i've started colelcting zinnia heads now and we made several bouquets o them around the house.
sunlowers are goen romt he octo-flower. but more sunlowers are about to bloom by the gutter.
we have 3 honeynut squash growing. pollinated just yeasterday. has 3 tiny emale lowers ina row. plant has hal dozen efmale lowers/ fruit on it. afirytale up rfont has 6 or so large ruit. not sure yet i they took its too early to tell. about a dozen more female flowers on it. today moved pots away romit. it needs 2' or 3' clearance romt he fence.