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Plan: germinate pepper seeds starting late Jan/Early Feb.

make layout plan.

finalize list of tomatoes in our garden.

figure out germination of flowers.


12 tom varieties we want to grow.



Plan: plant peppers soon.

Plant toms in March. Plant ground cherry.

in april start splitting them.

peps to plant:
Anaheim? | bishop crown - lots| black pearl? | Brazilian starfish - lots| candy cane? | Charapita? | chilhuacle ?| chocolate hab? | fish? | | fresno ?| habanada? | jimmy nardello -lots | lemon drop -lots?| Manzano -no seed| Mirasol? | poblano -lots| Purple peach ghost - lots | shishito -lots| sugar rush peach -lots| sunburst -lots| yellow cayenne -lots|
= 10 mass pep plantings.


tomato list


we are run out of room to put plants. we have a ring light flourescent. cant sell bananas still spring - no one wants them.

oxalis are all dormant. try selling later.

our bathroom light shelf is occupied by banana stumps which arent showing any growth.

ca tire had broms for $5

our overwintered peps are doing pretty good. black pearl looks dead, var piquin looks dead. others have sprouted leaves.


we will sell 14 tomatoe varities, and 17 peppers varieties. maybe more than 17 peppers.

today we put up a new shelf byt he atirs and R moved over a lot of bananas. now i have room for peppers. Our coleus are struggling. I might but them under the lights. maybe ill put oxalis under there and get them growing again too.

Found fruit flies breeding in our coleus water. cleaned up the shelf a bit. going to start pepper germination.
need to pack baggies.
need boxes of dirt - labeled.
3 mass plantings to a cream conatiner.
3 plastic berry boxes - 2 mass planting per each.

we are growing 14 peps with many seed, 10 more with less seeds-smaller pots.

Got a big purple tom from jaggers today. might be yellow inside.

going to start seeds soon. we have 5 big bags. Priority: SRP, PPG. black pearl?

Put some peps to sprout over the oven in a butter dish: (big bags) SRP, PPG, choc hab. (small bags) yellow jalapeno, lemon aji, orange cayenne ~15, yellow caynne, ornamental jal black. = 8 total.
will check them tmrw. got 2 big bags left and some smaller bags to use. Been spraying inside and out with alcohol, used seed bags.
18 more Peps to do. Tmrw: get dirt boxes ready.


today: watered and put some oxalis up.

some of the peppers already have mold: yellow jalapeno & orange cayenne, SRP. Sprayed SRP with H20 it foamed a lot. not much hope for cayenne and jalapeno.

Put to sprout: brazil starfish , black pearl, yellw mushroom (big bags). twilight, sunburst, wiri wiri (small bags).

whats left:

choc shep, habanada?, ornamental, poblano, chilhuacle, nardello, shishito, var piquin, bishp crown, charapita, yellow shep.


2 days ago a lamon aji sprout appeard. today going to check peppers. I counted 21 plastic square pots (2"x2") so i will use those for peppers and some tamtoes. time to put dirt in to plant our lemon ajis!

twilight - white mold
ornamental black jal - no mold, no sporut.
starfish - no mold, no sprout
wiri - mold
srp - mold
orange caynne - mold
mushroom - mold, threw out.

yel jal, mold, sprouted
black pearl, mold, start to spout.

choc hab, no mold, sprouted strong
PP Ghost - no mold, sprouted strong.
lemon aji - sprouted

so we have to plant: yel jal, black pearl, choc had, PPg, lemon aji. = 5.


planted seeds last night: lemon aji, yellow jalapeno, PPG, Choc Hab.
the lemon aji was the weakest, just barely sprouted. I hope it grows. te yellow jalapeno all had small sprouts, and lot of mold. PPG and Choc hab were the strongest sprouters. long healthy stems, soem even had leaves pking out. they looked perfect. PPG had pruple stems! it looked cool.

Black pearl will be planted next, it has small roots but lots of green mold. i put a selenium cap powder on them last ngiht, its supposed to kill mld. Wiri als o had 1 sprout, very small, and mold which i spt treated with a spray of alcohol. ive been using alcohol the past few days it desnt seem to kill the seed or the mold. maybe the mold stopped growing at least its hard to tell. Need peroxide. the SRP is overtakne with black mold it looks too bad to open.

today: plant BP. put selenium on wiri. Re-use 2 bags to sprout more peps.





lemon aji has sprouted! 2 plants are popping up, no leaves out yet. PPg and Choc hab are going nuts. getting ready to sprout more peps.

put to sprout today: choc Shep, variegated piquin, poblano, black pearl. Sprayed with h2o and rinsed. Made the air spicy. Lemon aji has 6 sprouts now, almost has leaves out nothing in yellow jalapeņo yet. Ghost and choc hab are doing great. 2 oxalis pots have 1 sprout. Next to do: srp, yellow mushroom, nardello, shishito.

spray perxode before sprouting: SRP, Mushroom. Cayennes.

Save kleenex boxes. Save cream containers. Save berry boxes.

to-do: sell a few broms. Make kitchen window able to hold plants.(or move shelf to kitchen) clear bathroom shelf. move bananas around over desk to make room for 10 mass plantings - peps. in march/april- sell bananas to harold. people might buy more in spring.

use banana space to grow toms over desk in march.

grow more beefsteaks. more Paste tomatoes earlier.More yellow and red. Grow more cayenne, even red.

Richard wants lots of sugar rush peach pepper plants.