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Planted 2 brazil starfish on either side of the other brazil starfish. planted 3 ppg near the other 3 ppg. we only have 2 choc habs. plant more asap!

pretty much done planting in the pepper patch. one starfish is where the dead yellow cayenne is. small charapita has 1 small yellow leaf looks almost dead. the big charapiuta is ok.

got 8 coleus pots done. each has top soil + peat, and 1 coleus plant. still have a few more coleus to plant. soemhow we have to hang them all!

yarrow is blooming. its bewautiful bright pink. squash plants are doing well. zinnias are coming out. the zinnias int he fence planters are budding! so excited. didnt see as many marigolds as i hoped. where are they? direct sow is hard. i guess i didnt water enough. so i am wateriwng now.

we emptied the rain barrel and found the handle to it. took the hose out and hung on the fence near the trash.

todo: plant 4 pep pots!! plant thai basil. plant choc habs.


today: hang a few coleus pots. plant thai basil-done. cut lilies-done.

plant jalapeno bought at ca tire today 4 for 69c. bromeliads neoregialia for 10 possibly perfecta!. Beautiful day at the garden centre today. rona was ok. ca tire was spectacular. better than its ever been. with 3 species in neoregelia in full flush. we bought one tricolor perfecta.

fill coleus pots-done 4.

plant berry cuttings

dump rain barrel out.

spent a few hours outside in the garden. put dirt on my toms. planted more choc hab. planted the dill. planted the jalapenos.

todo: scatter dill seed on border. hang/plant coleus pots. plant berry cuttings. put handle on rain barrel. put barrel under the spout! plant 4 peppers.


strawflower is actually grass! planted 4 pep pots for inside. 1- orange mini cayenne. 2- red mini cayenne. 3- orange mini cayenne. 4-big fat red mini jalapeno?

today we planted the last of the purple oxalis in the green clay pot.
going to rona to get more triple mix. to finish the green oxalis.

I got 2 bags of triple mix. r planted all the green oxalis bulbs. he saved glass jar full of bulbs.

tomatoes have had flowers for a while, 1 in the barrel, 1 or 2 int he bed - lucid gem. and the taz choc. one of my tom plants got snapped at the base. probably raccoons. I put it in more dirt and watered.

Black beauty is the closest to the whiskey barrel. dark galaxy has flowers.

transplanted extra amaranth from squash pot to 4 clumps in the border. there are 2 zinnias there about to bloom!

my zinnias in the green fence planter bloomed. they are a funny light pink colour. they are supposed to be a bi-color white and purple. the pink one int he blue pot bloomed.

i transplanted 3 zinnias from the whiskey barrel to the flower bed which is fillign out well.


planted strawflower indoors yesterday. 2 pepper pot ndoors have baby plants! outside we have 1 calndeula plant in the squash row. 3 zinnias bloomed, same ones. callas are doing well. we are cutting them off when the bloom dies.


today my flowers opened. one calendula bloomed. 2 zinnias in the pepper patch are bloomed. 1 may be a candy cane, dont know. 1 is a bright pink one. transplanted amaranth is doing ok now. squash plant in front is huge and beautiful.

picked all the josta berries and cooked them down yesterday. candy cane zinnia loomed! 1 in the sunflower corer. lots of buds coming.. sunflower bloomed and has 8 more buds coming!

our mystery pothos is actually brasil philodendron
sell to freeman herbs. rona. ca tire. og. next year: saturate flowerbed with water before planting direct sow seeds.