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midsummer plant sale blowout prices

3x Yellow with blue margins hostas $7 each
4x tiny hostas green with white margins $10
3x pots oregano $5
Fruiting berries perrenial plant---------------
1x gooseberry $7
1x grape $5
4x raspberry $5
2x currants $5
Coleus Indoor / Outdoor ---------------
2x coleus tri-color $5
1x firecracker coleus $10
1x Tricolour coleus $10
1x Purple oxalis $15
1x Iron Cross oxalis $15
Tomatoes -------------
2x Cosmic Eclipse tomato plants 1 foot tall $5
$3 each:
1x yellow cherry - makes hundreds of sweet yellow cherry tomatoes
3x cosmic eclipse - high anthocyanin purple blush, multicoloured salad type tomatoes.
6x black beauty - high anthocyanin purple blush, dark red sweet small beefsteak.
2x berkely tie-dye - beefsteak heirloom striped red and green
1x pink tiger - roma cherry size, striped pink and yellow
4x dark galaxy - high anthocyanin purple blush, red fleshed salad size tomatoes
6x atomic grape - high anthocyanin purple blush, multicoloured grape tomato
(1 pots $7 each:)
9x black trifele - beefsteak heirloom from Japan, unique pear shape.
3x tasmanian chocolate - early beefsteak, dark chocolate red, sweet taste, determinate.
5x pink tiger - roma cherry size, striped pink and yellow
4x black prince - ukrainian heirloom, dark red with black colour, smaller beefsteaks
Indoor Tropical houseplants-----------------------
2x neon pothos $10
2x Golden pothos $10
2x bicolor pothos $15 in ceramic pot $10 in plastic pot
1x Brandy Philodendron $15
2x Pink Cryptanthus Starlight $35 in ceramic pots
1x Cryptanthus Black Mystic $15