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finally had a light rain today. cllected 1 3 gallon jug of water.

plant toms?
bring tape + sharpie
Strap squash pot + chair to the column.
bring peppers downstairs.
move soil bags

new tree!

They put a tree in our yard! Kentucky coffee. right in our path. well they didnt disturb anything.

so, split some toms for some orders! orders picking up again.

- sometimes in late may, i got seed heads from rona that looked coreipsis like. -then later, i got a seed head of a frenc marigold. got to make boxes!

we have 5 lucid gems
- we have 3 choc habs left
split 4 taz choc . done
- we have no ppg! split some now! - last 8. ours??
-we have 5 lemon drops left!!!
-split blondkopchen!
-make boxes!

tmrw put peps outside! its the last ight at 10C today!

plant basil?
get peps outside! done
-toms order: pink brandywine, black beauty (barrel)
-cosmic eclipse, lucid gem (barrel)
-dark galaxy, b tie dye (barrel)

-split ppg, black beat-8-have 5, blonkopchen-5
-cut weeds Done
-underplanting flowers (yel orange marigold + purple zinnia tom bed) Done
-sanitize scissor +knife Done
Planted toms. even atomic grape. put up stakes. sulphurized to keep cats away.
moved all te soil bags! to under a trash bag like a tarp. got 2 bags of mulch from the tree! still too much there.
squash row is germinating! dug up 2 seeds, honeynut didnt show sprout but the fairytale did! i think they need more consistent watering. it was just barely opened seed head. A good sign.
honeynut came up! one each in sides of the tall colum planter.
remove excess mulch. done

todo: plant basil. stake toms. plant peps. resow flowers
soak acidentha bulbs

light gardening day. sow flowers in flowerbed + nigella-done. watered it and watered flowerpots.

todo: plant basil. stake toms. plant peps. resow flowers
soak acidenthra bulbs
-pull n pot geranium -plant thai basil!

potted a black sea man. then looked up leaf type - potato leaf. i thught it was regular leaf! so everthing i sold was not black sea man. hmm.
very cold day today. got abit of rain last night. getting more tonight as storm is coming.

todo: plant basil. stake toms. plant peps. resow flowers. more purple yellow allysum. white pot- more profusion zinnia.
soak acidenthra bulbs
-pull n pot geranium -plant thai basil!
-split blonkopchen - 5

did guerrilla gardening. fairytale every 2-4 feet. marigold scattered. used all my old dead moldy seed heads. forgot to do baby boos?

re-sowed profusin zinnia, and red white amaranth in fence planters. resowed candy cane zinnia. next: resow envy, calendula.

i think the cactus zinnia is up. they are starting to look like sunflower sprouts.

planted purple alysum. i think one is coming up. planted jsephs coat. i think there are zinnias or sunflowers along he border especially at the back. not sure which. planted cactus zinnia, planted calendula nen next to brick wall at front. cactus same row. i had planted candy cane there yesterday. cant find envy zinnia seed! want to resow. next: strawflower. -test plant baby boo ? / carnival mix?
-youtube chelsea flower show. twisty top alliums - Egyptian onion?!? we have those! bught red skin yam(japanese sweet pato) at nations yesterday for 19 cents. plant today! did guerila gardening. next: plant the morning glory, cantalpe seed and baby boo? seed.
-get Jagger toms ready. brought 5 more flats, had brought 3 last time.
-break down plants into paper boxes:
-1 atomic grape tray into 8 boxes. 1 tray left (of 100)
-blondkop - all gone, 5 boxes left.
yellow cherry - all gone 8 boxes.
-b tie dye - 4. 1 tray left (of 100).
-black trifele- 5 or 6?.
-zima babies - 1 all zima done.

left: taz choc-5, b tie dye-lots, atomic grape-lots, dark galaxy-5, black beauty - 5

met our neighbor Jeff at #114. he grows veg at greenhouse and we gave him atomic grape, black beauty, dark galaxy, blue cream berry, b tie dye. told him about alice waters and he said hed been to her restaurant. he said they never grew anything other than normal tomatoes.

today planting thai basil x1, var piquin x2-done. later: purple basil in there.

was going to plant all 'black pearl' but some arent black. some of my charapita are black. so seeds mixed up. ill be planting all black ones as if the are black pearl.

plants cosmos doubleclikc. 4 small plants ocmuing up there. Potatoes are up! dark purple leaves in blue tub already!
Plant sweet potato-done.
acidthna, tigridia, go 3-4 inches deep. put caladium into water soak. planted 1 batch bubls on right planter. 2nd one to go.
planted purple alyssum in border with small spot of yellow in corner. cant find envy zinnia.
planted 5 possible black pearl in clay pot! its done.

to harden off for us:
need brazil starfish, more ppg, srp, lemon aji

lots of room in the pepper patch. we have 1 yellow cayenne, 3 charapitas.
leftovers from sales: brazil star, yellow mush, bishop crown, 8 ppg. 2 or 3 choc habs. 3 more ppg, 4 lemon ajis.

pepper back row-nearest gutter: choc hab, ppg, yellow naga.
next row: possible black pearl x3? what are they?
sugar rush peach
middle: brazil starfish, ghost leviathan

pepper front row: lemon aji, charapita, wiri, yellow cayenne.

got prairie smoke plant frm up the road. got 4 goldfish from petsmart for $2. going to put them in the rain barrel - ther eis mosquito larvae!!!

half our calla pots are growing big leaves. we are filling in the outer pots with garden debris. i also used a compost pot i made last year: veg peelings buried in clay garden dirt. i found 3 worms! pretty much all the veg had been broken down, no discernible objects.

filling the big one with calla mix. mulching the 3 sprouted callas.

want to plant peppers today. but its raining and may storm.
potted the 2 new banana plants. one is upstairs rooting.
3 sprouted callas: they are all ours. 1 pot of ours isnt sprouting quickly, only 1 inch tall, just like Orange and Yellow.

pepper planting!

i have hayfever again. out of nowhere. i planted some peppers after i recovered. still got to harden off starfish, srp, yellow mucsroom, bishop crown. been too busy! it has been cool lately with rain. very cool, about 12 at evening and night.

planted 3 "black pearl" at the far end on the left. next to it is choch hab x3, one yellow naga as the last spot on the right. on the next row on the left is one ppg.
at the bed end near the stairs, fence row, window well column spot is lemon aji x4, then charapita x2, with 1 big charapita behind them. then theres wiri wiri in the corner furthest fromt he window well. yellow caynne is there too.

todo: put PPG, starfish, srp, yellow mushroom, bishop crown, var. piquin, other lemon drops in bed to harden.

i see amaranth red coming up inthe green planter. it already has a green one. some small leaves finally coming up in white planter.
fairytale came up! One by brads atomic grape. Acidenthra bulb just sprouted


yesterday got 3 raspberry cuttings in pots for sale. got 4 black basil pots ready. moved mint, 1 in blue pot is pinepple sage. 2 black pots of stems sticking up were originally oregano.

todo: put berries for sale!

plant more fairtytale seeds today. plant peppers today!!

split black beatuy into 5. done none left. split yellow mushroom into 7 . none left. lots orange mini bell.

planted srp, starfish

planted PEPs today. At stick : starfish, starfish, srp x 4. Still one row empty. Planted lemon aji in clay pot of var piqyin, Thai and purple basil. Am I crazy? 3 aji.

garden rule of thumb: dont pull out any "weeds"! except maybe clover?
water seeds a lot when direct sown!
idea: next year grow kajari melon up column!

we have hosta ginko craig.