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one of our banana trees was stolen from the neighbors yard. the one in the green pot with a couple big pups. today we moved our trees into our yard and cut the pups off. got 2 big zebrina pups so far, 4 small ones. more to cut.
moved SDC to bathroom, pups and all. nearly all our pothos are in and oxalis.
got a free bromeliad pup at ca tire, the green and white/pink new biv type.
ritzy tiger made a pup!
trying to sell our banana trees for $35, 1 ensete for $65. keeping the pups indoors.

still have peppers to harvest and flowerheads. using amaranth leaves to cook with. they fell over about a week ago. slight cold damage appearing on leaves. Frost Friday is in 2 days, it will go down to 3C.

harvested all the amaranth today, they make a lovely wreath. got a burlap bag full of leaves which are great to cook and make callaloo.

did coleus today and yesterday, jsut about done, got all cuttings in jars and labeled. 10 types so far.

brought in the 2 black pearl plants. our indoor peps (1234) are flowering and making peppers.

collected 2 types of purple leafed peppers yesttdaery, 1 orange chilli 1 red.


repotted bananas today, 3 zebrinas into 10 inch pots, 2 cavendish pups, 1 15" pot with 1 red abyssianian, 2 zebrinas. still have 1 abyssinain, 1 zebrina to do.
almost time to do the callas. tonight is 3C, for next 2 nights too. then it warms to 8/9C at night. so we can leave bananas out for now.
split all the zebrina pups up and into the pink rectangle planter. rain barrel is full, rainy days.

we have 51 coleus stems indoors ready to sell to harold.

going down to 1C tonight. brining banana plants in for the night, then back out as its going to warm up.

got 2 weeks til nov 5 frost.

neighbor richard says hell take our red ensete and musa zebrina into his house. dont know for how long, we hope all winter.

so we'll have 4 banana pots outside still, 3 in 10" pots, 1 in a 15 inch with 3 banana plants in it.

Havent sold a single plant for months. Been trying like hell.
got a lutheria bromeliad from val a few days ago.

going to pick pepper soon. we have a wiri wiri plant with peppers. nearby there is a capsicum annuum, unknown variety, with green piquin peppers.
nearby i planted charapita.

we have yellow naga ripe, and some inthe fridge. we picked yellow aji recently.

a few days ago put all bananas in the house, there are 3 10" pots int he kitchen, 1 in living room, 1 15" in bathroom.

got seeds from perennial sunflower at neighbours yard, 7' tall, 2 or 3" flowers, yellow petals.

peppers 1-4 in bathroom have fruits growing.

picked all the lemon aji, we have 1 paper bag full. maybe 1 litre. going to make sauce when they ripen. one of them turned an orange colour like a srp. the rest are yellow.

wiriwiri still in the ground, has light green peppers.

picked all the annuum piquin peppers. they turn red.