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harvested blue potatoes today. got a 6' pot full. 5 or 6 taters the size of my thumb. most are small. growth habit was clusteres of potatoes of mediuma nd smalls together. they went down to half the pot. potatoes near surface had scabby skin. maybe overdry. other were shiny purple skin. easy to find in the dirt.


tomatoe picking day. pickerd them all.

down to 4 C tonight. picked all the squash yesterday. 6 honeynut, 2 of them 1 pounders, 4 are half punders. 3 fairytale, 2 are 10 pounders, 1 at 6-7 pounds.

to do: split banana plants up from babies and big trees. we have 4 big zebrians to do and 1 cavendish.

replant broms and bring indoors. theya re going into 10" clay pots.

cut coleus stems and brign inside.

cut basil and pack in olive oil.

in a few weeks: harvest peppers.

done: replanted into clay: guzmanias, pink mini, orange, and dark red (big) all with pups and labeled each oen on a leaf. alsoreplantedthe pink bivs into one pot. brought both inside.

cleaning zinnia heads today.

also brought in most of the philos and brandy etc.

--end of year review--
what i noticed abotu flwoers: they change colour as the season goes on. thsi is true fro rudbeckias, and profison zinnia and pinwheel zinnia.

squash was amazing and we want to groe squash every year. compelte success.
tomatoes were a success too.
blue cream berry turned out to be a red cherry, which changed colour to light orange/yellow with purple shoulders. prolific, but not true, wont grow again.
6 inch pot experiment failed? cosmic eclipse did good, but we transplanted it into dirt. zima made 2 small toms.
peppers are ok
clay pots at front and aicd/tigrid were choked out,as was atomic grape.
potatoes: mild success. should use seed potatoes next year.
flowers: success overall. zinnias choked out calendula as did the squash at front.
amaranth: success. will try ahrder with joseph coat next. does nto liek pots
squash pot did not do well

back garden:
cosmos & corn falure -not enough light/space decoratives: coleus: success bananas: success, many babies broms: success, biv babies philos:success pothos:success

next year: 2 atoomid cgrapes, 2 blusht iger at front fence. squash choked our tomatoes. atomic grape is struggling.

wont grow lucid gem gem or black beauty.

whiskey barrel, had only 1 good plant. next year, cosmic eclipse in there.

pink brandywine in raised bed, and zima. this year: we had good brandywine, cosmic eclipse, and dark galaxy worked well inthe bed. the 6 inch pot experiment didnt work.

move whiskey barrel to front.

squash goes int he back. next year, plant black sea man. maybe taz choc.

maybe plant hanoeynut at front fence next year. plant tom on the old honeynut container tosm grow well there?

we had toamtoes more last year. but a lot didnt make it after frost.

front prenial bed: 2 toms only: black sea, .

want to grow black cherry, smruf. grow honeynut at fence.