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neoregelia stoloniferous dwarf
neoregelia stoloniferous dwarf

we have red and green striped, we want skotak varigated with red, we want a purple one, like superball at tails and scales. and 1 other.>

x not found
'Kilihune' (variegated) (Lisa Vinzant- (car. x Fireball) x (Fireball x pauciflora) x lilliputiana) 20.00

x not found 'Fireball' 4.00
'French's Cruenta' x concentrica 15.00-too big? meh?
michaels broms pdf 2022

'Red Waif' (Hendrix- zebrina x 'Fireball') 6.00
'Ruby Throat' (Lisa Vinzant- 'Honohoni' x 'Marble Throat') 10.00
'Snickerdoodle' (Lisa Vinzant- 'Doodlebug' x punctatissima) 15.00
'Aztec' 8.00
'Domino' (Hendrix- chlorosticta x pauciflora) 10.00
'Dartanion' ('Hojo Rojo' x ampullacea 'Tigrina') 6.00
'Dad's Special' (M. Foster- ampullacea x marmorata) 5.00

$12 - (Andrew Devonshire- 'Tiger Cub' x ampullacea)
'Rusty' (Lisa Vinzant- 'Outrigger' x 'Blushing Tiger') 15.00
'Savoy Truffle' (Lisa Vinzant) 10.00
'Tom Tom' (Grace Goode) 8.00
'Treadmarks' (Lisa Vinzant- 'Flashpoint' x ('Screaming Tiger' x 'Skotak's Tiger') 20.00
'Wee Willy' (Grace Goode- punctatisima x ?) 8.00
'Guacamole' (Bullis, pp) 15.00
'Java Plum' (Lisa Vinzant- smithii x 'Cheers') 10.00
'Midget' (miniature cultivar of ampullacea 'Tigrina') 4.00
'Blueberry Tiger' (Lisa Vinzant- 'Blueberry Muffin' x 'Blushing Tiger') 15.00
'Brownie' ('Outrigger' x 'Blushing Tiger') 15.00
'Cat's Cradle' (Lisa Vinzant- 'Outrigger' x 'Black Satin') 20.00
'Cougar' (Grace Goode- lilliputiana x 'Winter Bloom') 10.00
'Chocolate Sauce' (Lisa Vinzant- 'Screaming Tiger' x 'Doodlebug' 15.00
'Empress' x 'Fireball' 5.00
'Flash Point' (Lisa Vinzant- 'Screaming Tiger' x 'Doodlebug') 15.00
'Flair Up' (Grace Goode- punctatisima x lilliputiana) 6.00-purple?

'Purple Star' x 'Fireball' (Grant Groves) 8.00
'Granada x 'Royal Flush' (Hendrix # 8845) 8.00
'Klingon' (Lisa Vinzant- 'Marble Throat' x 'Royal Flush') 12.00
'Morris Henry Hobbs' x pauciflora 5.00
'Blackberry' (Michael Kiehl- 'Hannibal Lector' x 'Cheers') 10.00-mottled green
'Ed Prince' (Skotak- punctatissima rubra x 'Hannibal Lector') 10.00

'Rumba' (Skotak- mini variegated) 15.00
'White Hot Embers' (Skotak mini- albo-marginated form of 'Hot Embers') 15.00
'Groucho' (Skotak- (carolinae var. x 'Hannibal Lector') x 'Tiger Cub')) 30.00
'Hot Embers' (Skotak- mini variegated) 15.00
'Live Wire' (Skotak- mini variegated) 20.00
'Moondust' (skotak mini) 30.00
'Balboa' (Skotak- mini variegated) 15.00-ideal
'Fire In The Hole' (Skotak- mini variegated) 15.00-ideal

'Pepper Spray' (Lisa Vinzant- (carolinae x conceentrica) x 'Hannibal Lector') 25.00
'Always Karen' (Lisa Vinzant- 'Opihi' x 'Wisteria') 25.00-too big
'Absolutley Fabulous' (Skotak) 50.00-too big?
'Mojo' (Skotak- mini variegated) 15.00

'Pink Fireball' (Coolbaugh- 'Fireball' x 'Roehr's Best') 8.00
$8 20 cm diamter 'Rosy Fireball' (Skotak) 8.00

'Old Love Letters' (Sharon Petersen) 15.00-too big
'Hula Lady' (David Shiigi) 10.00-pink?-meh

'Gene McKenzie' (Sam Smith- lilliputiana x 'Break of Day') 8.00
'Janet Sue' (Sam Smith- lilliputiana x 'Break of Day') 8.00
'Lili Marlen' (Grace Goode- 'Little Faith' x lilliputiana) 8.00
'Lillipooh' (Lisa Vinzant- 'Winnie the Pooh' x lilliputiana) 10.00
'Moon Tiger' (Grace Goode) 10.00
'Christopher Robin' (Lisa Vinzant- olens x 'Treasure Chest') 15.00
'Full Circle' (Lisa Vinzant- 'Winnie the Pooh' x "Domino') 15.00
'Fanfare' (Carrone- carolinae 'Marechalii' x olens 'Marie') 8.00-too big?