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The dark galaxy was heavily pruned and staked on a single stem on the bamboo cane. i see banana legs, black krim, black sea, black cherry tomatoes.

its been raining pretty well almost every other day. the rain barrel is full again but stinky. need eavestrough cleaning. robins were nesting on the neighbours roof and possibly ours a month ago.

the blackberry lily has been flowering for 3 days now, also the candy cane zinnia which is yellow! i call it ketchup and mustard. and we have white cosmos in front of them. planted strawberry mint there in the broken clay pot.

marigolds have been flowering lots. they are orange red French marigolds. corn is making ears. squash is taking over. made it to the tomato bed, covered the gooseberry bush.

we stopped harvesting raspberries and gooseberry a week ago at least. the josta berries are still coming in every day. we have maybe 1 liters of them now. could make josta wine. or josta ice cream.

I was upset to realize that the charapita id been growing was in fact a purple pointy pepper. this happened last year! well the black pearl are suffering so I will plant them into the clay pot. i had also planted some variegated piquin pepper in the former lettuce pot. yellow jalapenos are flowering. poblano is 5 inches long now. b. starfish has so many tiny leaves and flowers about 200.

our squash in the canal is bigger than a baseball and starting to show ribs.

today potting up stuff. planting and splitting perennials. split up mouse ears Hosta, we have 5.

Amaryllis has 2 blooms open. bright red. blackberry lily is almost done flowering, no blooms today. zinnias are coming out, we have 5 tall ones, 1 pinwheel. the ones int he blue pots not doing well. maybe drowned by marigols. amaranth is flowering, but mostly under 3 feet. corn is doing good making cobs. lots of kikuza squash everywhere. dont see any honeynut. a few aborted squash. no ripe tomatoes yet. atomic grape might be ripe soon. theres only 2 bunches of tomatoes on most fo our plants. yellow jalapenos are over an inch long but skinny. sold coleus today and put in the mail. lime shrimp. rained a lot yesterday. tiem to fertilize again. we have one ripe raspberry.


Picked our first ripe 2 tomatoes today. they were ready yesterday actually. and there is one black cherry almost ripe. Picked our first 2 squash too. the one that grew on the fence and became mature very fast. its about 10 lbs maybe. at least 5. and the other was the first squash to come out, it was in the rain gutter. its smaller and bumpier and a ighter green. but grew completely fine. there are 3 more on the neighbors lawn almost ripe. did the fingernail test.
no honeynuts to speak of. the zinnias are doing great. got 5 poblanos at least growing. one fell off the plant. alos unripe banana legs fell off. they are pretty. blackberry lily is almost done flowering.

second pickin gof ripe tomatoes! today we got 7: 4 black cherry, 2 sunrise bumblee, 1 banana legs with some end rot.

the orange cosmos has been out for 3 daysnow. it is gorgeous and at least 2 feet tall!. we have pink pinwheel zinnias, a frosted pink pinwheel. the jalapneo has several big peppers.

there are 2 squash onthe corn plant, and 2 more on the neighbors lawn.

our peppers might be brazil starfish, they are going red, are mild, and growing strange bumps aroundthe mid section. it our biggest pepper plant by far, bigger than pobalnos. wierd. and over a hundred fruit.

flowerbed has red double zinnias, pink double, a tiny possibly magenta one, yellow candy cane, white candy cane, and a huge pink cosmos plant with tons of heads on it.

amarylis finished flowering, and the blackberry is on its last few flowers.


Our pumpkin from last year went bad so we had to put in the compost. Too humid/hot where its stored. I think the squash we grew this year will be eaten quickly as they should taste really good.

2 atomic grapes were pecked by birds as soon as they started to ripen.. we got 2 others that are perfect. they are beautiful and huge. never seen them so big and so pretty. looks liek the photos int he catalogues but even better. 2 of them were picked by a passerby or maybe a bird, when they were green. so we will have to pick them as soon as they start to ripen.

got some black cherry tomatoes too. someone asked for squash flowers and the tips of the vines. i think the squash are done setting fruit, they are trying but i dont think they'll produce anything more.

raspberry is starting to come back and they are huge and delicious.
Its been very cool at night and we had a good rain the other day. down to 12 C the other night.

idea for next year: grow fava beans.