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we recycled our food.
yesterday we went to jagger's and got the free avocados which were mushy and really not fit for eating. Rich points out they have more potassium than bananas. so we got the avocados and put them in our garden under the raspebrry bush and in our compost pile. today rich found that the avocado peels were on the stairs. looks like the raccoons took the avocados and ate them and left the peels.
recently we harvested leaves from a turnip. another free find at jaggers, a dried almost dead, inedible turnip. we dont even like turnips. well i took it and a few other half rotten beets and planted everything in about april. the beets were buried in the compost barrel for weeks and when i uncovered them, i found 2 that had white orange leves because they were growing below the soil. i plante dthem properly, and the next night the raccoons knocked them over. i put them back and took all the compost out and theyve been fine since. by compost i mean half decayed fruit, leaves, etc mostly from our kitchen.
the turnip we harvested for greens 2 days ago and were not brave enough to eat yet though they taste alright. the leaves were beautiful but we harvested a bit too late and theyre turning into hard brassica leves.