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Planted nearly all the tomatoes yesterday. Today planted pink tiger and costuluto. Still have to plant banana legs. Used new potting soil from dollarama, 2 bags. Ran out of soil. Sprayed mite spray. One lemon aji baby sprout fell down. The rest are very strong and looking good, despite one thrip noew and then.
Planted more Manzano seeds too. Start soon: tomatillo, groundcherry.

Almost all the tomatoes came up yesterday. Need to find places to put them under lights. Got six under the bathroom light. Been rotating them. Only had minimal amount of mold. Moved them to bathroom and seems to have fixed it.
3 peppers came up today. Sugar rush peach, Trinidad scorpion, and Brazil starfish.
Note: plant cellpack: marzano, banana legs, tomatillo, husk cherry.

Planted cellpack on 8th. Next: plant shishito. Plant cellpack: yellow jalapeņo, purple peach ghost, work work, charapita. We still have 1 pepper plant alive from last year. We seem to have scale on some bananas. Tiny black spots. We are wiping the leaves with alcohol.
Today reported Cavendish tree. We have 5 small trees about 6 inches tall. Put into a 2 gallon ten-twelve inch pot by the window. Tomatoes growing well. Some not coming up yet.

Finished planting peppers: yellow mushroom, yellow bell, black pearl, in cell pack. We now have 3 cellpacks of peppers. Didn't come up yet. But lots of the other peps are coming up, poblano, lunchbox, mini bell. Srp, Trinidad and lemon aji look incredible.
The soil from dollarama was very peaty which seems to help a lot.

We have thrips. On tomatoes, and the older peps, lemon aji and choc hab. The tomatoes are just beginning to send out the first real leaf. Some tomatoes didn't come up at all. Got one or two sprouts only. Some got damping off yesterday and day before. Today sprayed all with mite spray and peroxide. Today: plant more lemon aji. Plant more toms? I'm out of planting Potts. Begin making boxes.


Getting ready to plant second batch of tomatoes.
Some may be planted into the existing container.
Ideally I would use a nrew container as the new seeds would be 8 days behind, plus 5 days before they germinate.
planted lemon aji into 8 cells. One has 3 small plants, sprayed with peroxide. It had trhips. We will see. Its in new soul now. Cleared out all old soils dn planted everything in new soil from dolarama. Including 3 medium size musa, and 4 pots of dwarf Cavendish today.
Planted second batch: atomic grape, blush tiger, pink tiger, dark galaxy, cosmic eclipse, lucid gem. Black beauty, first batch. To do: costuluto, big rainbow. Blueberry. Salsa pomodoro.
Green sliver. Mr stripey. Zima. Speckled roman. Pink brandywine.
B tie dye. Black cherry, black krim, black prince.
lucky tiger

Cell pack toms: marzano
our toms: black sea man original. Indigo cherry.
Shishiyo stsrtyted coming up today. Time to plant more peps: lemon drop, chic hab, Manzano srtp, hatter, srp,

Today made thrip treatment for tom and pepper plants. Usedn100 ml hand sanitizier with aloe, and 1 ml lavender oil. Or 20 drops. I used 24.
Sold a zebrina the other day for $35. Yesterday took bananas out of kitchen corner and cut them back. One is a stump broken off, may not come back. Another is a 2 foot stick and has 3 pups. Still have 2 smaller zebrinas on the plant stand, and 4 supercavendish pups from the large grey pot. And thertrrs a Cavendish hanging on in the kitchen.
Today I have 1 pot and 1 cell pack to plant. Probably lemon ajis.
we are out of soil. So will hold off my tomato and pepper planting until later. Today we have 6 healthy poblano sprouts, 4 black pearls, 2 tomatillos, dozen husk cherry, 30 shishito, and 1 charapita just coming up.
No rocotos yet. Disappointing. Also waiting for chic habs. I have 1 choc hab left from the January planting.
Brazil starfish Orange cayenne Yellow mushroom Naga
Planted 3 mustard habanero 2 and a half white hab 7 choc habs 5 ghjost pepper in cell pack.
planted toms 2 days ago. Dark galaxy, atomic grape, lucid gem, slsa pomodro, black beauty.



March 15: start more toms ? Second batch.
Start our toms: black sea man, indigo cherry.
Start our peps: purple peach ghost, wiri with, yellow jalapneo.
March 20: start squash seeds: honeynut. Cucumber? March 30: plant variegated pepper for us.