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got chile pulla

On engage sprout came up. recently a orange cayenne sprout came up. so many sales for last 2 days. running out of Berkeley tie dye, black beauty, old German/ananas/big rainbow. the beefsteaks are selling fast. no one is buying blueberry or atomic grape.
PLANT Yellow pear! and bolivian ranbow.

bananas are outside overnight. evrynitght is 10 degrees c.

plant perrenial flowers
put out perrneial ads
plant yelow pear and b rainbow
plant squash seed

some tomatoes in pots. move eventually to raised bed. Making raised bed: 2"x8" (four of them) length is width of front yard between path and concrete, minus a foot on each side. Plus 2 pieces 3 feet long for the sides.

Finally did some yard work. big bin of compost tea where the weeds were in the sink. I dumped it out and it smelled funny.

went to ca tire, and Rona, and got 6 cuttings, or rooted plants, plus 2 coleus cuttings. I got an artemisia, 2 orange coreopsis, ice plant, and something I don't know its got speckled leaves, red spots on green, and its a perennial.

ca tire has white coneflower starts for 3.50! so many perennials, all for the same price. poppy, penstemon, ice plant, coreopsis.

rona had more varieties, rock plants, with flowers, geum blanket flower, and others for $5. we got sunrise bumblebee seeds! McKenzie brand.
today planted the yellow pear seeds. there was something already up in the cell, don't know if I forgot to label a black zebra seed, or if its a pepper that drifted over when watered.
got a purple peach ghost sprout, though we bought one at nations for 3 bucks and its outside. all the bananas are outside now too. put coleus out too.

planted 9 perennials: big kahuna coneflower, white coneflower, sunny days cone flower, yellow coreopsis, campion, local rudbeckia, and blue thistle. the seeds were in t he freezer and went back in. Potted a dozen hardy geraniums, and 1 tansy.

TO DO: Plant annual flowers. Plant squash. Plant bulbs.


Yesterday we got Tromboncini seeds! Trombetta d'Albenga, a zucchini. grown large it is a crazy curly squash!.

also got sunrise bumblebee. Plant now!

soemthing came up int he yellow pear cell. i think its Black Zebra i forgot to label, or its a pepper.

We have mass plantings of: orange beef, brandywine, comsic eclipse, gold slicer, black sea man, black prince.

runing out of dark aglaxy this year, and selling lots of beefsteak yellow bicolors. no sales yet on lucky tiger or speckled roman! it is early yet.

made nicotene sppray for the peppers and washed and sprayed them. the poblanso are over a foot tall!

Moving stuff outside now, coleus, oxalis, bromeliads. From the bedroom window, we have a few coleus still alive.

second batch peppers is just able to split now.
planted annuals today.

Orange Benary
Candy Cane
Profusion - short

Eskimo -
To do: Plant squash seed x4. plant jolly jester. plant cosmos orange, sea shells. plant amaranth, corn. soak morning glory seed.find tan acorn seeds!

thinkin gof planting squash seed for sale.

took callas out of the fridge. planted corn and joseph coat amaranth , and red and white, and 4 squash varieties. planted 2 squash seed each except tan acorn which the seeds were thin so planted a dozen seeds. planted 6 honeynuts to sell too.

Split the pepper and tomatillo and husk cherry. 3rd batch peppers almost ready to split too.
Soaking Morning Glory seeds today, plant tomorrow. Planted zinnia mckenzie dwarf, and zinnia pinwheel. next: cosmos x3. zinnia early wonder. Zinnia forecast. jolly jester. pink poppy. spry marigold. nigella.

to do:
Plant calla bulbs


Candy Cane Zinnia has sprouted! at least a dozen sprouts. Put a lot of seed in there, I didnt think they would all germiante. They did!
Planted 3 morning glory Venezia seeds.
Split the Lemon Drop peppers, which we planted in late April. Now, less than a month later, they are ready to sell. got 8 nice plants and 8 tiny ones. Next to split: yellow mushroom - 8, brazil starfish. Black Pearls.

Went to Nations garden centre. Got a Lime Shrimp coleus which was labeled "Main Street" . Got a lobelia to put in planters.
Cold snap, 2nd night in a row. people say their peppers died. we left 3 toms out last night, they were fine but very dry this morning. brought all toms in. Sold out of 10 varieties of tomatoes already. Have 6 at least mass plantings left, with about 20 plants in each one.
To do: plant cosmos, split toms, plant bulbs asap.


corn came up a few days ago. so did the 2 amaranth pots. put them all outside.
planted tigridia bulbs today, sprouting them indoors.
all our tomatoes are outside.
one pink zinnia came up. stil waiting on other zinnias and the marigold.

tan acorn is coming up! we have 2 plants coming up in prairie smoke pot. looks like squash a little bit, curly fat leaves. also have campion, 1 thistle, 1 lupin, and rudbeckia. all tiny sprouts. alyssum is coming back from last year too. looks like calendula comign up in the flowerbed top right corner. another plant has popped up everywhere, it looks like geum trifolia sprouts. we will see.
planted wiri wiri frozen seeds from 2021 and our harvest seed in the wiri pot. put 3 wiri frozen seeds in the charapita pot to see if they come up.
to do: plant cosmos x2 X. white marigold X. alyssum. plant yellow jalapeno X, wiri X, yellow cayenne X. indigo rose.
get outdoor pots (2") ready: portulaca, orange cosmos. jolly jester marigold, French marigold, spry marigold. alyssum. nigella cumin. Icelandic poppy.
scatter yellow mini marigolds.

Drill holes in blue tub and whiskey barrel.
planting in the garden soon: tomatoes, squash, peppers.
flowers ready to plant: candy cane. corn. lobelia.
planting indoors: freesia.

Got Neo Blueberry Tart at Tais and Scales. it was 20.
"Neoregelia 'Blueberry Tart', a cross of ('Grenada' x pauciflora) x smithii was introduced by Lisa Vinzant. True to it's smithii heritage, 'Blueberry Tart' will delight with a multitude of purple sprinkled plants. It averages only about 6" - 8" across when grown "on the hard side", but it can easily double that when dosed with a hearty helping of time-released fertilizer." NEOREGELIA 'BLUEBERRY TART'
Tails and Scales
we considred getting a bilbergia. soem of the beadle variety were cool, and hallelulah and groovy.

preparing to plant peppers in pots.
peat moss, perlite, bit of black earth. magnesium, bone meal, blood, magnesium.
black pearl is flowering already. its 2 inches tall and in a cell pacl. rich wants to keep it growing indoors.
planted freesia bulbs yesterday. last bulb to plant is callas.
went to ca tire, they got $15 ensete bananas in. got a orange tickseed plant, and 2 amaranth tricolor plants. white coneflowers are all gone. they had big beautiful vanilla marigols, and lots of them 3.50 for one plant. they have strawflowers in big baskets. they have mouse ears hosta, and party streamers.

reminder to plant more amaranth and outdoor seeds. alyssum. cosmos orange.

Put outside to harden off on the porch: black pearl, SRP, choc hab, mustard hab, toms: black sea, atomic, blush tiger, black krim.
got a bag of manure and mixed it over 3 beds, adding sulufr, blood meal, bone meal, epsom salt.
mixed it into the dirt and took out the old clay dirt fromt he pepper bed, most of the soilwas used promix and fluffy.
planted 1 poblano. we have room to plant maybe 8 plants there. PPG, brazil star, lemon aji x3, choc habanero.
porch: charapita, black pearl. variegated piquins.
Put zinnia outside too.
planted the honeynut squash on the left, and the kogiku on the right. planted 2 corn plants on the right of that, beside the black currant plant. Planted 2 corn plants in the column outer corners.

To do: plant flowers asap. cosmoc, and zinnias. portulaca.
fill hanging pots and put coleus in them.
water newly planted seedlings everyday.

Notes: don't use cream containers for 2 inch pots. the holes arent big enough and dont drain, black beauty and SRP had small overwatered plants because of poor drainage.
next year: get new 2" pots.
note: flowers, annual: if you have a lot seed, plant outside. if you have less than 10, plant indoors to make sure they start.
Our selections from brad gates wild boar farms:
afternoon delight
amethyst cream cherry
atomic fusion
atomic sunset
barry's crazy cherry
beauty king
blue gold
boars tooth
chestnut chocolate
dark queen
gold berries
golden gates
indigo apple
kaleidoscope jewel
lovely lush
lovers lunch
Michael pollan
mini Marzano
painted lady
Norwood meiners
pineapple pig
pink Berkeley tie dye
pink furry boar
pink sapphire
red furry boar
Plant callas in 6 inch potsa again, with mulch in outer pots.
Our grow list 2023

 Yellow Pear *
Cosmic Eclipse *
Dark Galaxy *
Atomic Grape * 1 gal pot anywhere in garden
Blush Tiger *
Black Sea Man -  determinate, potato leaf foliage. *
Black Cherry *
 Banana Legs  *
Indigo rose  *
Black zebra

Berkeley Tie Dye ~
Pink Brandywine ~

Annuals to Start Now
Candy Cane          X
Cactus              X
Early Wonder 
Pinwheel - short    X
Profusion - short   X

Josephs Coat        X
white, red          X

Alyssum -  
Calendula Art Shades -  
Calendula Neon -   
Comsos Seashells -  
Cosmos Doubleclick -  
Cosmos Orange -   

Coreopsis Mardi Gras -  
Coreopsis Roulette -  
 Decorative corn    X

Eskimo TALL-        X
Spry Marigold 
Jolly Jester 
Pink Poppy  
Strawflower         X