first real frost last night. got to -3, and was 0C yesterday and today. picked many toamtoes yesterday. got 4 big bowls full, plus hanging bags. aboiut 1 pound int he fridge, nearly ripe.
some are going bad, getting mold, about 3 or 4. but going pretty good. still have to pick yellow pear.
Some jalapneos are turning yellow, some turning... orange! i may be mistaken, but it appears orange, could be red. we will see.
despite the frost, our iron cross oxalis hanging basket still has healthy green leaves! the alyssum is almost toast though. it made a plant 3 feet long! beautiful trailing plant. what a surprise. our on in the ground is only 8 inches long now.
Done today :take in iron cross corms.
lots of thigns to do outdoors unfortunately its raining and cold so not a good day to do it.
-harvest peps
-harvest toms
-plant garlic
-tigridia bulbs
-peat moss on callas + fridge