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Took down the atomic grape plant and blush tiger. got 2 dozen atomic grapes, some of them very big. picked a full basket of green tomatoes the other day, and got another twice as big today. also took down cosmic eclipse. lots of banana legs and amazon cherries left. (black cherry). took inthe sugar rush peach pepper, which is green and has a whole due to slugs. got one small poblano.
remember to save seeds from yellow jalapenos!
we've been using lotsof jalapenos lately. not much bug damage at all this year. somehow got a jalpeno turning red. also got a cayenne turning orange. picked all the jalapenos so far.
took in all the callas the other day. almost all the plants are in. put up some xmas decorations. a ball, a birch twig, and a pinecone. yard is starting to look better. still have yellow pear. collected some pinwheel pink zinnias, still to collect lots more flowers. they are wet, its been raining lately.

to do: plant garlic. elderberry.

first real frost last night. got to -3, and was 0C yesterday and today. picked many toamtoes yesterday. got 4 big bowls full, plus hanging bags. aboiut 1 pound int he fridge, nearly ripe.
some are going bad, getting mold, about 3 or 4. but going pretty good. still have to pick yellow pear.
Some jalapneos are turning yellow, some turning... orange! i may be mistaken, but it appears orange, could be red. we will see.
despite the frost, our iron cross oxalis hanging basket still has healthy green leaves! the alyssum is almost toast though. it made a plant 3 feet long! beautiful trailing plant. what a surprise. our on in the ground is only 8 inches long now.
Done today :take in iron cross corms.
lots of thigns to do outdoors unfortunately its raining and cold so not a good day to do it.
-harvest peps
-harvest toms
-plant garlic
-tigridia bulbs
-peat moss on callas + fridge

Took down all the tomato plants today. harvested lots of Lemon Aji and some bonnet aji peppers. got a couple small plants from the jalanpeno planter. they look like cayennes. one plant has an orange caynne pepper, very small, and 2 unripe ones. there's 2 other plants, one with 2 green cayennes, one with one cayenne. they did not grow as well as the jalapenos because they were a bti overcrowded. i've hung them up to ripen and we'll see what colour we get.

already got jalapenos turning an orange-ish colour. compared to the red bonnet Ajis, it is not the same hue. the red ajis are clearly red. the jalapeno is a deep orange, somewhat close to red.
got a basketful of tomatoes and peppers. took in the bulbs. theres still more out there. cut zinnia flowers, sorted: candy canes, double magenta, and a third of i dont know what. the only other colour we got was red. maybe one pink one. not sure.
the alyssum iss still alive and the fuchsias are thriving. only one ripe raspberry today. still have to plant garlic.

to grow next year: elder berry. beans. cucumber. red leaf amaranth.
grow alyssum on hanging baskets, and along brick wall.