to add:
variegated hosta
golden pothos
iron cross oxalis
purple oxalis
green oxalis
pink geranium
Philo 'Brazil'
Dwarf Black iris, 1 start 7.50, 3 starts $15
Micro Hosta, rare Japanese strain "Gingko Craig" $15, 6 for $45
Micro Hosta, "Mouse Ears" $15, 3 for $45
Golden Everbearing Raspberry, $15
Wild Grape, $10
Purple Gooseberry, $8
Pink Yarrow, $10
Tansy, $10
Bi-Colour Asiatic Lily, 3 plants for $10
Blackberry Lily, $10
Calla plants, $15 each, specify colour: yellow, pink orange
Tigridia plants, 6 for $15
Acidanthera plants, 6 for $15
Bonsai Material: Orange Trees, 4 for $15, 6" tall, 2 years old.
Purple Hardy Geranium, $5, 4 for $15, will grow anywhere, even under a deck, unkillable, profuse flowers.
Cryptanthus Pink Earth Star, $7
Red Earth Star, $8
Cryptanthus Elaine Bromeliad, $15 - $50, bright pink, large very hardy. Does well in sun, shade, indoors or out.
Pots of Oregano, $7, winter-hardy, grows year-round
Orange Mint, Strawberry Mint, $5