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Clara's 2023 Tomato and Pepper Seedlings - Toronto - GrowCAD (digit one) ie growcad1
Peppers for Sale - 2023


$5, Large $10 (one available)

Heat 5/10, Easy to grow, finished early(ish), productive. Outstanding fruity flavour. To three feet tall.



Heat 8.6/10. Pretty hot, falls slightly short of a Cayenne. Intense lemon flavor. Not the easiest to grow; finishes late, well worth the effort. Productive, to three feet tall.


Large $5

It's a Bell pepper. But Mini. Sweet not hot. To three feet tall.


large $5

Heat 5/10. The famous Mexican pepper used to make chili powder. Fresh, they're "Poblano" peppers and are the one most often used to make Chilis Rellenos, battered fried stuffed chilis; a less than common and fairly complicated to make dish, but once you've tried you can't want for the next one. Dried, the chilli turns red and is called "Ancho" and is a staple of Mexican cuisine; it is what chilli powder is primarily made from.



No heat, typically served pan fried. Large prolific plants, possible the most productive of all. This uncommon pepper can be hard to find. To three feet tall.


sm $3, large $6

Heat 5/10. New in the last decade. Ranges from mild to quite hot, strong peach taste. What it does for fruit salsa is not to be believed! To three feet tall.


sm $3, large $6

Sweet. Tastes the same as a yellow mini bell, but has a different shape. It's said to fit in a lunchbox more easily. Very useful in this size for salads etc. To three feet tall.



Heat 5/10. Jamaican Yellow Mushroom peppers can be quite hot, but only if they finish in time. Until then they're not as hot but still quite quite good, Intense flavor. Very decorative in the garden. To three feet tall.

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