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Fertilized plants a few days ago. Still haven't finished planting peppers where they didnt come up. still havent sprayed neem. Planning to split toms up around April 12th. Selling by April 15th.
Plant more tomatoes. but there's no room. mahogany stand is gone.

inventory cream sausage - none 20 black cherry cosmic eclipse 5 b tie dye 12 green stripe plum 10 blueberry 13 tom thumb 14 red stripe beefsteak 18 orange beefsteak 8 sunrise bumblee 16 kiev red 8 atomic grape 12 dark galaxy 9 blush tiger 8 dark galaxy 12 orange cosutlutp 18 black prince 7 cosmic eclipse 2 costuluto 11 purple piink beefsteak 2 hungry hawthorn 12 green pear 8 blaack heirloom potato leaf 19 green grape 19 black cherry 10 yellow peaer 15 green brandywine 9 atomic grape 19 b tie dye 10 black krim 18 lucky tiger 19 zima 15 striped roman 15 pink tiger 10 1 lb wonder potato leaf 19 black trifle 7 blush tiger 5 pink bradny wine 17 plus toms in windsowil
planted the rest of the pepper seeds. i think jsut some naga and yel jal left to plant. should do variegated piquin and toamtillo.
saw soem webbing in trinidad scorpion and so sprayed neem solution which well do every day. gold bicolour 2 indigo rose 9 marzano 8 black red tomato 1 black beauty 5 blondkopchen 16

Got a big seedling order yesterday 100 toms plus some others. so today i planted tomatillos, passionfruit, kikuza, winterbush, cucumbers. should be ready by may 14th. and i'll be selling the yellow dragonfruit plant.
today the SRP are coming up! also some of the lunchbox peppers.

-------large-------- gold bicolour 2 indigo rose 9 marzano 8 black red tomato 1 black beauty 5 b tie dye 12 dark galaxy 9 =46 red stripe beefsteak 18 =64 orange beefsteak 8 =72 kiev red 8 =80 dark galaxy 12 orange cosutlutp 18 =100 black prince 7 cosmic eclipse 2 costuluto 11 purple piink beefsteak 2 blaack heirloom potato leaf 19 =141 green brandywine 9 =150 b tie dye 10 black krim 18 =178 1 lb wonder potato leaf 19 =197 black trifle 7 pink bradny wine 17 cosmic eclipse 5 green stripe plum 10 ---------cherries--------- blondkopchen 16 20 black cherry =36 blueberry 13 =49 tom thumb 14 =53 sunrise bumblee 16 = 69 atomic grape 12 =81 blush tiger 8 =89 hungry hawthorn 12 =101 green pear 8 =109 green grape 19 = 127 black cherry 10 =137 yellow peaer 15 =152 atomic grape 19 lucky tiger 19 zima 15 striped roman 15 pink tiger 10 blush tiger 5