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Top 11 Heirloom Tomatoes

Planted peppers. 6 cell packs, 6 varieties: Chocolate Habanero, Black Pearl, Lemon Aji, Rocoto, Yellow Cayenne, Sugar Rush Peach. Put 2 seeds in each cell. used sand as medium. now we wait.

Getting ready to plant tomatoes. the list so far: pink brandywine - jags '23 black krim/carbon - jags '23 sweet tooth?, green - jags '22 - 30 seed pink brandywine '22 - our garden pink brandywine - 22 - 25 seed black sea man "krim" - 9.15.23 pineapple - jags - 25 seed purple skin, pink flesh beefsteak - Jags 4.15.23 black tom red flesh beefsteak - 01.22.22 - 10 seed brad gates unknown red/green stripe, red flesh - 10.26.21 - 40 seed mucci german type - 30 seed big rainbow - 10 seed ananas - 01.29.23 - 20 seed yellow/red beefsteak - 06.9.22 - 15 seed black/purple beef red flesh - 1.22.17 green medium beef - jags 02.23
cosmic eclipse. black trifele. blush tiger. lucid gem. lucky tiger.zima.b tie prince.taz choc.tom thumb.atomic grape.sunrise tiger.dark brandywine. orange costuluto(40).speckled roman.blueberry. salsa pomodoro(40).komenski cherry. yellow pear. moskvisch. black beauty (30). =26
-ours- banana legs - 15 seed sweet tooth - 6 seeds taz choc OG - 5 seed blue cream berry - 8 seed chocolate red striped green cherry - SP 10.8.23 - 30 seed green grape - jags 8.31.23 - 30 seed "black krim" - ours - potato leaf - 9.13.23 orange hungry hawthorn cherry - jags - 30 seed yellow long grape - SP 23 - 12 seed green pear - SP 23 - 25 seed zebra yellow/green plum. red blush - 23 - 20 seed mini yellow Banana - SP '23 - 25 seed chocolate pear - Sp 23 - 20 seed orange cherry yellow stripes - SP 23 15 seed indigo cherry - Sp '23 - 25 seed marzano type - 12 seed indigo rose - '20 - 40 seed

Yellow Cayenne has sprouted! 2 sprouts already after 6 days.
today taking seeds from fridge peppers: mustard habanero next is purple/red pepper.
next to plant: tomatillo. yellow mushroom. lemon spice jalapeno.
Planted anaheim, serrano. brazil starfish. mustard hab. mystery piquin - looked like wiri.

find banana legs seeds.

planting today naga and yellow jalapeno. looks like black pearl, chocolate habanero have sprouts, and now we have 3 yellow cayenne sprouts.
next: poblano, mushroom pepper. trinidad scorpion. shishito. nardello type.

Planted peppers today, 3x each: yellow jalapeno, naga, bishop crown (?), brazil starfish, maiwiri, black pearl, SRP, Chilhuacle, Sweet Aji (last years unknown aji), poblano, lemon aji, shishito. and a 4 cellpack of trinidad scorpion, and another of yellow mushroom.
next toplant: nardello type, yellow/orang lunchbox, orange/yellow bell. Then weekly plant more peppers. Prepare tomato pots tomorrow. Got about 12 washed and ready.

where are our purple bumblee tomato seeds?
looks like our 'grape tigrella' may actually be purple bumblee, or maybe a Vernissage toamto.
going to keep planting peppers every week now.

chocolate tasmanian is now known as 'chocoalte tomato' because of the possible seed mix up.