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Writing Grants
Writing Grants

morel mag Deadline Oct 22 - We are always on the lookout for compelling fiction, poetry and essays. We put no restrictions on genre, but you must live in Southwestern Ontario or write about the region.

helios Deadline Oct 15 - feat. SolarPunk Non-fiction

Room - Deadline Oct 31 - any genre September:

savvy book writers List | Paying Market sept 2017

  • Prairie fire $32 entry fee. 5,000 word non-fiction category. Deadline: November 2017

  • Puritan Revolving deadlines. fiction, essays, poetry, interviews, and reviews. Unless we are soliciting your work, all submissions must be previously unpublished (this includes self-publishing, publishing on blogs, and in chapbook format)

  • Cold Mountain Review: $3 USD Fee |ecological — ecojustice | Poetry, Interview, fiction, Nonfiction: all sub-genres of creative nonfiction (essay, memoir, narrative journalism, etc.) under 6,000 words. Visual Art: full-color art for CMR, as well as portfolios of photography. Pay ???

  • Litro UK deadline:1st of each month| nonfiction | Themes: Latin America (September 2017). After Dark. After Hours. (October 2017) Protest (November 2017) Faith & Faithlessness (December 2017)

  • Moth Mag Prophecies

  • Murray MirrorThemes: story, something of personal interest, light-hearted, positive reads or something from our menu, such as Faith related, Sports related, Business related, Food related, Health related… What is your passion? What do you find interesting?

  • Journalism Jobs Listing

  • Skirt Mag themed monthly Deadline: 1st of every month. Between 800 and 1,100 words. Payment for essays is $200.

  • Broken Pencil Mag Deadline Oct 15th (quarterly) $30 to $300 .

  • Apt Deadline: September 15 Pay: $50 in print, no payment for online publication.

  • Association of writers and priting programs pays $18/100 words