Cyrano Remember me, buy my shirts!
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bithday 2021

To celebrate my birth month, we took a tour of kensington.

off the streetcar we visited creative designs, a tibetan clothing store. it was adorable. such beausitful tie dye designs on cotton. long shawl like covers, like a housecoat. lots of rabbit pants. i think there is an indian word which i am forgetting right now.
they did not have the pants i really wanted, my old pair i had bought there for $30 6 years ago.
they did have some nice dresses, and tie dye leggings which i really liked for $15. if i went back i'd definetely get that.

first we went to shoneys. i picked out every silk tank or shirt i could find. i got 5 tanks that fit. r looked for leather jackets - they weremostly all urethane. i paid $35 fr all 5. plus 6 for a belt for r.
we went to tutti frutti. nice store, lots of nice stuff. lotions, etc. soaps. none we were looking for.
went to essence of life. coudlnt get in. there as a line out the door. wierd.

went to produce depot. bought 2 delicata 1 baby boo, 2 corn for $1 each.
went t moonbean. coffee was terrible. south american coffee. only 1 choise. might have beent he start of my headache.

had a chat with alocal resident.
beside that storewas the little green planet. it was an amazing store. had a good selection of lip balm. awesoem selection of soap. lot sof herbs. good grocery area. we bought sundried tomatoes for 2.75. guelph comapny soaps, 90g for 1.50 each. got one of each scent they had: 6 scents. no patchouli though.
got a hurraw lip balm for $4.

also got lipo c 2000 same price as healthy planet.